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Creature Swap

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Each player chooses 1 monster they control and switches control of those monsters with each other. Those monsters cannot change their battle positions for the rest of this turn.


I think Creature Swap is a very underrated card, it's especially good against all the "invincible" boss monsters we have nowadays, and it can help you activate your bouncing effects too (Graydles, anyone?). Not to mention nobody expects to see this being played in 2017. What do you think?

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Does this work on Neptune?

you need to be more specific


I assume you mean The Tyrant Neptune. In that case yes, it does work on it.


But what I think you mean is: does it work on The Tyrant Neptune that has gained the effects of Independent Nightingale, which is a more roundabout way of asking if it works on Independent Nightingale. In which case, no, because it is unaffected by other card effects and is therefore unaffected by Spell effects. Creature Swap is a spell and an effect that takes or gives control does indeed affect the monster it is trying to steal/give.


Note that it will fizzle the effect if they choose a monster that is unaffected by Spell effects, so you won't have to give your opponent a monster for free.

However, if your opponent controls a monster with an effect preventing it from switching control, they cannot choose that monster (and likewise if it's your monster), and must choose a different monster. If the only monster they control has an effect preventing it from switching control, Creature Swap cannot be activated.

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Yeah the card is a very nice generic non-targeting effect.

I recall it being disrupted by changing the amount of monsters on the field in different ways to get around it. Scapegoats, Call of the Haunted, I even saw a player use Compulsory Evacuation Device on their own monster, or chain their MST so they could chain their Stardust to it and escape the grasp of this card.

Lulzy times.


The card is on top of the above, fragile to not having a controllable field on the opponent's side. Having a single monster on the field isn't unheard of nowadays but it just situational enough to discourage using this card.

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