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A Cringy Link Supporter Attempts to Make cloudians Usable


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3 Cloudian Smoke Ball (AKA Rank 1 the card)

2 Cloudian Nimbusman (Because i tried without him and i never drew into a cloudian)

2 Zoodiac Thoroughblade (So that you can beat dem decks from 100000000000 years ago)

2 Cloudian Altus (Its level 4 and has the same cause as nimbusman)

3 Zoodiac Whiptail (for wombo-combos)

3 Cloudian Cirrostratus (cuz its almost-almost good)

3 Cloudian Turbulence  (AKA Rank 1, 2 and 4 the card also is the only good one)

3 Cloudian Acid Cloud (cuz Cirrostratus)

3 Zoodiac Ratpier (For obvious reasons)


3 Instant Fusion (AKA Free rank 4 OR level 9 synchro the card)

3 Zoodiac Barrage (Cuz meta)

1 Fire Formation Tenki (for if you brick)

3 Cloudian Squall (Bam! Pow! Zap!)


3 Dimensional Barrier (So you dont get OTK'd)

2 Solemn Strike (So you dont get OTK'd)

1 Solemn Warning( So you get the idea)


2 Sea Monster "Best card of 2017" of Theseus!

1 Elder Entity Norden (So i can cherish it while it lasts)

1 Trish for some reason

1 Vermillion dragon mech (Basically synchro drident)

1 Coral Dragon (cuz i like crawling dragon)

1 Bahamut Shark (RIBBIT RIBBIT!)

--- Zoodiacs (Yes this is a seprate part):---

1 Tigermortar

2 Drident

1 Boarbow

1 Broadbull

---Now back to your daily programming!:---


1 Slacker (for dem normies)







Ta-Da! I suck!



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Isn't it better to open with Ratpier than with any of the other Zoodiacs? Because making a Zoodiac ladder with a non-Ratpier Zoo won't get you as far. If so, then you may be better off with more Tenkis than copies of Thoroughblade/Viper. But IDK, I guess Thoroughblade can also discard a Ratpier and then attach it to the ladder with Tigermortar.


What's the purpose of Nimbusman, again? It's not even Level4 for Rank4 plays.


I suggest a 2nd Bahamut Shark and maybe a 3rd Toad if you decide to run the 2nd Bahamut, because 2 Level4 WATERs + Instant Fusion = 2 Bahamut, which is Toadally strong.

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