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Storming Mirror Force [Your go to Trap for the Link Era]

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Since Link Monsters can't go to defence and you, only Pendulum/Fusion/Synchro/Xyz Summon 1 Monster into the Extra Monster Zone if you lack them where this card seems a lot stronger now for the fact that it can push away mostly anything.


only thing it does falter in is defence focused decks like Ghostrick and Super Heavy Samurais.


Still guys your thoughts.

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It's good, for all the reasons you described, but another good one is Bottomless Trap Hole. Makes 'em harder to recover. Also, stuff like Compulsory Evac does the same as SMF at a smaller scale, which is good for stalling their plays.


EDIT: As for Defense-based Decks, SHS can be countered by Double Trap Hole easily.

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