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my long but short strategy (my very first)


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have two mystical space typhoons faced down and any monster attack a weaker monster and if he uses a trap magic than his trap magic will be destroyed as well nice little strategy after that you may need draining shield if they have a stronger monster or enchanted javelin so they add more to your life points play a fusion monster and two weak monster than you need a shift or magical hats to swap places with monsters trying to attack the weak monster but instead they attack the strong so they loose life points than i dont know what to do next please compliment


if you dont want to read all that /\ /\ than just counter untill their vulnerable

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As far as I can tell, the strategy is - actually, there doesn't seem to be one. This would be legal in a good format, though, since MST should be unlimited. Even so,

~ L O C K E D ~

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