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Card Maker Survivor . Advanced contest of the age. Round 3 Voting


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here is my card

I do not claim ownership of the pic I merely found it on THIS web page. also i do not claim ownership of the Speeder or Escape card types as i am just using them to match God Hunter's card so we can get a better score well after that wall of text here is my card,


and in case you cant read it here is the effect:

"Sonic" or "Dark Metal Sonic" + "Shadow"

You can add this card to your hand from your Extra Deck by discarding 2 Beast-Type monsters from your hand to the graveyard, if this effect was activated this cards effect becomes this: When this card is declared an attack target you may pay 700 Lifepoints to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. During your next standby Phase after you activate this effect you can discard 2 cards from your Extra Deck to special summon this card to your side of the field. This card can attack while it is in your hand.

ohh and to get an idea of my other celleron cards CLICK HERE

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Bro and Ultimate, your scores are on your Survivor rooms.



Also, I want to clerify a rule.


Not all members on the team must post a card.

Lets say if on team, all members posted a card that scores averaged out to 9.99/10 but on the other team 1 member posted a card and got a 10/10, the team with the higher score wins. In this case the 2nd team.


But, only members that post cards will be awarded IF THEY WON.


Btw, when the final rounds begin, you must post a card.

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I really need to realize when I can and cannot be on here.


I'm not available on the weekdays. This is an ongoing thing, so I'm pretty sure I'll have to drop out.


[insert story about how the Sonic the Hedgehog challenge somehow caused me a medical injury that forces me to be removed from the game, and dramatic reactions to such an event.]



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I'm just saying that I'm alive.


Don't rate it yet, I'll add more later.
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~Shadow the Hedgehog~

~Shadow the Hedgehog~


Card Lore:

Whenever a Escape-Type monster on your opponent’s side of the field is returned to his/her hand, you may remove 1 card on your side of the field from play to destroy that monster and inflict Direct Damage to your opponent’s Life Points by the difference between this monster’s ATK and your opponent’s DEF. If this card is in your Graveyard when your opponent returns a Escape-Type monster to his/her hand, you may Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position until the End Phase of the turn you Special Summoned this card.[/align]


Credit to: Twice-ART from dA.[/align]


If there's a Escaper-Type, why not a Hunter-Type. =p {Reference to Hunter's card. =p}

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Team Fisugs7, Your team finishes with a 10.075.

Team Borsrags, Your team finishes with 9.66.


Team Fisugs7, You are declared the winner of round 1. You do not have to vote anybody out and each member who posted a card recieves 15 points.


Team Borsrags, You must now report to your Chatzy rooms and vote for 1 persont on your team to leave. You may not vote for Bloodrun, He has the immunity.


You have 3 days, those who do not vote are negged.

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