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Post and I'll post my favorite thing about you

Snatch Steal

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how are you ever going to pick one

I appreciate that you respond well to my cringey endeavors



I like how often you occur in Introductions to welcome people


It's OK if you can't say on a PG13 Site 



I remember there was a time when we were close friends and I really enjoyed that


Post away, TL;DR rip-off.


...no, that one's no good. Eh, I'll workshop it.

Your signature looks like a meme which is lit



I think it's interesting how you are one of few people who still dwell in CC after 2 weeks



I like how you challenge my ideas and give me different perspectives



I appreciate that you're a helpful mod



I also liked performapals before they were cool. And that one Undertale Hopes and Dreams remix I still listen to.

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