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3 answers to this question

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Yeah, the cardmaker was updated a few months after you joined, and doesn't have the Token creation capacity anymore. 


But to be honest, there isn't a way to do this on our cardmaker. I suppose you can try TCGEditor (http://tcgeditor.com), but not sure how that one works out because I don't make Tokens on it. However, you can make Tokens on it, so...


Thanks, that seems to work great! Sad to see this place degrading though. :(

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Well, you can blame lack of YCMaker's presence to help fix the cardmaker. (YCMaker's the site owner and admin; basically needed for a lot of things including cardmaker upgrades). He still needs to add Pendulums, and eventually Links. 


As much as we don't like it, that's all we can do (try to get YCMaker to fix the cardmaker, but no guarantees he'll show up). 

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Yeah, the cardmaker was updated a few months after you joined, and doesn't have the Token creation capacity anymore. 


But to be honest, there isn't a way to do this on our cardmaker. I suppose you can try TCGEditor (http://tcgeditor.com), but not sure how that one works out because I don't make Tokens on it. However, you can make Tokens on it, so...

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