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Skaia's Bandwagoning Trash Nuzlog


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*insert logo with some kind of pokemon and explosions and maybe a sock here*


Yes that's right, I have decided to hop on this whole "let's play" trend that these intrepid bloggers are doing now. And of course, following the trend even further I am doing a Pokemon Nuzlocke blog at that. While I could probably grace you all with my voice in a recorded let's play, I'd rather not immortalize how unfunny I am in audio. Besides, I like writing these things in text format better anyway, and it helps me bandwagon even better. 


[spoiler=The Info]

What are you playing? 

Pokemon Fire Red of course. Gotta start with the origin stories here and it's like the only one I have on hand anyway. 


What is a Nuzlocke? 

A Nuzlocke is a run through of pokemon in which the person must follow a specific set of rules in order to add more challenge. While you can get pretty hardcore with your restrictions and limitations here, I am not hardcore in the slightest so I'll only be sticking with the basics. 

-If a pokemon faints it is considered dead and can no longer be used for the rest of the run. 

-You can only catch one pokemon per area (route, cave, building, etc.) 

-That one pokemon must be the first pokemon you encounter in that area. If it faints well I guess you're just out of luck. 

-Note, this will not apply for static pokemon, (such as legendaries and other such encounters.) They're few and far between enough that it probably shouldn't be that much of an issue anyway. 

-It also doesn't apply if I see a shiny, which has literally never happened to me so this is a moo point anyway. 

-Must nickname all pokemon you catch, which I'd probably do anyway. You wouldn't name your pet dog "Dog" after all. 


How is this Nuzlocke different from all other Nuzlockes? 

Well, it probably isn't. Though it does have the good old randomizer twist thrown in there. You know, random starters, wild pokemon, trainer pokemon, movesets, abilities.




And there you have the basic idea of it. So, will probably get the first part uploaded tonight, but until then, later folks. 

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Alright gang, let's get this first episode started. 

[spoiler=Episode 1]


Here we have the game's title screen, which must mean that Charizard must be this gen's legendary (or it might as well be in this world.)




As many times as I've started this game I don't think I've ever actually read this. But uh, thanks game, I'll keep that in mind.


So skipping all the opening fluff of Oak showing me his tediursa and being unable to tell what gender I am (I'll leave it up to your imagination,) I get to go and name myself.



Creativity overwhelming, I know. Next up is our Rival's name.




When these were first getting started I was joking about doing one myself, as was he (but he moved on to more fiery things.) Also having Seth secretly be some generic 80s bully is amusing to me. Anyway, time to get on with the main game proper.




My room. Nicer than about any room I ever had when I was 10. Anyway, going to our PC and picking up the potion in there, which I'm sure will be invariably useful, let us press forward. Mom gives zero shits that I just bolt out of the house and since I'm apparently an adventurous youth with zero regard for my safety or talking with my neighbors, let's run out into the wild.




Of course some old guy decides to stop me from walking undefended into grass with living WMDs in it because it's "unsafe." However, because he's a cool guy and I am over or of the age of 10 he sees it fit to give me one of these beasts. So, following him to his lab we're met with our Rival.




I'm sure this is Seth's true nature when it comes to people in the RP section.




Just another example of Oak being a top tier grandpa. Anyway, cutting out all this filler text, we are told to pick out our starter pokemon, and first at that. Us, the random guy who just wandered towards the grass as opposed to his grandson who he apparently called here, probably for this purpose. Anyway,  let's see what we got here.




Well ok then. I guess this game just wants me to go with a water type. So I'm obviously going to go with the pokemon that's actually a starter because it's pretty swell.




Name well thought. Anyway, now that I've cleared the hardest part of any pokemon game, naming, Seth goes to pick his own pokemon, Maril. Neat. Well, with my business here done and my nondescript journey on the horizon, let's get moving. However, of course, when we try to leave, Seth tells me to battle or I'm a square so let's get to it.




Wh- Oh. Okay. Seth please have mercy on me. Anyway, as the battle starts Oak tells us about the fine arts of battling and making a pokemon's HP of go to zero. Now, being thoroughly terrified of this thing let's see what Scraw has on hand.




Oh god this is...Well uh...let's see if Sky attack works. Lugia responds to my charging energy by being faster and with some martial arts with those hand wings.




Karate master.




