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Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

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I've been wondering if this card deserves it's current limit status. It can't spam copies of itself and would instead just be more consistent if it went up to 2.

Dragons would love to have it at 2. It is generic enough.


There is Red-Eyes support that outright dodges it, but it'd still benefit the deck regardless.

Blue-Eyes doesn't seem like the type to really want this anyways, mainly because I have trouble thinking on a card they'd want banished. Maybe Eclipse Wybern would see some play there.


It is still a solid power play IMO but the game needs SOME more generic tools to experiment with. It is all very archetype based right now.

Any deck that can drop a Dark Rebellion can use this card (not sure what they'd revive if they don't run other dragons, but the point is, it's not too far-fetched). I am guilty of at least once using this with no Main Deck dragons back in the Synchro days....


Hyeratics... hmmm can Crystal Wing brought out by Ultimaya be revived?


Dragunities would.... err... if their play is stopped they are more likely to be left with a Winged Beast on the field so maybe not them for plays to fall back on, but anyways....


What are your thoughts YCM?



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It shouldn't as it wasn't properly summoned from the extra.

This is correct; Can't summon anything that wasn't properly summoned first, and Ultimaya doesn't properly summon it, same as how you can't sac and revive a Stardust played via Starlight Road.


Probably could come back with little issue. The fact that 2 lets you extend Heiratic plays probably doesn't matter at this point.

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It should stay at 1 IMO.

It did get a bit of support from the new Red-Eyes stuff, by being searchable by Black Metal Dragon, and Paladin of Dark Dragon if one can make the Ritual work somehow xD

Plus, it looks like a card that can be exploited if more copies of it are allowed. It doesn't have a hard OPT, after all.

I mean, it isn't doing too much right now, but maybe that's precisely because it's at 1; but take it to 2 and chances are it will start causing trouble.

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