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[Hearthstone] The Marsh Queen


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This quest looks super degenerate as it promotes a gameplay style that is quite annoying to deal with, not to mention that hunter is a class that usually runs 1 drops so the quest actually reads "Quest: Play the game". I also find it quite degenerate that on turn 10 you can pull of 17 damage by playing Tundra Rhino first then just playing Raptor after Raptor, cycling through your deck while establishing a very aggressive board state that threatens lethal next turn. All in all I would say this might be one of the easiest quests to complete along with one of the BEST quest rewards so far, but hunter essentially got the "One Night at Karazan" Shaman treatment :p

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A shame that playing the Quest on turn 1 means you lose to the current aggro decks because it's too slow. Hunter's been in the dumpster for awhile because its brand of aggro is just not good enough, and this isn't gonna be the next Pirate Warrior or anything. Putting in even the bare minimum 7 1 drops does terrible things to your deck balance, too. Let alone if you go for more, can you imagine having over 1/3 of the cards in your deck cost 1 mana? Note that it is "play" not "summon" so you need to actually have the cards to play from your hand, and Alley Cat's not gonna get you any freebies.


It doesn't help what Hunter tries to accomplish, either. Hunter removal isn't that great so they need to control the board with theirs, the problem is abunch of 1 drops aren't gonna do that. And the amount of card draw you'd need to make sure you don't immediately run out of steam playing abunch of 1 drops is hard to find, especially for Hunter.


I said it looked fun, but it is in no way the best Quest card. Not by a long shot. The reward itself is great, but the cost to get it seems too high, ironically enough.

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So 1 drops that should actually be 3 drops are something to scoff at? Seriously though the immidiate threat the quest reward brings to the table is quite dangerous to just simply ignore and you will proly have some spare removal options just to deal with the raptors, but then again you may be forced to use a board clear just to get rid of the 1 drops that your opponent has before he gets to play the quest reward simply do to the fact that taking 10+ to the face at the very least so you might just be screwed in that situation. But who knows, hunters might get more powerful 1 drops (which is a very obnoxious type of gameplay that Blizzard should not be encouraging at all).

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That's not what I said. If you can manage to pull off the Quest without being so far in the hole you lose anyways, good on you. The problem isn't with how good the reward is, it's how poor your deck becomes attempting it and how good your draws have to be to get there.


But let's assume you finish the Quest as quickly as possible, drawing all your 1 drops. Which may or may not be considered the nuts draw. Personally I think it's a pretty poor series of turns against any half decent deck up until you get the Quest reward.


Going First

Turn 1: 3 cards in hand, the Quest and 2 1 drops. Play the Quest. 0/7 Quest completed.

Turn 2: 3 cards in hand, 3 1 drops. Play 2 1 drops. 2/7 Quest completed.

Turn 3: 2 cards in hand, 2 1 drops. Play 2 1 drops. 4/7 Quest completed.

Turn 4: 1 card in hand, 1 1 drop. Play 1 1 drop, Hero Power. 5/7 Quest completed.

Turn 5: 1 card in hand, 1 1 drop. Play 1 1 drop, Hero Power. 6/7 Quest completed.

Turn 6: 1 card in hand, 1 1 drop. Play 1 1 drop. 7/7 Quest completed. Acquire and then play Queen Carnassa.


Going Second

Turn 1: 5 cards in hand, the Quest, the coin, and 3 1 drops. Play the Quest, coin out a 1 drop. 1/7 Quest completed.

Turn 2: 3 cards in hand, 3 1 drops. Play 2 1 drops. 3/7 Quest completed.

Turn 3: 2 cards in hand, 2 1 drops. Play 2 1 drops. 5/7 Quest completed.

Turn 4: 1 card in hand, 1 1 drop. Play 1 1 drop, Hero Power. 6/7 Quest completed.

Turn 5: 1 card in hand, 1 1 drop. Play 1 1 drop, Hero Power. 7/7 Quest completed. Acquire Queen Carnassa.

Turn 6: Play Queen Carnassa.


So whether you go first or second the earliest you can get the Quest done and play the Queen is turn 6. Problem is, in both cases you spent turns 4 and 5 playing a single 1 drop alongside a Hero Power during each, and turn 6 playing a big minion with a cool effect but no immediate effect on the board. You'd of course love to assume your previous 1 drops stayed alive or at least traded favorably, but AoE exists and Hunter's current 1 drop options aren't exactly powerhouses so a lot of favorable trades probably aren't likely. It's not like you're a Control Warrior using efficient removal and armoring up in the early turns to survive, you're just playing a lot of 1 drops, while your opponent actually does something productive. By turn 6 it's also very possible your opponent has some form of removal to deal with the 8/8, that is assuming you're not already dead or near death because you were up against a proper aggro deck.


And let's assume you get another nuts draw on turn 7 and draw nothing but Broods and fill out your board with 3/2s. It's awfully weak to AoE, and very slow, it doesn't actually have an immediate effect at all. You won't actually see any actions taken by the Quest rewards until the Queen can attack on turn 7, and the Broods won't attack until turn 8.There's the other nuts draw where on turn 7 you play Tundra Rhino and then summon 2 Broods, but that's only the 8 damage from the Queen, 2 from the Rhino, and 6 damage from the Broods. This is assuming it all goes face, which probably is not the place because your opponent will surely have built up a significant board presence that your 1 drops could not deal with, so you'd almost certainly have to trade into it to survive for very long after completing the Quest. 


I think a deck built around this Quest will be Tier 3 at best, maybe Tier 2 if I'm feeling really generous. I'll try the card out if I get it, but as for actually being effective with this sort of thing, I think I'd rather just play Zoolock.

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This card is cool, but it's in no way broken. Yeah Hunter runs 1-drops, but you need to play funking 7 of them to get the quest off. That means that about a third of your deck has to be 1s to get it off semi-consistently. Then you have to draw into all of those cards, and not get funked by aggro while you're dicking around with 1-cost minions on turn 5/6/7. When you do get it done, it's usually gonna be a ways into the game, if you're not dead by then. By the time you get it off, everything minion your opponent has will probably be able to trade with Raptors easily, and as Shradow said, the Raptors can't immediately impact the board and get annihilated by AoE. Like if it wasn't for Tundra Rhino shenanigans I'm not even sure the deck would have a way to end the game.


I think you're looking at it being broken in a waaaay too optimistic, perfect situation type of way. Like it's nowhere near the easiest quest, the Priest one and Warlock one are far easier.

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