Well that was one sky attack, and it used two Karate chops. I am not feeling confident here, but thankfully we have a recovery move on hand.




It mave have taken 8 Milk Drinks and 4 Sky Attacks, after getting critted twice by it, but I have emerged victorious over a legend. I really hope this is not indicative for the rest of the run. Thankfully, because Lugia is a legend it also just gives a ton of exp for my benefit letting me get up to a high enough level where he would normally learn Water Gun.




Oh jesus this is going to be a painful early game.

Anyway, after Seth complains about having picked the wrong pokemon, he then scurries out of the lab telling me he'd "smell me later" as I'm sure is common among those of the eevee breed. And with that, the first part of this let's play is finished. We have a long and painful rode ahead of us with knowing only charge moves for damage but I know we'll be able to get through it.


The Team



God Speed Scraw.



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Wow I just randomly discovered this but this is gold.

Also Lugia is one of my favorite legendaries, so that's pretty fitting. Now I kind of regret not choosing a Pokemon game and doing this epic rivalry thing with you. Oh wells. I can always start one up later I'm sure that Rival!Me will prove rival enough.

This is the first time I've ever seen a randomlocke (I don't know if Sai's Moemon counts), so looking forward to how that will go. :)

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Wow I just randomly discovered this but this is gold.

Also Lugia is one of my favorite legendaries, so that's pretty fitting. Now I kind of regret not choosing a Pokemon game and doing this epic rivalry thing with you. Oh wells. I can always start one up later I'm sure that Rival!Me will prove rival enough.

This is the first time I've ever seen a randomlocke (I don't know if Sai's Moemon counts), so looking forward to how that will go. :)

You've actually been more than a rival so far since I had to restart this game twice because the first time I got a magnemite vs a yanma...that knew Sacred Fire. The second time was a ninjask vs a gyarados that knew Spark and paralyzed me. I have had some pretty ass luck so far and it's only been the first battle. 

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Oh this is nice and Lugia?! What the hell?!


Wow I just randomly discovered this but this is gold.

Also Lugia is one of my favorite legendaries, so that's pretty fitting. Now I kind of regret not choosing a Pokemon game and doing this epic rivalry thing with you. Oh wells. I can always start one up later I'm sure that Rival!Me will prove rival enough.

This is the first time I've ever seen a randomlocke (I don't know if Sai's Moemon counts), so looking forward to how that will go. :)

I think I'm hurt now.
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Next part, much longer than the first. 

[spoiler=Episode 2 - Oh god why did I decide to do this]


Our croc in a cruel cruel world folks.

Eagle eyed viewers might notice that Scraw's stats, nature and ability are all different than last time. This is because I ran into some save issues with the game and the only way to fix them was to restart the game. It's a good hting I got this sorted out now, though, as opposed to much later down the line. Don't worry, Seth still fought me with a Karate Chopping Lugia and Scraw still has the same moveset. Though while stats and nature don't surprise me for being different, the fact that he gets a different ability rolled each time is kind of surprising. But whatever, let's get this started.


So where we last left off I had managed to Sky Attack a master of karate to death and we were just kind of left standing there in the lab with nothing but adventure to go through. So, nothing else to do in this lab, let's go head out into the wild.




Ha, take that old man. I can walk in grass too. So, walking through the grass we are of course beset by the wildlife.



A wild marshtomp no less. I will note that the rule of only catching the first thing you say does not apply here, under my own exceptions, because I am physically incapable of actually catching this thing, and so until I get pokeballs it won't apply. Regardless, gonna run from this thing because I'm terrified of it packing volt tackle or thunder or something.


So with nothing of note on this first route, let us continue to venture forth seeing some other strange creatures along the way. After a very short bit of walking we reach our next destination.



I never realized how odd it was that basically all of these places are referred to as "cities" given that a lot of them are just a small collection of buildings. But I digress. Let's get to the real reason we're here which is uh...well it was immediately outside of our home I guess?


Walking around Viridian this place doesn't really have much to offer. Despite being a city there's all of like, 3 houses, a single market, a single pokemon healthcare services and a gym. There's also this guy.




Who is just kind of lying on the ground. Well, old people are weird so let's just go on by him.




Or not because apparently the road around his house is considered private property. Further inspection as to why this crazy, and likely delusional, man is on the ground is because:




He hasn't had his coffee yet. Coffee is a strange and powerful drug apparently. But, since we are physically incapable of passing this old whippersnapper let's go to the market, because that's where fun is. Upon entry the shop keeper immediately greets us.




