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[RATE] Lost Wind

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[spoiler=Warning Big Image!]LostWind-RATE-EN-R-1E.png

Am surprised that this card only came out as a rare in the TCG as I though it was going to be something along the lines of a Super or higher specially since its a chainable Trap that can both negate a special summoned monsters effects but also half that monsters ATK and then come back once from the grave when your opponent summons a monster from the Extra Deck.

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I assume you can't activate it the turn you set it via its own effect, right?


It's essentially Breakthrough Skill + Shrink so it's quite versatile with an easy recovery condition. I suppose the big issue (alongside mostly traps it seems) is that it has a pretty drastic diminishing return past turn 1 (though being both an effect negator and a battle trap means it doesn't fall quite as far as others).


Personally though, I think it's a pretty cool little card and wouldn't mind seeing traps dip into multiple categories like this.

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I assume you can't activate it the turn you set it via its own effect, right?



I love this card. It's 2 trap activations for the price of 1. It helps to protect my weak Level/Rank 2 monsters from monsters with big ATK. It's permanent, unlike Breakthrough Skill, and can target my monsters, unlike Breakthrough. It's not as good as Breakthrough's grave effect is for outing things like Toadally Awesome or Herald of Perfection, but that's where the side deck comes in.

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