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Super Chaos Sonic

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Not including Japan, what's a place who's history and culture outside of the U.S. you are super interested in?


Excluding Japan?! Agggghhh...my dude...your killing me XD


I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Well to be quite honest, other than Japan it would probably be either France, Italy, or Rome.


France because, well let's be honest, Paris...the city of love. I've seen France and mainly Paris in almost every movie and TV series, but I truly want to know what it's like up close. Also Venice, France, cause why not? For Italy, well this was one of the originating places of the mafia and you know I love me Katekyo Hitman Reborn, which deals with an Italian mafioso family. Not only that, I've heard some of the scenery is quite beautiful. Finally Rome...c'mon, the architecture there with their aqueducts and even their coliseums...what a wonderland of inspiration to be seen from there!


What do you think of me my dude?


You want me to open THAT Pandora's Box? ....As long as there's no repercussions. *Cracks knuckles*


Zai, first off you have a terrible sense of Pokémon. A Psyduck? Please, get a better Water type for YCMaker's sake! Now that the little petty thing is out of the way...


In the beginning, you were pretty interesting, back when I first met you...before all this Mod stuff. This was also probably cause I didn't know you a 100% at the point in time. As time grew on, however, I've seen that you happen to have quite a bit of a problem in regards to RPs. You've made too many in some occasions and have had a hell of a hard time trying to keep them in line. Synchro Frame being one of these examples, seeing it get pushed back quite a bit after you made Broken Arrow and Solid State...and even then, you've seemed to focus more on Broken Arrow. It shows me that an individual can't properly multi-task and keep on their toes about different projects they have going. Further on that, it shows to many in the RP section that you may not be ready for plenty of tasks being needed on that side of the forum. And while you may have good ideas, most will be hit or miss with members of that section and even further beyond into the entirety of the forum itself.


Now I'm not one for calling the kettle black, as I know I'm guilty of that too, but as a RP Mod, you have a duty to try and uphold yourself a bit more than the others in this regards...least in my honest opinion.


Outside of Moderating and YCM, you love a lot of mecha/MS/Gundam/what have you and as one (not too well versed in every single detail) who loves it as well, it makes it a little easier to talk. Plus, at the same time, a guy by your REAL NAME really shouldn't be too bad...believe me, I know personally.


Look, bottom line: you aren't too bad of a person. There are plenty of others around the internet and on the forum itself that are worse than you.

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In your spare time--that is, when you're not being a hero or shonen superstar--are there any games you like to play?  Are you a console peasant or a PC Master?


You flatter me with the hero and shonen superstar there man XD


I'll answer the gaming outlet first: I tend to do more console gaming than PC, only due to the fact that my Steam is currently the Free version (me not having any payments done) and all the FTP games aren't currently tickling my fancy and I need money to actually get the cooler games.


Now, games in general...here are what I kind of play recently:

  • Crash N'Sane Trilogy (skipped Crash 1 cause Crash 2 was what I played when I was younger)
  • Kingdom Hearts 1.5&2.5 AND Kingdom Hearts 2.8
  • Injustice 2
  • Overwatch (when we have PSN cards available...which we don't right now)
  • Pokémon (my copies being Y, Alpha Sapphire, and Sun...awaiting Ultra Sun)
  • Super Smash Bros for 3DS

My actual preferences vary between the different games and styles mainly due to my interests... Though right now I really want Gundam Versus right now, cause I've been waiting for a GOOD Gundam game for a while now!

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I haven't played Crash Bandicoot in so long.  I miss it dearly.  Was it Crash 2 or 3 that first introduced Tiny the Tiger?  I just wanna play his platforming boss fight again.  It was funking great.


Who's your favorite Pokemon for the following types:


  • Fighting
  • Psychic
  • Flying
  • Electric
  • Ground
  • Water
  • Grass
  • Fire

You can choose multi-types <3

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I haven't played Crash Bandicoot in so long.  I miss it dearly.  Was it Crash 2 or 3 that first introduced Tiny the Tiger?  I just wanna play his platforming boss fight again.  It was funking great.


Crash 2, iirc xD


Who's your favorite Pokemon for the following types:


  • Fighting
  • Psychic
  • Flying
  • Electric
  • Ground
  • Water
  • Grass
  • Fire

You can choose multi-types <3


I'm a lover of Fire types...I usually always choose a Fire Starter (except with Hoenn = Sceptile, and Sinnoh = Torterra). But let's say it like this...