I'd wonder how he knows we're from there, but given that all of 10 people live in this city and we're not one of them, it probably isn't a hard deduction.




Never heard of him. 




Well if he's fine trusting a stranger with this thing, then sure. I'm game. I don't actually know if we were asked to get this or not, since I was clearly not paying any attention to anything Oak said, but we'll give the man his package of questionable importance and contents. So with package in hand, and the shopkeeper not actually wanting to sell us anything until we get this delivery through, ace business practices, let's get going back home.




Ah, home. It feels like only yesterday I left you for my adventure. Anyway, let's go deliver this thing to Oak.




Well, it's been like 5 minutes since I got it and killed a legend with it, so I'd say roughly the same.




Thanks, not many people can spam sky attack and Milk Drink quite like I can. Anyway, a bit of banter aside we deliver the package to Oak and it turns out to be some kind of custom Poke Ball. Anyway, after he thanks us for delivering this package, which we were apparently not assigned to do, our allegedly childhood rival comes back.



Well I guess Oak's not the forgetful one in this family. Anyway, Oak remembers that he has to give us a pokedexs and because he's too old, fulfil his life dreams for him. So, Seth seems more than willing to do this and tells us that we're not needed for this journey. That's fine I wasn't really planning on going on a collectathon anyway, so you have fun catching and breeding your 30,000 mimikyus Seth.


Anyway, in order to accomplish Oak's life long dream he also gave us pokeballs. 5 to be exact. So now we can catch things and the nuzlocke really begins. Also quick note that normally I think you have to get all 151 original pokemon in order to get the national dex, (meaning all pokemon outside of Kanto can be registered.) If you'll notice with Scraw, where he had a pokedex number, it was instead just a bunch of "???"




Well that is no longer the case. Basically just turned this thing on from the beginning because if you don't pokemon not native to Kanto can't evolve. I guess if it evolved into something that was also just number "???" something would break, but that's just a guess. Anyway, with pokeballs in hand let's go back to route one and see we can go after first.




Well, I guess this thing is our first option. The taillow. With Sandstream. I'm not picky here so let's go for it. I am, however, terrified that Scraw will kill it with any one of its moves, since they are both high power, so let's just keep chucking balls at it until we hopefully catch it.




First pokeball try gives us a success. So say hello to the team Barnes. Well, let's see what our lovely little Taillow knows.



Barnes, I think I like you already. Anyway, because Barnes is low leveled and I am very scared of this world we go training for a bit. This turns out to be the most gruelling experience I've ever had since RNG just kind of decided to not let me have any fun. See, none of the actual attacks that the wild pokemon had could actually hurt Scraw in any meaningful way. No, it was much worse than that.


These marshtomps knew sing which hit, every time, kept me asleep for like 6 turns on one sleep cycle and then there were aerodactyls which only knew Dynamic Punch which hit like 80% of the time and I hit myself like 90% of the time, which is incredibly frustrating to deal with, with only charge moves for attacks. Now granted, my stubborness to stay in and try and hit it might've been too great, so great that I even had to use my potion to make sure Scraw didn't die.


When all is said and done, though we got Barnes to level 7 and with Mach Punch and Scraw got to level 9. So let us continue our journey.




Going here, let's see if we can find another member for our team. Walking into the grass, (but not walking anywhere further than that,) we find our next to be team member.




The ball chin pokemon. Leading out with Barnes to weaken this thing, I have to quickly switch back to Scraw because of reasons. Those reasons being this thing having Blast Burn. Unfortunately I was kind of stupid and didn't mass buy pokeballs and Castforms catch rate is like 3 times worse than taillow, so sadly I have to kill it. Leaving the route defeated, we go back to get more pokeballs (like 12 because I have zero money,) and a potion before leaving town to find a newer companion.




Thankfully this old man is up and about since he's had his coffee and no longer cares about alleged trespassing. After noticing our pokedex, the man then proceeds to try and teach us how to catch pokemon. I guess he saw my attempts at castform and decided to take pity or something. So, the old man goes into a battle, which I did not take a screenshot of because it is sadly just a weedle because I think I forgot to change that option. Funny enough, though, Barnes's sand stream still kicks in. Anyway, with that done, let's go to the next route over.




