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Please help me fix my CB deck


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I've started running a Crystal Beast deck, after getting a lot of the rarer cards in the series by luck of the draw out of Force of the Breaker (While trying to get cards for my AGG deck >_>). The deck's goal is obvious, to just overwhelm my opponent with crystal abundance, Ruby Carbuncle's effect, or rainbow dragon.


Crystal Beast Deck


Monsters: 19

CB Ruby Carbuncle x3

CB Amber Mammoth x2

CB Sapphire Pegasus <--- Need more

CB Amethyst Cat

CB Topaz Tiger <---Need more

CB Emerald Tortoise x3

CB Cobalt Eagle x2

Gravi-Cursh Dragon x2

Magna-Slash Dragon

Rainbow Dragon


Dweller in the Deep


Spells: 17

Crystal Promise x2

Heavy Storm

Crystal Release

Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins x2

Field Barrier <--- Maybe get rid of?

Crystal Blessing x3

Crystal Beacon x2

Crystal Tree

Crystal Abundance x2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout



Traps: 4

Saku Armor x3

Crystal Raigeki


I'm considering this being my main deck, so I'd greatly appreciate any possible help.

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