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Quebec Mosque Shootings

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Is it confirmed the shooters were Daesh guys? Heard they shouted allahu Akbar before opening fire, but dunno


All lives matter. This was a cowardly terrorist attack


The witness also said they had a quebecois accent, so it could be, it could be guys posing as them, we don't know. Hopefully the police find and arrest these guys soon.

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The witness also said they had a quebecois accent, so it could be, it could be guys posing as them, we don't know. Hopefully the police find and arrest these guys soon.

CBC News has confirmed the identity of the suspects in the Quebec Shooting are Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir.



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CBC News has confirmed the identity of the suspects in the QuebecShooting are Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir.




The second suspect is considered a witness now and not a suspect, as that article says.


Global also confirmed that the suspect is in his 20's and was not previously known to police: http://globalnews.ca/news/3213677/quebec-city-mosque-shooting-alleged-gunmen-identified-as-alexandre-bissonnette-mohamed-khadir/


The name tells me they were Canadian-born and not an immigrant, but a name still doesn't say much. If it was a Canadian-born university student, it may have been an Islamophobia-fueled attack, but there still isn't enough information to really draw conclusions on what the motive was or who the person was.

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The second suspect is considered a witness now and not a suspect, as that article says.


Global also confirmed that the suspect is in his 20's and was not previously known to police: http://globalnews.ca/news/3213677/quebec-city-mosque-shooting-alleged-gunmen-identified-as-alexandre-bissonnette-mohamed-khadir/


The name tells me they were Canadian-born and not an immigrant, but a name still doesn't say much. If it was a Canadian-born university student, it may have been an Islamophobia-fueled attack, but there still isn't enough information to really draw conclusions on what the motive was or who the person was.

Just sad stuff man :/




Why would you arrest a witness...I guess we'll know soon enough. So did the Canadian guy mockingly yell Allahu Akbar...or?

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Whilst this is a tragedy, and should be mourned, and such and such. I must say I have taken no small amount of pleasure in watching various 'far-right' groups making points at going 'You can't judge us all by the actions of one wacko' and other defences usually used when Islamic Terrorism is the perpetrator, if only because it may serve to highlight in some of them how stupid the attitude of assuming they all terrorists were.


Likewise the White House using this to try and justify the immigration ban amused me.


I should feel like a horrible person for taking these pleasures out of the situation, but christ is it satisfying to see the shoe put on the other foot.


The point that people should focus on, more than anything is that radicalisation in bad. Be it in Islam, Christianity, right or left, radicalism has historically lead to idiots going out and bringing immense harm to tohers and predecribing a religion as that is moronic. That's also not too say it renders all of Islam to be without fault and such, because there's still barbaric elements of nations that are mostly Muslim, but it would be nice to see some of those attitudes dismissed.

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Whilst this is a tragedy, and should be mourned, and such and such. I must say I have taken no small amount of pleasure in watching various 'far-right' groups making points at going 'You can't judge us all by the actions of one wacko' and other defences usually used when Islamic Terrorism is the perpetrator, if only because it may serve to highlight in some of them how stupid the attitude of assuming they all terrorists were.


Likewise the White House using this to try and justify the immigration ban amused me.


I should feel like a horrible person for taking these pleasures out of the situation, but christ is it satisfying to see the shoe put on the other foot.


The point that people should focus on, more than anything is that radicalisation in bad. Be it in Islam, Christianity, right or left, radicalism has historically lead to idiots going out and bringing immense harm to tohers and predecribing a religion as that is moronic. That's also not too say it renders all of Islam to be without fault and such, because there's still barbaric elements of nations that are mostly Muslim, but it would be nice to see some of those attitudes dismissed.


That's cute because the second a radical emerges from anyone the "alt-right" opposes, it's a dogpile on X group because they're all the same.

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Whilst this is a tragedy, and should be mourned, and such and such. I must say I have taken no small amount of pleasure in watching various 'far-right' groups making points at going 'You can't judge us all by the actions of one wacko' and other defences usually used when Islamic Terrorism is the perpetrator, if only because it may serve to highlight in some of them how stupid the attitude of assuming they all terrorists were.


Likewise the White House using this to try and justify the immigration ban amused me.


I should feel like a horrible person for taking these pleasures out of the situation, but christ is it satisfying to see the shoe put on the other foot.


The point that people should focus on, more than anything is that radicalisation in bad. Be it in Islam, Christianity, right or left, radicalism has historically lead to idiots going out and bringing immense harm to tohers and predecribing a religion as that is moronic. That's also not too say it renders all of Islam to be without fault and such, because there's still barbaric elements of nations that are mostly Muslim, but it would be nice to see some of those attitudes dismissed.