Well, let's see what the new route has to offer us in way of party members.




I like what I see. I'm also, as always, terrified of what I see. And with good reason. After a large stall fest in which I am glad that Scraw has milk drink for a move we eventually emerge victorious.




Welcome to the team Progi. So, let's check this bad boy out and show you what makes him so scary.




Yes, because of my own sandstorm (which I can now finally benefit from,) and this thing poisoning sheet it was a long grind. Of course, it has minus for an ability because you know why would it have something at all usable, but I'm content with my new Progi on the team. Anyway, getting back to the pokemon center, I heal my boys back up and I think I'm going to call it an episode. Thank you all for reading and we'll continue down our adventure of RNG Oh God Why later.


The Team:






Special Guest Stars 

Route 1






I hate Marshtomp and Aerodactyl now so much. 


Route 22






Route 2







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Wow, this looks like it's going to be a handful and a half...cool! ^_^

A little worried about Barnes, considering he's affected by his own ability... Too bad about the Castform, but the Flygon is pretty cool.


"That's fine I wasn't really planning on going on a collectathon anyway, so you have fun catching and breeding your 30,000 mimikyus Seth."

It was only 826, dope. :T

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[spoiler=Episode 3 - The Shorter One]


Our heroes ladies and gentlemen.


So, where we last left off, we had gone to route 2 and gotten ourselves Progi, the flygon. In this part, I am going to now go back to Viridian City to showcase something I had missed. So, next to the old man who wanted some damn coffee, there was this tree. And you can walk a long way around and violin.




There's an item. I have no idea what this is in the main game. But I do know what it is here.



Man, what luck! A revive this early! In a nuzlocke! Love you too game *grumble grumble*


Anyway, yes, all items on the ground are randomized so I didn't know what was on the ground before but now your guess, intrepid viewers, is as good as mine. And while the revive might be literally the most useless item I could have gotten it does sell for roughly another pokeball and potions worth of money so that's good.  Anyway, because there is something else that needs taking care of and the universe frightens my very soul, we get to training the boys.




One training session later. Yes, I have a teleporting flygon now. Progi my man, I have a good feeling about you. Anyway, with the training session over now, let's get to the other thing available to us before going through route 2 proper. This is of course, going to Route 22, because sequencing.


Anyway, walking just a bit above the grass patch where we found ball chin the blast burner, and moving just a bit to the side, we run into my fateful rival and mimikyu breeder.




Ah yes, the pokemon league. And badges. Those things. Yes that is exactly why I am here and curses you have foiled my plot again you eevee bastard!...(did anyone tell us about a pokemon league?)




Why yes, I just completed a training montage.




So Seth being the crazed warmonger he is in seeking death to all decides to battle us. Well, last time he was backing a karate god, so let's see what he has this time.





Wait what the. That's pretty tame. Especially because there was wild nidorans in route 2. Those things had pin missile and rock slide, one of which sounds terrible for my birb. And while it probably doesn't know any of those, I'm still not taking chances for a one shot here. So, switching back into Scraw, it turns out this thing only knows Poison Tail and Take Down. And while we were poisoned, I still managed to beat it with the good old Sky Attack. Next pokemon.




Yes sadly I had it set so the rival doesn't carry the starter with him through the whole game, so it'll be random each time. Weirdly enough, there was also slowkings in route 2 as well. Seth why did you have to start making sense. All those knew was sunny day and psych up, but seeing as this one is like 6 levels higher who knows what it has.




Well I never found out because Progi's got them great chompers and managed to crit it with hyper fang and flinch it. Thanks game, I guess you can love me when you feel like it.




Hell yes I did. Anyway, with having beaten Seth he swears vengenace upon my family and a death curse of my lineage before telling me he's going to go challenge the pokemon league and get badges. See you later man, was real. Anyway, despite only having seven health and being poisoned, (as I'm not sure if pokemon still fainted outside of battle with poison in this gen) I would normally be super worried.




But we got based Progi here having our backs. Anyway, now that we're all healed up and ready to go, let's go through the rest of route 2.




Which for all intents and purposes is basically just this little shack, checkpoint thing. With nothing but a few ladies in there, we continue to walk through it and reach our next place of interest.




This place. Not much to say about this place other than it being the first "dungeon" of the game I guess. It's also a new area, so that means.




