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DMG Avatar Request


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Text On Graphic: Spirit of D.M.G (If it can fit)

Sub-Text On Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic:N/A

Size Of Graphic: 100x100

Type Of Graphic: Dark Magician Girl in her cutest or mose *Ahem* Sexy Pose!

Requested Artist: 72 would be sweet ;) But if anyone else wants to try then go right ahead!

Other Comments: If you can do me an Animated one with a Slow Transition into 3 Images then that would be great! No rush at all.

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I'll do what I can. I'll make a single avatar, and parts of another. If you could find someone to put the frames together, you could use the second one, that is if you like either of them.


NOTE: I only have Paint and some simple functions, so the quality may not be very good.




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