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Localized Spell Counter Beat-Down


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[spoiler=Deck Image]




[spoiler=Deck List (44)]


Monsters (16)


-Royal Magical Library (3)

-Magical Abductor (3)

-Summoner Monk (2)

-Endymion the Master Magician (2)

-Effect Veiler (2)
-Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer (1)

-Performapal Trump Witch (1)

-Toon Masked Sorcerer (1)

-Silent Magician (1)


Spells/Traps (28)


-Allure of Darkness (3)

-Toon Table of Contents (3)

-Golden Bamboo Sword (3)

-Cursed Bamboo Sword (3)

-Terraforming (3)

-Magical Citadel of Endymion (3)

-Spell Power Grasp (2)

-Broken Bamboo Sword (1)

-Toon World (1)

-Foolish Burial (1)

-Magical Mallet (1)

-Pot of Acquisitiveness (1)

-Book of Moon (1)

-Localized Tornado (2) 


-Extra Deck (4)


-Alchemic Magician

-Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon

-Number 11: Big Eye

-Ebon High Magician




The goal is to not use any alternative win conditions or burn tactics. No Exodia, no Magical Explosion, no Tempest Magician, etc. I left Exodia in the Side Deck area to point out that I know it is a possibility. These cards go through the turbo solitaire plays of any Royal Magical Library build and instead uses it to beef up the field.


Magical Abductor has gotten over 4000 ATK, Silent Magician has reached about 9000 ATK, Alchemic Magician a little over 5000 ATK, and Endymions are card removal. Those are the bosses of the deck, Alchemic Magician is meant to give you a Book of Moon during the End Phase and the Abductors are meant to search out your Effect Veilers too. Localized Tornado is meant to make the combo pretty much eternal since going through the whole deck the first time more or less only gets you the setup for turn 1. If you successfully run through your deck the first time, the second one is a little easier in a vacuum.



Comments, thoughts, suggestions. . . please? xD

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This is just from reading the decklist, as I have little experience with this playstyle nor I fully understand how your deck works yet:


- Maybe cut the Mallet and Power Grasps to get closer to a 40-card Deck?

- I don't see what's the role of Foolish Burial in there. Maybe you can cut it as well to drop the card count? Oh, it appears to be used to mill Endymion and then revive it from the grave through its inherent summoning condition, alright.

- "Foolish Burial of Belongings" can assist you by milling Cursed Bamboo Sword and grabbing a "Bamboo Sword" Spell.

- Not sure how often you actually place a card in a Pendulum Zone, but "Duelist Advent" can assist by grabbing "Luster Pendulum".

- A tip given by Kaiji in the "Magical Abductor" thread is to run Upstart even in you go past 40 cards in the deck, as it increases the amount of Spells in deck, and thus the generation of Spell counters as well as Monk fodder.

- Not sure how the deck would take the face-down banishments, but Toon Kingdom instead of World can help you defend your field with Toon Masked Sorcerer if things go south, plus it doubles as a Terraforming target, making it less likely to end up dead depending on what you draw.


Silly suggestions:

- Maybe tech 1 of either of the LV Silent Magicians so the regular Silent Magician will have something to float into? LV8 is reliable as a beater, while LV4 can carry Spell Counters.

- In addition to Book of Moon and Veilers, you can further lock the opponent with Village of Spellcasters and Magician's Left/Right Hand. Village comes with the bonus of being searchable by Terraforming.

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This is just from reading the decklist, as I have little experience with this playstyle nor I fully understand how your deck works yet:


- Maybe cut the Mallet and Power Grasps to get closer to a 40-card Deck?

- I don't see what's the role of Foolish Burial in there. Maybe you can cut it as well to drop the card count? Oh, it appears to be used to mill Endymion and then revive it from the grave through its inherent summoning condition, alright.

- "Foolish Burial of Belongings" can assist you by milling Cursed Bamboo Sword and grabbing a "Bamboo Sword" Spell.

