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[2800 posts] Omega

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Now I've amassed 2800 points on a dead forum so I have to post the best card with 2800 stats. Used to hate it then I started using it now I love it. Using the self-banish just to clear space is niceu. Hope it doesn't get limited or anything because my duels vs ygopro ai would be very different if it did.

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Now I've amassed 2800 points on a dead forum so I have to post the best card with 2800 stats. 


If including 2800 DEF then ABC-Dragon Buster has to be up there with it. 


2800 seems to be the mark of notably badass cards (much more than say, 2900 or even 3000 tbh imo), so there's no shortage to celebrate the occasion!


Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos

Cyber End Dragon

Cyber Twin Dragon

Dark Armed Dragon

Dark Magician of Chaos

Fiendish Engine Ω

Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" 

Light and Darkness Dragon

Malefic Cyber End Dragon

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon

Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju

Scrap Dragon

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

Superancient Deepsea King Coelecanth

Thor, Lord of the funking Aesir

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord


Also pretty neat while perhaps not as badass:

-All Level 8 Monarchs

-Armed Dragon counterparts.

-Darklord stuff

-Elemental Lords

-Goyo stuff.

-Legendary Knights

-Qliphort stuff 

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Indeed, it's one of those "used more than inside its own archetype" cards, and it's definitely a notable and good one. Granted no one liked how annoying it was to get rid of it, especially after spamming 3 of these in a certain cancerous deck, it's a wonderful utility card that should be fine @1 for the future.

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Indeed, it's one of those "used more than inside its own archetype" cards, and it's definitely a notable and good one. Granted no one liked how annoying it was to get rid of it, especially after spamming 3 of these in a certain cancerous deck, it's a wonderful utility card that should be fine @1 for the future.

Sadly, TCG has not taken OCG's cue, and has left this card at 3

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