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Another Red Eyes Card?!

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Meh, not as godly as REDRUM. Same stats as Ryu Kokki, though, and a slightly better effect.


if you use this card in conguntion with DNA Surgery (call out Zombie)' date='you can snatch away all your foe's monsters for your uses (attackers,defenders,tributes...)



This false claim was already refuted. Read threads before making uninformed posts.

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Another Red-Eyes monster that is as easy to summon as REDMD, but this time with Zombies.


Too bad it only snatches Zombies, because the only popular Zombie is Spirit Reaper (Yeah, try to snatch him).


Creature Swap and Mystic Box are the only things I can think of.

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Terrible card=Terrible.


I disagree.


It's effect can be close to useless, but Zombie decks do run 3 Creature Swaps.


Wouldn't it be cool to swap your Goblin Zombie to your opponent, run it over for lots of damage, search the deck because of Goblin's effect, then get the Goblin back?


Also, it's Special Summon effect makes an untimely draw easier to deal with. You can summon it in one turn rather than 2. Though still, an actual summon of this card from the hand would be less than ideal. Of course, the same was true of Ryu Kokki, so that isn't really a distinct disadvantage to this card, but rather to all tribute monsters that belong in a Zombie deck.


Still, how many GOOD Warriors or Spellcasters are there out there with enough attack to run a Ryu Kokki down? His effect is pretty much useless. This is just a better version of him.

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