- Not sure how often you actually place a card in a Pendulum Zone, but "Duelist Advent" can assist by grabbing "Luster Pendulum".

- A tip given by Kaiji in the "Magical Abductor" thread is to run Upstart even in you go past 40 cards in the deck, as it increases the amount of Spells in deck, and thus the generation of Spell counters as well as Monk fodder.

- Not sure how the deck would take the face-down banishments, but Toon Kingdom instead of World can help you defend your field with Toon Masked Sorcerer if things go south, plus it doubles as a Terraforming target, making it less likely to end up dead depending on what you draw.


Silly suggestions:

- Maybe tech 1 of either of the LV Silent Magicians so the regular Silent Magician will have something to float into? LV8 is reliable as a beater, while LV4 can carry Spell Counters.

- In addition to Book of Moon and Veilers, you can further lock the opponent with Village of Spellcasters and Magician's Left/Right Hand. Village comes with the bonus of being searchable by Terraforming.



The deck being a beat-down variant, Upstart's +1000 LP actually makes a difference xD

Secret Village would remove Citadel and all the accumulated Spell Counters, and Endymion's means to getting back into the field.

Silent LV8 proved to be a dead card that half the time was drawn into before regular Silent did, and Silent sometimes would get removed without triggering the float anyways. non-LV Silent is essentially a free Summon that lets me revive Endymion again after Tributing it so she's mostly a cool tech herself.


Mallet at 2+ copies was detrimental as it'd kill my hand before I drew into what I wanted to. Though at 1 it helps Toon Table, Spell Power Grasp, and Terraforming be more live because I have had those weird times when I draw more than I would like of certain cards, like drawing Endymion and not having a way to get the field spell.... I also get a second shot at opening up with something that leads to Library.... I know it sounds weird and unrelivable, but the mulligan is actually pretty cool. So much so that I actually dropped Upstart for it xD


Face-down banishments are irredeemable for the deck... and Toon Masked Sorcerer being the only toon, and being there for being a Level 4 DARK Spellcaster (Xyzs or Allure fodder) with natural Summoning Sickness anyways doesn't help the case. Not to mention it is another "kill your own Citadel" option.




Burial of Belongings proved to be incredibly good though. I'll look into getting them IRL (stupid Secret Rare rarity).

I am yet to try out the Magician's hands but they sound pretty solid and worth a shot. I also wanna try out Sky Magician when I get the chance.

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I see.

Then definitely Magician's Right Hand should be a better pick than the Village.

Regarding the Extra Deck, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon looks like a promising addition: If you leave it on the field, it can block attacks, and you get to Summon a splashed Odd-Eyes monster, like, let's say, Persona Dragon for its negation effect and allure fodder; but if you can get Absolute in the grave somehow and you have 1 or more Pendulums in the Extra Deck, then you can Summon Vortex Dragon to stun the opponent.

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I see.

Then definitely Magician's Right Hand should be a better pick than the Village.

Regarding the Extra Deck, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon looks like a promising addition: If you leave it on the field, it can block attacks, and you get to Summon a splashed Odd-Eyes monster, like, let's say, Persona Dragon for its negation effect and allure fodder; but if you can get Absolute in the grave somehow and you have 1 or more Pendulums in the Extra Deck, then you can Summon Vortex Dragon to stun the opponent.


That's genius xD

I can make my Pendulums recyclable too and further put better reactive presence into the board. Vortex will make my Scales able to show again would they be removed. I'm gonna do that ASAP.

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Also, was thinking that to pop Absolute, you can try a 3rd copy of Endymion, which will also double as fodder for Allure, and even for "Sacred Sword of Seven Stars" if you feel like trying it.


Could end up trying Sacred Sword if a Sky Magician tech becomes successful enough (Sky Magician was a Level 7, right?...)