Wrong. Blame the NeoNazis all you want. You'll not see me defend either them or Islam


They're both misguided

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Wrong. Blame the NeoNazis all you want. You'll not see me defend either them or Islam


They're both misguided


I didn't say you were doing this sort of thing, I said various alt-right groups. Funnily enough I don't group you together with all of them.


I don't see why it needed a 'wrong'. It's just an observation I've seen amongst various groups that makes me laugh. Because they can't see the diconnect between what they preach and practice. You see alt-rights groups go 'PC culture is stupid, safe spaces are stupid' but many of them go out of there way to both create safe spaces of there own, and to get f***ing triggered any dissenting opinion.


It's just a hilarious kind of doublethink. And that as a result, the action of trying to group all individuals under a single banner as the same is just f***ing moronic to me. Acting on that basis actually leads to more radicalisation in my belief.

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I don't believe in safe spaces for anyone. Main reason why I donated to the mosque that burned down in Texas. I have no love for Islam, but if we're gonna keep the moral high ground here, we need to call a spade a spade.


Islam is responsible for Jihadistis


The alt-right is responsible for this killer 


Both should be marginalized and shamed until they fix sheet

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I don't believe in safe spaces for anyone. Main reason why I donated to the mosque that burned down in Texas. I have no love for Islam, but if we're gonna keep the moral high ground here, we need to call a spade a spade.


Islam is responsible for Jihadistis


The alt-right is responsible for this killer 


Both should be marginalized and shamed until they fix s***


But haven't we proven in the past year that you can't marginalise and shame a viewpoint and expect it not to fight back? Brexit, and Trump happened arguably because of the regressive left attempting to marginalise and shame them with terms like 'bigot and racist'.


You stop radicalisation through acceptance and convincing people the alternatives are better, instead of violence and demonisation. Demonisation just affirms the world view, it gives them no reason to stop and think 'Is this how things truly are?'. Essentially if you treat people like sheet enough times, they are going to snap eventually.

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But haven't we proven in the past year that you can't marginalise and shame a viewpoint and expect it not to fight back? Brexit, and Trump happened arguably because of the regressive left attempting to marginalise and shame them with terms like 'bigot and racist'.


You stop radicalisation through acceptance and convincing people the alternatives are better, instead of violence and demonisation. Demonisation just affirms the world view, it gives them no reason to stop and think 'Is this how things truly are?'. Essentially if you treat people like sheet enough times, they are going to snap eventually.

Counter point, repeatedly telling them it's not their fault hasn't reduced the travesty the Islam side

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Counter point, repeatedly telling them it's not their fault hasn't reduced the travesty the Islam side


Counter point: Bombing the s*** out of the region and ostracising them hasn't reduced the travesty either. Perhaps neither approach is working successfully?


The majority of Islamic terrorism in the US has been from those radicalised in the states. Not those who live in the 'barbaric' regions of the world.


That means that somehow, these people have managed to be convinced that Islam has more appeal than the US and that the US is at fault for something or other. People will only follow a viewpoint if it makes sense to them; People generally don't act without some kind of logic to there actions, even if we can call the logic they use illogical.


Because of that, the way in which one counters radicalisation of any sort should be clear; You remove the appeal. Not by force, because when you try and force someone to change an opinion they will usually double down upon it. You remove the appeal of the ideology by allowing gradual acceptance. You difuse tension through removing fear by exposing two sides to another in someway, usually the young because they are less likely to have strong judgments. Eventually that attitude remains, and it grows, and it becomes the norm. It's a slow process, but it relies primarily on people not giving into fear and lashing out as a result (Both things we are currently doing), but it's been proven to work before - It's the sort of s*** that difused the tensions in Ireland.


We've tried essentially every variation of 'Let's marginalise them!' that is possible short of genocide and it's not improved things. I submit that it never will, because it misses the fundmantal point. You can't keep telling people 'You are evil, and you don't belong here' without expecting them to lash back at somepoint.


I feel like I've expressed this line of argument more poorly than it exists in my head. I'll try and refine it at somepoint, but I hope the jist is clear enough.

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Counter point, repeatedly telling them it's not their fault hasn't reduced the travesty the Islam side

Considering how many people say stuff like "Islam is responsible for Jihadists" I don't think this has even been fairly attempted. Though many are accepting, there are people who constantly spout indiscriminate hate toward an entire innocent culture. This is excuse is honestly bullshit. It's like punching someone in the face 30 times, then patting them on the shoulder and getting pissy at them for not being cool with it. 

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Considering how many people say stuff like "Islam is responsible for Jihadists" I don't think this has even been fairly attempted. Though many are accepting, there are people who constantly spout indiscriminate hate toward an entire innocent culture. This is excuse is honestly bullshit. It's like punching someone in the face 30 times, then patting them on the shoulder and getting pissy at them for not being cool with it. 


Don't forget the claim that some make that Islam is inherently a political ideology.

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