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Ask Sonic Anything

Super Chaos Sonic

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I don't?  Well that's a relief, cuz I worry about everything.  And I mean everything.


Will we ever get to explore the surface of Neptune by putting a man on the ground?


Will Johnny Bravo ever be back on TV with a brand new season?


Did the sexual deviance I experienced today take away my innocence?



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I don't?  Well that's a relief, cuz I worry about everything.  And I mean everything.


1. Will we ever get to explore the surface of Neptune by putting a man on the ground?


2. Will Johnny Bravo ever be back on TV with a brand new season?


3. Did the sexual deviance I experienced today take away my innocence?




Good thing this is an AMA thing XD

  1. Possibly/Possibly not. Technology and science has brought us many advancements, but it doesn't mean we'll immediately be able to make it to Neptune's surface right away.
  2. I doubt that seriously. If anything, we'll just get a shitty reboot and it'll be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like the original. Smh that Ben 10 and Powerpuff Girls remakes/reboots are proof of that.
  3. Only you can answer that yourself...personally I say it probably did.
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You've entered the world of the Lord of the Rings.  What race do you choose to be born as?  Elf, orc, or human?


Oh jeez...LotR world with three race choices for myself? Ooooohhhh tough choice.


On one hand...I could go elf and look freakin' amazing, like Legolas! On the other...there's human. Cause let's be honest, no one wants to go Orc. SCREW IT!! WE'RE ELVEN IT UP!!! XD

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What's your favorite junkfood that's not candy or chips?


Not candy or chips? Psh...easy.


Cookies, cakes, donuts and ice cream. If you want specifics:

  • Cookies - Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Sugar Cookies, Frosted Cookies
  • Cakes - Chocolate, Yellow, Spice (my absolute favorite), Marble, Red Velvet
  • Donuts - Glazed, Plain/Cake, Chocolate frosted, Powdered
  • Ice Cream - Vanilla, Cookies and Cream, Vanilla Chocolate Swirl/Chocolate Revel/whatever other nickname this has
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Spice cake is not a cake I'm familiar with.  What's it like?


My dude...you don't know what your missing!!


[spoiler=Image of the Box]





Here's what it's about:

Spice cake is traditionally flavored with a mixture of spices. The cake can be prepared in many varieties. Predominant flavorings include spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger and nutmeg.


And OH MY GOD it's soooooooooooooooooo good!! Best used with vanilla icing, btw. It's like my all time favorite cake to have, even though I'm like the only one who eats it in my immediate family. Like...I almost ate the entire cake by myself on my 18th birthday (it was mainly cause we needed to get rid of it cause we were also in the process of moving to Arkansas) but my parents told me not to do it or I'd make myself sick. But yeah, tells ya how much I love this!

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I'm more of a pound cake guy, but this does sound pretty good.  Do you bake yourself?


There are occasions where I help bake it. Mainly it's just my mom or dad baking it, cause I ask for it only on my birthday...cause it's all about me XD


But yeah. Bake it yourself and my God is it wonderful! Also, throw vanilla ice cream with it and your golden!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a nasty toothache that the pain comes and goes depending on if anything touches the tooth in question (although I guess that's more of a super sensitive tooth). Without answering "go to the dentist", wat do?



This sounds like a case of "Only give bad answers". So here are my answers...

  • BAD ANSWER: Take the rustiest pair of pliers you have and just yank that mother out! Are you going to be in shock from the sudden, sheer pain? Oh hell yes you will...but it'll be worth it to remove the small amount of pain there XD
  • GOOD ANSWER: I would suggest possibly applying some orajel to it, which should make some of the pain subside. Along with that, brush said tooth as much as you possibly can. Could also search up some homemade remedies that might also help out, without having to go through so much trouble of just buying out right medicine for the toothache.
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