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Best Oscar

Ryusei the Morning Star

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Doesn't mean he is overrated. You just don't think he is deserving of sheet.


He's Prince Charming except he's monotonous and

or he's Prince Charming except he's monotonous and
or he opens his mouth and is a sleazy jabroni (The Big Short, La La Land) and I start to miss his monotony (but not so much his violent psychosis). Maybe it's more to do with him taking on thankless roles but I'd think a good actor should be able to discern which roles are trashy as all hell and stay away from them, he's never prompted any sort of "OMG RYAN GOSLING SQUEEE" in me that everyone else seems to get from him, and I've never felt anything but nausea for any character I've seen him play which I don't think is entirely intentional on his part.   


I feel similarly about DiCaprio. *shrug*


As far as this year's films go:

-Manchester by the Sea was pretty excellent and Casey Affleck did a hell of a job playing an adoptive father doing the best he could while grieving.

-Moonlight was a pandering piece of mediocrity with the protagonist becoming a hardened drug lord because he didn't get enough buttsex.

-50 Shades Darker was predictably mindless (girl finds billionaire somehow irresistible in spite of having no affect, no sense of humour, and getting off on torturing her because - and it's stated - she looks like his mother. They share some unconvincing sex scenes and get married.) I only went because some guy took me with the pretext of blowing him in the theatre and that went as planned so all in all the experience wasn't an unenjoyable one.   

-La La Land was some corny bullshit exacerbated by my hate-on for Ryan Gosling.  

[spoiler=-Oh right I almost forgot about Rogue One. It's been a while and it wasn't very memorable so I guess I'll throw in my previous review of it here.]

The intensity of the main protagonist and her child soldier-gone-criminal background did not mesh well with the generally corny Rogue One protagonist crew (looking at you, force monk and sassy droid). There was a lot of hype surrounding Darth Vader, whose ~3 minutes of screen time were upstaged by hologram-Tarkin's ~1 minute, keeping in mind this is a 133 minute film and the main antagonist is some forgettable lackey. There were long drags where a whole lot of lasers are being blasted (more often missing that not) without much else happening until the whole crew eventually dies just to transmit a message, which felt like rather a pyrrhic victory. Sure, Luke now has more pre-text to do his thing, but he had plot magic in abundance anyway in The Force. The force monk being as devout a believer in The Force as we've seen in the franchise but still not enough to get a lightsaber and/or survive also does a number in undermining The Force. It seemed like this movie was having trouble deciding whether to be a Star Wars movie or a war movie.  


I'd give it a 6.5/10 or so, couldn't give it more.


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