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True evo


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3x: true king lithosagym, the disaster

2x: true king bahrastos, the fathomer

2x: true king agnimazud, the vanisher

2x: ultimate conductor tyranno

1x: draius the third, the true dracogeneral

3x: babysceraurus

3x: soul-devouring oviraptor

3x: evolsaur vulcano

2x: evolsaur cerato

1x: evolsaur diplo

3x: evoltie westlo


Spells and traps:

3x: terraforming

3x: fossil dig

3x: dragonic diagram

2x: disciples of the true dracophoenix

2x: quaking mirror force

2x: evo-branch

3x: evo- singularity

3x: revival of the true kings


Extra deck:

3x: evolzar dolkka

3x: evolzar laggia

3x: true king v.f.d

2x: number 9 Dyson sphere

1x: evolzar solda

1x: phantom fortress enteblathnir

1x: castle


What's needed in side deck please

And test the win rate for me.

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You are missing Petiranodon, an important playmaker.

But I dare to say the Evols are actually holding back what could very well be a True Dino deck. IMO your best bet with Evols is as an engine with Westlo:

x3 Westlo

x3 Vulcano

x1 Diplo

x0~3 Evo-Diversity

x0~2 Evo-Singularity, if it's live enough



I see Solda there, but I don't really get how you can Xyz Summon it; you can keep it if you add the Singularities, though. Also cut on the 3 copies of the Xyzs and add different ones for toolboxing.

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I see Solda there, but I don't really get how you can Xyz Summon it; you can keep it if you add the Singularities, though. Also cut on the 3 copies of the Xyzs and add different ones for toolboxing.

You can make Solda through Evo-Singularity http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Evo-Singularity


But, yeah personally I think Evo's and True King are a little bit counter objective with each other... I mean there is 1 Evoltile I can think of that could work with the True Kings: Evotile Pleuro since his effect doesn't miss timing and you can destroy an Evolsaur to make sure it has a target.




Another thing to note... If you are run only 3 Evoltile's your likelihood of using Evo-Singularity effectively is going to be really low, and it will be a dead draw in a lot of cases so I'd either drop Evo-Singularity to 1 or add more Evoltiles if you really want to make the most of it.

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Oh right, Singularity is already there; I didn't assimilate it in the deck list xD


Lagosucho looks like a nice card to add in order to make both Vulcano and Singularity more live, but too much of the evol side can make the deck clunkier, I guess.

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