  • Fire = Charizard: Call me a Gen-Oner, I don't care. I absolutely LOVE Charizard. This dragon (will always be a dragon to me) is the best Fire Type that's been around, only second to Incineroar (because I love the typing and style for him). Not only that, he has TWO Mega Evos. The only other one with two Megas is Mewtwo...so that's saying something.
  • Fighting = Lucario: Fighting/Steel...and a freaking canine. This is just amazing for him, plus with the whole sensing and controlling a new form of attacks, known as Aura. This is the first time that aura was utilized in the Pokéverse, and by this Pokémon. Plus the range of attacks (like Bone Rush and Dragon Pulse) is pretty awesome.
  • Water = Greninja: I would've said a different Water type, but Greninja is the best one I can see. A Water/Dark plus the ability of Protean which allows it to change it's typing? That's amazing! Oh...then there's Battle Bond with it going into Ash-Greninja, which makes it look absolutely badass! ....The only time Ash ever looked awesome...besides working with Charizard.
  • Grass = Sceptile: C'mon, let's be totally honest...Sceptile is the only good Grass type in my opinion, other than Decidueye. It even introduced the concept of Leaf Blade...with its actually got a grass on its arms which becomes a freak dual energy blade. That is pretty awesome! And further, it's Mega makes it Grass/Dragon...it literally becomes a dragon type!!! xD

And that's all I can literally think off the top of my head ^^;

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you were the Avatar, born anew, which element would you master first and why? 


After mastering all the elements, what kind of leader do you think you would be?


What direction would you like to push the world with your avatar powers?

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An Avatar question run? Neeeeeaaaat!! Welp, let's get these answers started!


If you were the Avatar, born anew, which element would you master first and why?


Well, firstly, we should address what element I would be initially born into. For myself, I believe I'd probably be either born within the Fire Nation or the Water Tribe. Let's say for the sake of argument we go with Fire Nation and which would mean I'm an Avatar from the Fire Nation.


With this in mind, given the general cycle/looking back at past Avatars...namely Roku, I would probably go for learning to Airbend firstly. Waterbending would be next and then followed by Earthbending. Waterbending, however, would probably end up being the most difficult due to the fact that Fire and Water are the polar opposite, almost like the trouble Aang had with Earthbending.


Now why Airbending first? As mentioned before, I would look back at past Avatars and see what would be the easiest way to go about my training. Of course, singling out Roku, would probably show that I'm modeling my training after said Fire Avatar. Not only this, a combination of fire and air would actually be quite beneficial, mainly due to the general working of air/wind and fire in the natural.


After mastering all the elements, what kind of leader do you think you would be?


What direction would you like to push the world with your avatar powers?


Let's open this up with a quote, shall we?


"The Avatar must be compassionate towards all people, and the only way to do that is to live with them. The Avatar must experience sadness, anger, joy, and happiness. By feeling all these emotions, it helps you understand how precious human life is, so you will do anything to protect it."

-Avatar Yangchen


Well again, this would go back to learning from the past. What would work? What wouldn't work? Who was an Avatar that was most influential to the four nations?


The way I would want to be as a leader, I would end up: protecting those who can't, teaching a new generation, and of course, keeping the general balance. However, I feel that Aang would be the best type of Avatar to learn from, seeing as he had quite the journey as a young Avatar. However, something else would definitely be noted...I most likely would put myself as the bridge between human and spirit.


Now I understand why Korra renounced her title as this, allowing the two to live in harmony, but I feel that it's the duty of the Avatar to be this type of bridging individual in order for individuals to understand the spirits. Now, at this point the human race might be well versed in living with the spirits, but nevertheless, having this bridge here would still be something I believe that would be necessary.


In all honesty, I would use the powers of the Avatar in the way they were meant to be. To be a peacekeeper, a bridge, a protector, and keep the balance between the four nations. I'd use these powers to push the world towards peace, as per the normal Avatar duties. Honestly, it may sound like a cop out answer, but I think that the Avatar would need to keep their duties in the focus of their mind, allowing them to perform them without problem.


Tl;dr: I'd be a good, kind-hearted Avatar and not an evil one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How can a night be slow if you run at the speed of sound? :thinking:


Ya ever see that episode of the Justice League cartoon where Flash has this nightmare of moving so fast that everyone else is slow around him?


Yeah...just like that XD


If you could learn an instrument, what would you like to learn?


Funny thing...I was/am trying to learn out to play electric guitar. I took some guitar lessons back at my community college, but with my classes and my everyday activities getting in the way...I just haven't gotten back into playing.


I want to get back into it though.

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If you could create your own boy band, what would you name it?


Good grief...a boy band? Yeesh...




"Death Parade": Not only is it named after an anime, but this would be a boy band who's motif would literally be supernatural creatures. Five guys/teen heart-throbs literally being a certain supernatural entity: A vampire, a werewolf, Frankenstein's monster, mummy (just not fully covered in gauze), and lastly a skeleton (dressed similarly like the Dapper Jack Skeleington) as the lead singer.

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Alright.  Now that we've established the boy band.


Your first anime is about to air live world wide.  What is it called?  What's the premise?  Tell me a little bit about the protag (and if he's you I SWEAR TO GOD).  And what cover does your hit boyband Death Parade make for the anime?  GOGOGO

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