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The Ultro Mega Card Contest(done)

Silent Member

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Okay, this contest will be the biggest one I have made yet. It will include a giant prize. So here are the rules.

1. You must post a set of 10+ (max. 625) cards.

2. 40+ requires a Starter or Structure Deck name and/or box.

3. 100+ requires a booster name and/or pack and a Starter or Structure Deck name and/or box.

4. Must have a character to wield your cards.

5. Must have a character profile.

Judged on:







80 points (if above 40 cards, each card worth 2 points)

1 rep a week for 20 weeks

slideshow of cards

fanfic with you and your cards and character in it

spot in oplo's hall of fame


free images


Saturday November 10, 2007 at 12:00 to 1:00(ends when I can get on)



Edit:Oh Yeah, I forgot 2 things.

1. You can post more than one entry. It'll boost your chances.

2. If there is a tie for first, we'll have tie breaker contests in different threads.

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so we have to make a character...eh' date=' so i guess i can't use my dbz based set for this :P[/quote']


not true

make a new character

What would u want for the character profile? plz give an example.


Name: Brian Hearth

Hair Color(s): Red

Hair Style: Long and Flowing

Hair Length: Shoulder Length

Eye Color(s): Red

Extra Clothing: Hat

Extra Clothing Color(s): Yellow

Normal Upper Half Clothing: T-Shirt

Normal Upper Half Clothing Color(s): Red

Normal Lower Half Clothing: Jeans

Normal Lower Half Clothing Color(s): Blue

Shoes: Soft Bottom Shoes

Shoe Color: Green

Signature Card: Elemental Hero Grand Dragon Master Knight

Signature Thing About Character: Wear's his clothes backwards so people thinks he's coming instead of going and vise versa.

Catch Phrase: How do you like me now?

Deck Title: How Do You Like Me Now

Skin Color: Dark

Gender: Male

Special Thing About What The Character Does: Eats burgers every hour on the hour.

Likes: Fetechini Alfredo

Dislikes: Shadow Realm

Personality: Energetic

Duel Spirit(s) "Optional": Elemental Hero Grand Dragon Master Knight

Background Story: His father wrote books about Brian. His mother worked for industrial illusions and designed cards about Brian. Tus the Brian Hearth Deck was born.

If you want that prize' date=' make forty cards + more if you can.

what kind of poster


one of your character and cards

how can i make a box


draw it

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iv got the deck.... or atleast some of it...


here are the cards.... or atleast some of them....


and plz take the time to watch the video...




i still need a little more time to get a profile... and can we use the same profile for multiple decks if we submit more than 1?


and stop complaning about a box... spend 30 minutes on photoshop/flash and make 1!!!



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i still need a little more time to get a profile... and can we use the same profile for multiple decks if we submit more than 1?


and stop complaning about a box... spend 30 minutes on photoshop/flash and make 1!!!


yes you can you the same profile

it doesn't have to be a 3-D box it could be 2-D


and i need cards i make the slideshow for you

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