Although between the setup already there and Foolish Burial of Belongings, it might be a bit too much, and am still a bit torn between losing the second Localized Tornado in favor of a deck recipe closer to 60 cards, or this. It is closer to 40 because being consistent in drawing Magical Library could use a little boost.... If it wasn't for the Bamboo cards I don't think this deck would be possible... I think Foolish Burial of Belongings will boost this immensely though.

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Yeah, Sky Magician is Level7, although I don't have clear how you intent to Summon it; I'm guessing by Pendulum Summon? Although I don't see any Scale 8+ there...

Plus as a Performapal, it makes me think you could tech some Pendulums to support it, like Skullcrobat, Odd-Eyes Unicorn, Dragonpit Magician or Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon for their Scale8, but that sounds too much of an stretch.


Speaking of Pendulums, I see Trump Witch there, which can potentially Fusion Summon Vortex Dragon properly with Odd-Eyes techs as suggested before. Heck, you can even use that Absolute Dragon to make it float and get 2 Vortex Dragons on the field, although its negation effect has a hard OPT, but hey, it makes it harder for the opponent to remove it through a Kaiju, or use it to make another Rank7. Wouldn't hurt to have Dracossack in the Extra Deck too, by the way.



EDIT: More silly ideas.

- Toon Mermaid and Instant Fusion/Norden can be funny techs for a Toadally Bahamut play :v

- Moreover, tech a Level5 Machine and Panzer Dragon for Cyber Dragon Infinity. Speedroid Passing Rider? Toon Cyber Dragon and Pendulum Summon it? xD A more realistic choice is using the previously mentioned Persona Dragon and Summon Durendal instead.

- With plenty of Extra Deck space, you can also consider Thousand-Eyes Restrict along IF and even a Rank1 in case you resort to Summoning Veiler or Trump Witch to get out of a sticky situation. Synchros of varying Levels to Synchro with Veiler can be handy as well, including a Level4 to deal with annoying Flying Cs should the opponent be foolish enough to use it against you xD

- Oh, by the way, Vortex Dragon, Passing Rider, Dracossack and Sky Magician are WIND so you can also tech Dark Simorgh to further lock the opponent's plays, plus it's yet another fodder for Allure and Seven Swords  shot

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Let's not get too out of focus with the "Spellcaster beatdown" theme xD
Some of those ideas would require deck dedication they cannot afford to have because they wouldn't seem to work with mostly anything else in the deck, and would give dead draws.

Vortex is easy enough to make already, and Masked Sorcerer is allure food, Summoner Monk target, a Spellcaster for Alchemic Magician (and because for a little while I considered Magical Dimention) and Normal Summonable if needed. Toon Mermaid is a semi-nomi and Dark Simorgh is not a real lock without Anti Spell Fragrance.

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I know, I just went all out with multiple ideas. My objective and logic was to give the deck different things to set up depending on the cards you draw xD


But at least IF wouldn't hurt IMO: as a Spell it generates counters, makes a 1-card Rank4 with Norden, you can Summon Kamionwizard too, a Spellcaster for Alchemic Magician, and so on. At worst it can Summon Panzer Dragon or Restrict as a 1-for-1 removal. Also you can play that new Fusion Tuner that along 2 Level4s, Vermilion Mech and Cloudcastle can produce a True King V.F.D.  scrap this; it won't work since Vermillion adds the Tuner to the hand, doesn't Special Summon it as I thought it did.

A Jygobite tech can enable Rank4 plays as well, while being a WATER for Toadally Bahamut.


Magical Dimension doesn't sound that bad, actually: playable from the hand by Ebon High Magician, searchable by Alchemic Magician, can Tribute Absolute Dragon to make it float during the opponent's turn for a surprise Vortex, can Summon Sky Magician from the hand, etc.



This is just me, but I would find a way to run 2 Level4 WATERs because 2 of them on the field + IF = Double Bahamut, which is hella strong. Also I realized you don't need a Level5 Machine in the maindeck along IF for CyDra Infinity if you can consistently Synchro Summon, let's say, Catastor or Accel Synchron (for extra Synchro options), with Veiler + 1 Level4.

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