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[RATE] Full Force Virus

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Tribute 1 DARK monster with 2000 or more DEF; check your opponent's hand, all monsters they control, and all cards they draw until the end of their 3rd turn after this card's activation, and destroy all those monsters with 1500 or less DEF.


Welcome our DDV for DEF. This hates big on Monarchs and Zoodiacs, and a lot of other stuff (1500 or less DEF hits a LOT of Decks), but 2000 or more DEF is harder to achieve. What impact do you think this could cause to the game?

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It's the only major dud Secret in RATE, which is quite hilarious considering this thing is likely to be good at some point, it just needs a deck that can actually activate it consistently, and isn't utter arse otherwise. 


EDIT: D'arc has exactly 2000 DEF, Thomas has 2600, Siegfried has 2200, Kali Yuga has 3000, secret D/D meme tech?

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The only deck i can consistently see this working with is darklords.


D/Ds have a good number of targets for it too tbh. It's a huge blowout against Zoo. Only issue is it can be popped by Drident (or the monster) in the EP, but if you resolve it you basically bend them over the table. Darklord also have a metric asston of Draw Power, so they may even be able to get away with maining this as like some sort of Anti-Zoo build, depending how well Zoo does.

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IDK but looks to me that DDV may still be more effective. The only Zoodiac that DDV won't hit is Throughblade, while this one won't hit Ram, so in a way they have the same coverage against Zoodiacs. But, DDV can also hit hand traps like the "Ghost" Tuners as well as Maxx C, which are gaining popularity in OCG, while being arguably easier to activate.

Oh, but that's in OCG environment. In TCG, it would hit... Assault Core? I don't know what the current meta in TCG, to be honest.




Then again, you could run both to get either of them earlier and pop those Zoodiacs ASAP.

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D/Ds have a good number of targets for it too tbh. It's a huge blowout against Zoo. Only issue is it can be popped by Drident (or the monster) in the EP, but if you resolve it you basically bend them over the table. Darklord also have a metric asston of Draw Power, so they may even be able to get away with maining this as like some sort of Anti-Zoo build, depending how well Zoo does.

drident can only pop face up cards

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It is splashable-ish in some Pendulum decks, since you can sacrifice an Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon as the cost. Darklords are probably the best home for this, though, and it seems like completely worthwhile side material for D/D, maybe even mainboard. 


You just know the three Dark World players left are hoping this will return the deck to relevancy. 

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It's the only major dud Secret in RATE, which is quite hilarious considering this thing is likely to be good at some point, it just needs a deck that can actually activate it consistently, and isn't utter arse otherwise. 

P sure there's more dud Secrets

Brave-Eyes was brought up, I think there was 1 more but I forget


The only deck i can consistently see this working with is darklords.

"Consistent Darklords"


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