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[spoiler=2 months later and I finally do the vector thing]



If it looks similar to my Flash Flyer - Hayashi avatar (the one I linked to a while back when posting the raw sketch), it's mostly because I borrowed the eye stuff and fur color.


I didn't add antlers though, but I think you can figure out what it's supposed to be by now.


(Also using my current uniform, which does have the logo on top. One I initially drew has my 2016 uniform, without it.)


BG is literally the part of the water park where I work, though I cropped out half of it and added some other effects on it. There are other W&W locations across the globe, just so you know.




Now to see what I end up drawing this month (again, besides free body diagrams and flow nets for 355).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, since my assignment was to draw something based on midterm feedback, I tried drawing a girl in a sundress. Since I'm going to color this, I thought I might as well share the ink version. Especially now that I've finally purchased a better pen. I messed up on one of her fingers, though. And if you're wondering about the eye to her left, it's meant to be closed.




I may not be doing Inktober I don't think, but this looks like Tranquil.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh crap, it's been a little too long. 
Was sick around half of November. The other half I was busy with a multitude of things, from visitors from afar, trips I had to do, extra work I had to take care of..... 


Just changed my avatar based on a drawing I've been wanting to get to since the end of November:




At first I was wondering if I should even give it a background (depends on my time and energy) but after I colored them I decided I'll give it a try and also am working on more of my characters in it, which I'm sketching in a separate paper for now: Right now it is mostly a progress report.

I'll update if I don't get into too much trouble for this necrobump.... *looks down and walks away*

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On 12/11/2018 at 9:00 AM, Sleepy said:

Those are looking great. I remember the Watts. People hyped Giraffe when it was coming out xD

The bird looks very interesting, but the cat has some nice fashion sense, and you are really good at drawing bugs.


Do you have the effects planned too?



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Wattcat's effect... Thinking about it, they don't have any paralyzing effect like this, right? I like it.

Sounds leagues better as a troll card than Ghostrick Yuki Onna.


When it comes to Watts, I know they have an ideal build that everybody goes for, but there are members that I'm really fond of outside that.
I like Wattpheasant (especially with Burial from a Different Dimension at 3) and Wattmole used to be fun when Defense Position wasn't a potentially non-existent mechanic in monsters.


Wattscarab is a much needed card. I can see it setting Wattkeeper and running Supply Squad or something. Or setting the field spell.

You could even set Wattcanon as a Magic Planter target xD


Their equip spell didn't age very well. I think if it is just Watt backrow, they are outdated enough for the most part for you to give them a bonus. Be it
-Setting up to 2

-Setting from either Deck or GY

-Cards set this way can be activated during either player's turn (even if they are not normally quick like Field Spells)

-Cards set this way can be activated the turn they are set.

or stuff like that.

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  • 1 month later...

Even though my main base is now NCM, that doesn't mean I've abandoned YCM entirely.
So let's retake operations. 

Here's a drawing I'm working on that is still in sketch form so best time to have fixes and tweak... that I'll probably only notice once the image is inked and colored xD


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What were your other 2 drawings like? =0


Well, it was a total of 4 works. One of them isn't a drawing but just typography or something like that.




The other was just coloring over an image we chose in a certain color scheme. I chose the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley from Dark Souls III.




For reference, here is more or less what the Irithyll looks like:




My last drawing is very big, as it was a series of panels for a graphic novel project. Would you like to see it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/11/2020 at 8:15 PM, Sleepy said:

Oh, sorry I hadn't noticed a post in here, although I saw that drawing at Discord a few days ago ^-^
I like it a lot. The hair of the second girl and the flowers in the basket of the last girl are my favorite parts of it.

Thanks! I drew a follow-up. That being more their Summer look, while this next one is their Spring attire:


I have names for each one as well if anyone's curious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like Lumina is the prim and proper lady while Melody is the playful one. The others have contrasting looks in both images, so it's hard to say which personality suits them. So, Melody is also not the one appearing with Emmaline? I thought that was the case, because of the twintails.

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3 minutes ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

Looks like Lumina is the prim and proper lady while Melody is the playful one. The others have contrasting looks in both images, so it's hard to say which personality suits them. So, Melody is also not the one appearing with Emmaline? I thought that was the case, because of the twintails.

Actually, Lumina's the flirt. Melody is the cute one. Ramona's the relatable one. Cecilia is the prim and proper one.

I will list them again on this drawing that I finished last week (because I worded that last one wrong):


From Left to right:

Cecilia, Melody, Ramona, and Lumina.

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Well, I'm going to post a couple of drawings I made approximately 358 years ago or something.


This guy's name is Rhuvinas, he's a man who can turn into black fire at will. He's not a protagonist, but he is very important in the story. For some convenient reason, when he returns to his human form, he still has his clothes, wtf? This is his CHIBI form, by the way.


She's Natsumi, a.... guess what, a kunoichi (also, in Chibi form). She's cool and calm, but somehow sarcastic and fun in a weird way. A bad ninja, because despite her best efforts, she cannot keep her emotions in check when certain stuff happens. 

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