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If Calexit Happened....

Ryusei the Morning Star

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... what would the map look like?




You can’t change one big thing (eliminating a state and re-apportioning its Congressional delegation) without impacting a slew of others, but under this arrangement Trump would have defeated Clinton 343 to 193:

While a larger margin than what he actually enjoyed, the difference wouldn’t be insurmountable nor guarantee Republican winners. Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee gain electoral votes, but so would Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, Oregon, Delaware, and Maryland. President Barack Obama would have won re-election with or without California:


Source: http://www.decisiondeskhq.com/2017/02/06/calexit-wont-happen-but-heres-where-californias-electoral-votes-would-go-if-it-did/

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And here's what the map would look like if you resized the territory based on population and changed the colours based on who voted who rather than who won what state:




If those dudes separated, have fun with your economy. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2016/countycart30701024.png

US would still be #1, and I'd image there would be a fairly large exodus of population from areas of California that don't wanna be part of the Calexit movement. As the link noted, it's only about 33% popular. The super majority of Cali and near unanimous right wing consensus is not to leave. California would be shooting itself in the foot if they did this

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US would still be #1, and I'd image there would be a fairly large exodus of population from areas of California that don't wanna be part of the Calexit movement. As the link noted, it's only about 33% popular. The super majority of Cali and near unanimous right wing consensus is not to leave. California would be shooting itself in the foot if they did this


Then it wouldn't look at all like you referenced since it clearly won't be based off of voter base, now would it.

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Then it wouldn't look at all like you referenced since it clearly won't be based off of voter base, now would it.

It might. Depends where they immigrate to. There's a good chance that the california left would move to the north east. And the Cali GOP would move to swing and red areas. Overall, there would be a net loss of about 33% of Cali's Dem population. Think that's fairly accurate with the initial image :)

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