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Just Noticed This

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 : Vice President Pence
s: Vice Preident Pence
si: Vice Predent Pence
sin: Vice Preident Pece
sinc: Vice Preident Pee
since: Vice Preident Pe
sincer: Vice Peident Pe
sincere: Vice Peident P
sincere c: vie peident p
sincere ce: vie pident p
sincere cen: vie pidet p
sincere cent: vie pide p
sincere centi: ve pde p
sincere centip: ve pde
sincere centipe ve: pd
sincere centiped: ve, p
sincere centipede: v p
sincere centipede vp

To anyone who is confused by the meaning of this. Trump supporters call themselves "centipedes" after a internet meme from the nimble navigator knife party video
But yeah, that's Aspergers for you


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