A new pokemon. So, sending out Barnes to deal with this thing, I am immiediately horrified by the mistake I've made. Switching out Barnes who took a bit of a beating, Scraw then comes in to tank against thing. The difficult part here is not killing it because everything I have is way too strong. But, with a little poison from Progi and it struggling itself down we get this magnificent bastard.




Welcome to the team Peepers. Let me show you here what Peepers has.




Yeah that's right, this thing like half healthed Barnes and proceeded to freeze him in one blizzard. sheet was nuts. It is also another pokemon that won't die to sandstorm and holy funking sheet does this thing have a god tier ability. Anyway, using Progi's psychic powers to bamf back to the pokemon center, I think this is where I'll end it. The next episode is going to deal a lot with the Viridian Forest and so I don't overload it with special guest stars, I'll just do those here. Ciao for now folks.


The Team








Special Guest Stars


Viridian Forest




Wooper is the second pokemon I've seen with drought across all of 4 areas. 




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[spoiler=Episode 4 - An unsurprising lack of bugs]




Legends waiting to be born


Hey all, welcome to this days installment of Skaia putzes around a weird pokemon universe. Where we last left off we had just entered the Viridian Forest and got ourselves Peepers, the fastest lileep you'll ever see. In this episode, we're going to trek through the entirety of this godforsaken forest and see what kind of pokemon these trainers are packing. Before that though, Peepers is level 3, so functionally he might as well not exist. To fix that, we shall get him up to snuff with the rest of the peeps. So onward to training!




These things have drought and solarbeam.




Alright much better. And Thunder Wave is a pretty good haul when it comes to catching things so I'm liking you already Peepers. So, back to Viridian Forest, let's start seeing what kind of things we can find.




Like this. Well, that's pretty useful for Progi, I guess. Going a bit further up there's a dude but all he tells us about is how running out of pokeballs sucks. Which it does. Continuing through the forest just a bit more upward we run into this guy.




Well then, let's see what our first generic trainer of the game is packing.




That's a pretty nice bug you got there. And of course, like most things I see, it is immune to Sandstream, so that's fun.  But given that we're pretty overleveled here, Barnes can probably handle it pretty neatly.




Oh. It had flame body. And apparently has some springy fins. So bringing in Scraw to take the hit he is of course critted and




Paralyzed.  The paralysis doesn't really come into play though and we Razor Wind it down, after it strikes us with a rock slide which probably would've scared me a lot more if Barnes was still out. So, lucky us. The next bug Rick has in store for us is




Santa. Given that I doubt it actually has an ice move and I got my charcoal powered ember, Progi seems like a pretty good choice for this. And in one ember we are the victor.




Yeah I guess the caterpies you had just didn't cut it. So after healing back up and getting my statuses cleansed, we continue upward and meet another "bug" catcher.








Anyway, first up against Doug here is a little spoopy ghost. Now, all Barnes actually has to deal with this thing is Ancient Power, and this thing is packing some Double-Edge. It half healths Barnes but ultimately the bird comes out on top. With this, Barnes learns a new move which I happily take.




Might not be a gibble but damn will I take this. Anyway, on to the next pokemon here.




Perfect! With a test subject for Barnes's newfound power, we strike it our Frenzy Plant, which crit because eyyy overkill, Barnes continues to reign supreme. With that, there's only one more pokemon that this bug catcher has.




Perfect! With a test subject for Barnes's newfound power, we strike it our Frenzy Plant, which crit because eyyy overkill, Barnes continues to reign supreme. With that, there's only one more pokemon that this bug catcher has.




We've got ourselves the Hoenn champion here, apparently. While Peepers is a pretty good fit for this thing, and it does chunk it for a lot of its health with a blizzard, Latias here knows Iron Tail which also half healths peepers. While another Blizzard could totally beat it, I don't want to tempt fate here and so bringing in Scraw, we let the sandstorm kill it. With it, Scraw gets a new move to use.




Holy sheet a move that doesn't require charging. Also I'm not sure but I think Croconaw can learn this move naturally anyway so that's neat, I guess. With the bug catcher defeated we head up to find an item in the middle of the road.




I've always wanted to evolve a clampearl, I guess. If nothing else, it's free money so I'm not complaining. Continuing even further up we find another bug trainer. So, naturally, I'm obligated to fight him.




The happier they look the scarier they are.




