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Rename "Debates" to "Debates & Politics"


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This would serve to elevate the discussion around the most contentious issues on the site by subjecting them to the standards in Debates, hopefully resulting in fewer unseemly brawls and more general respect and civility.


We could just have a rule relegating political discussions to Debates, but this would make it more obvious to the average user.


It would also serve to clean up General and help change it from "General (But Mostly Politics)" to "General."

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There's political stuff that's not contentious that can go into General. Like Flint.


I get you don't like how general is being run. But there's topics that don't merit page long debates and are just quick newsflashes. A good portion of them die out on the first page. Putting those to debates given the 1 Page rule (you cannot bump topics that are not on the first page) would harm debates and make us start new topic over for long running ones due to short life span newflash topics.


I'm personally against this suggestion.

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Except General is for everything.  Some political posts don't necessarily belong in debates.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  Off-putting, maybe.  But if you want to see less political posts, post more topics.

I post a reasonable number of topics. Some users are dissatisfied with the number of political topics in General, regardless of source or content. I tried to be constructive by proposing this idea. I would welcome other ideas.

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I encourage users who are dissatisfied with politics threads to come forward and suggest other ideas as well.  You have posted other threads, and personally appreciate it.  So let's see what others have to say.

I will of course let other folks speak for themselves, but one thing the flooding rule was supposed to solve is the concentration of a particular kind of thread and/or a particular poster on the front page - not merely from their threads being popular, but from the volume of the threads.


I think the forum is probably a better place if more people are represented in any given area, and a greater diversity of conversation topics is, too. This idea hopefully would have solved for both of those issues, but solving for either would be at least some improvement.


I'm not saying anyone should post less, nor do I intend for this to target any specific user - it's just a general policy that, as it stands, happens to apply to one person. Similar issues existed with Ragnarok in the past, and I'm surprised no policy came from that then, either.

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I would first like to refute a claim that this isn't about a single user


Your words not mine.


And then I would like to refute the point that you've made that you post a reasonable amount of topics from Jan 24th to now, you've posted 3 topics, with you making a new one just after this topic was made. 


The super bowl topic where you trolled while you team was winning. Then left when your team lost. And then a mod locked it. 

The cooking thread that you passionately take care of

And a weeb thread back in the day that has since died. 


If three threads are your idea of "reasonable"  activity, make General Dead Again should be your slogan.

 I would welcome other ideas.


 But if you want to see less political posts, post more topics.

I think you got your answer. 

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Vicious cycle.


People post more political threads.

People see a lot of political threads.

People avoid General.

Those that don't avoid occasionally put up other threads.

Those threads get lost/untouched as most who remain are more interested in posting in political threads. (or political threads are just easier to get a couple people back and forthing)

People post more political threads.

People see a lot of political threads.

People avoid General.

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Vicious cycle.


People post more political threads.

People see a lot of political threads.

People avoid General.

Those that don't avoid occasionally put up other threads.

Those threads get lost/untouched as most who remain are more interested in posting in political threads. (or political threads are just easier to get a couple people back and forthing)

People post more political threads.

People see a lot of political threads.

People avoid General.

Sure, but the the same people that were active when general was dead and had little political posts, are the same blokes there now. 


It's not like general was once far more active than it is now. Except for maybe the Raeg days, but we all know who and what drove him away


If anything Brightfire and such are posting more now. Debates and general went nearly a month without posts as I showed on the last topic where Draco wanted mods to step in to create his ideal subsection.


I'd be nice if certain people could stop the bullshit and just come out and say what they wanna. The problem there I assume is those claims wouldn't hold much water. So thus we get to this pussyfooting

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It doesn't really matter if a topic is inherently political because it doesn't necessarily mean it will turn into a debate-tier discussion. Even if does it would be moved when necessary. The minor news thread will curb the frequency of those most likely. As for changing the name of debates, it would be really unnecessary as it would be implied in the title that topics are likely to be political, and most people who regularly post there already have this in mind most likely.

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It doesn't really matter if a topic is inherently political because it doesn't necessarily mean it will turn into a debate-tier discussion. Even if does it would be moved when necessary. The minor news thread will curb the frequency of those most likely. As for changing the name of debates, it would be really unnecessary as it would be implied in the title that topics are likely to be political, and most people who regularly post there already have this in mind most likely.

I don't think you're understanding the reasoning behind this suggestion. A lot of the stuff that gets posted could be better served by being in Debates to begin with - the mandate of a more civil tone and reasoned conversation should lead to less mudslinging. It also cleans up General.

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