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Samurai Jack 2017

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Not a lot happens, then EVERYTHING HAPPENS!!! I thought when Aku was saying he smelt himself it was because how Ashi had the dark outfit that came from the same evil source he was born from. But nope, thats her Dad. I also loved how he was like "no, that can't be......well expect that one time". Really sweet fight. Would have been really interesting if Jack would have had to fight 7 of the daughters in that form, but 1 is still a lot. Not sure if it was just the style they went for but it looks like Ashi has some of Aku's shape changing powers. The note they end it on too was great. Just Aku taking Jack's sword in victory. Can't wait for next week.




Just realized it will all end next week. Wow, REALLY can't wait for next week now.

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  On 5/16/2017 at 10:31 AM, Astro Dude said:

[spoiler I was thinking]

With this sudden revelation, do you think Aku would bring back the High Priestess and Ashi's sisters as corpse puppets?



Aku has control over everything which has his essence so probably yeah. Given the time and distance tho their dead bodies are all over the place but for the sake of plot yeah they could do that

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  On 5/21/2017 at 3:29 AM, MetalSonic said:

Where did Megazord, I mean, the giant Samurai robot come from?


The Ultrabot episode, where a society of robots built the Ultrabot to protect them, but it went rogue and started attacking them. So they had Jack bond with an ancient samurai robot to do battle. So it basically came from some nondescript ancients.

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  On 5/21/2017 at 5:54 PM, Thomas Zero said:

[spoiler=The Eternal Challengers Bingo Sheet]with the bingo board for the final episode I say we got bingo for F downwards


[spoiler=Bingo]Middle row across is also a bingo, I would say.



[spoiler=Final Episode] It's strange. There was no giant fanfare, nothing fancy... but I was satisfied. This was a great ending to a great series.


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I spent the past month or so gradually catching up to the series, having never watched it back in the day. And I spent my day today watching season 5. It was an absolute breeze watching it, went by very fast.

What a show. I can't believe I passed this up when I was younger, though I feel like I also got a lot more out of it watching the show now with more perspective and art appreciation. It's hard to think of many other shows with this level of visual storytelling.


[spoiler=And the ending]

Was very bittersweet. I feel like it was a little cruel toying with audience at a happy ending before Ashi vanished, but I also appreciate it not happening right away since Jack had some time with her before she left.

Astro's not far off with the Gurren Lagann comparison. Very similar ending and vibes here.


Lot of emotions and don't know what to do next. But I had a great time watching Jack and his adventures.

Also gotta say, the Scotsman is an absolute boss. Loved every bit of him right up to his scenes in the last season. 


This show is honestly one of my favorites. Not perfect, but damn near close. 

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[spoiler=The End]

A little slow (what with the first several minutes showing a bunch of the people Jack had interacted with), but it was needed to set up them coming in to save Jack. I enjoyed the return of the original opening. Honestly wished they'd started with that and then cut around to all the side characters. I loved Aku during the raid, he just couldn't be bothered to care about any of it. Getting to see all the old characters was cool and I even remembered some. Almost sad he died since he was such a fun character. Using Ashi as a way to send Jack back was a clever out for the writers. I agree with the Rick comic (the artist did a great job with it btw) that Ashi should have disappeared right away, but I guess time can take a little to fix itself. Its funny though, I had caught a glimpse of the Rick comic before watching the finale but I did still by them giving Jack a happy ending. I would have preferred Jack stayed in the future so he could have been with Ashi since its still bittersweet what with Jack never getting back his past and Aku's damage remaining. Though I guess this way all a bunch of the allies wouldn't die. The final shot was beautiful. Curious what exactly the significance of the butterfly was, my guess it is tied to Ashi, but I'm not sure. Over all a great way to end the series.




As for Bingo


I'd say the hits are

F1: Ashi being erased from existence counts as death to me.

L5: Half a check imo. He doesn't taunt him, but still he durdles around picking his kill weapon.

F2: Saying "I love you" to snap Ashi out of it would count as power for friendship.

F3: 100%

I3: Wedding scene is an epilog.

N3: FREE!!!

A3: Dead

L3: Most of the return run had Jack shirtless. Hell, he was even nude in one scene (just hidden behind water).


L4: I'm so happy with what they did with the Scotsman.

N5: Ashi doesn't disappear right away once Aku dies, so that is a little paradoxy.



I don't get why people are saying F5 counts. The start and close to the episode were handled the same way it had been for this season. I guess you can count them returning the original and Aku messing with the end, but I don't think thats what was being asked. As I already said I would have loved if the episode had actually started with that. Honestly think it would have been a perfect way to start the finale.



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  On 5/23/2017 at 12:08 PM, Flame Dragon said:

[spoiler=The End]

The final shot was beautiful. Curious what exactly the significance of the butterfly was, my guess it is tied to Ashi, but I'm not sure. Over all a great way to end the series.



[spoiler=It referenced]

That little flashback Ashi had when a ladybug flew in, showing a sign of life from the outside world, only for her mother to squish it. Metaphor for the precious value of life, I'd say. That and the final shot was awesome, I think this was a good ending.


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  On 5/23/2017 at 12:08 PM, Flame Dragon said:

[spoiler=BINGO]I'd say the hits areF1: Ashi being erased from existence counts as death to me.L5: Half a check imo. He doesn't taunt him, but still he durdles around picking his kill weapon.F2: Saying "I love you" to snap Ashi out of it would count as power for friendship.F3: 100%I3: Wedding scene is an epilog.N3: FREE!!!A3: DeadL3: Most of the return run had Jack shirtless. Hell, he was even nude in one scene (just hidden behind water).F4: SO MANY!L4: I'm so happy with what they did with the Scotsman.N5: Ashi doesn't disappear right away once Aku dies, so that is a little paradoxy.I don't get why people are saying F5 counts. The start and close to the episode were handled the same way it had been for this season. I guess you can count them returning the original and Aku messing with the end, but I don't think thats what was being asked. As I already said I would have loved if the episode had actually started with that. Honestly think it would have been a perfect way to start the finale.


[spoiler=Bingo]I say the ending is different because there is a different, really peaceful song playing over it instead of the usual Will.I.Am singing Jack


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  On 5/23/2017 at 3:39 PM, Fusion said:

[spoiler=It referenced]

That little flashback Ashi had when a ladybug flew in, showing a sign of life from the outside world, only for her mother to squish it. Metaphor for the precious value of life, I'd say. That and the final shot was awesome, I think this was a good ending.




That makes sense. I'm guessing Jack got "value of life" thing while we also got the call back to little Ashi and the ladybug.




  On 5/23/2017 at 3:58 PM, The Eternal Challenger said:

[spoiler=Bingo]I say the ending is different because there is a different, really peaceful song playing over it instead of the usual Will.I.Am singing Jack



I'm not going to lie, I didn't even notice it didn't have the music being different. Ok, yea, that works.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think he makes a good point about the ending. With the kind of wait between season 4 and 5, there was no way there'd be an ending that'd fully satisfy. He makes some other good points as well, particularly about Aku the more I thought about it.

Season 5 is still 9.5-10/10 material and he basically thinks so too, but it made for a good second look.

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