Unless you pelt them with ancient rocks. Then they just look dead. With Barnes having beaten the skipbloom we then have our next contender here to fight against.




Oh sheet. When last we saw it, this thing knew Blast Burn so one can only imagine what it has learned in the mean time.  In an exchange of Hyper Fang and Blast Burn, (both of which missed at first,) Progi comes out on top, triumphant over the weather pokemon. This has also reminded me that Castform has no Sandstorm form, even after all these years, which is kind of odd. Not that it matters anyway since it doesn't have Forecast, unless it's hardcoded like Multitype on Arceus. Anyway, that aside, we leave the defeated bug catcher aside and continue through the forest.


We keep going forward and see another guy. He asks the real questions.




Never have I heard of this concept.




My sass is apparently grounds for battle. Well ok then. Leading off with Peepers let's see what Charlie here has in store for us.




I chose poorly. Now, while this thing only knows moves that can't really hurt Peepers, my only form of attacking is blizzard which can't do enough damage. After exhausting myself of them I switch into Scraw who uses some scraah to bring the other johto starter down. Now with that done, let's see what this guy has next.




Despite its regal status as a dragon, it actually stands no chance against Scraw. Though it does have Karate Chop, which is the third time I think I've seen this move. With Scraw taking the dragon down we're only left with pokemon to deal with.




Well that's certainly a closer. Despite this, it actually proves the biggest threat by having dizzy punch and forcing me to run the RNG gauntlet to not kill myself but ultimately Progi manages to not beat himself up too much and the battle is over.


With that over, we teleport back to the pokemon center as Peepers no longer has the PP to actually be able to fight, and go back. Last time we started going through the right of Viridian Forest, so this time we go left. Going a bit further and upward we find another item.




Well, that's a pretty good find I'll say. With that being the only thing of note there, we then continue back the way we were going before we teleported back to town. Going a bit down now we have another item to collect.




That's definitely a great find. Maybe not now, since nothing has even 100 HP yet, but one less hyper potion to buy down the line sounds good to me. Anyway, going through a little u shaped curve, we meet one more bug catcher before being able to leave the forest.




Even if I wasn't in a completely random world, walking through a forest where these tiny monsters of destruction live in infinite quantities sounds terrifying. Of course, this person doesn't think so and wants to square off against us. Alright then. Well, let's see what they have.


*Insert image of Blastoise I forgot to take*


I chose poorly again. While I don't think it is actually a threat, once again, Peepers can't actually kill it. I also briefly go into panic mode when this thing spams swords dance, but I think it only knew synthesis and defense curl so there was never any real threat to begin with.

Given that it was this bug catcher's only pokemon we promptly continue onward.




Well, a new city sounds promising, so let's keep going upward. Passing through that check point we get to Route 2 part 2 which is again, just a patch of grass and then go even further up.




And here we are, in our next destination, Pewter City. So, that is it for this episode. In the next one we'll see what challenges the city has to offer us and see if we can get ourselves a new team member. Until then, ciao.


The Team:









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Man Skaia you put us all to shame with your updating speed.

Don't you know everybody wants to evolve a Clamperl? To complete the dex...and breed the perfect Huntail and Gorebyss. Might as well go the whole hog and go for shiny as well. >:D

Your team seems to be doing well so far though. Is good. Made it through the very random forest and all.

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Don't you know everybody wants to evolve a Clamperl? To complete the dex...and breed the perfect Huntail and Gorebyss. Might as well go the whole hog and go for shiny as well. >:D

Is Breeding even a thing in this game? 


[spoiler=Episode 5 - The One with the "Rock" Gym]




The Unholy Quartet


Hello everyone, Skaia here once again with the pokemon updates. Where we last left off we had just traveled through the Viridian Forest and made our way to Pewter City. In this episode we will see what challenges Pewter has in store for us and maybe get ourselves a new team member.


So starting things off, we go to the pokemart as the normal stop to get more pokeballs. Can't catch things if you ain't got the balls to do it after all. Now because Pewter has a route outside of it, let's see if we can't find anything in it. However, as we try to leave, this guy starts talking to us.




Why yes I am.




I'm sorry who? So, after being told that we can challenge some guy we've never heard of this guy just kind of drags across to the other side of town.




We are deposited outside of the gym building. Well thanks Mr. Random Stranger for I guess informing me that this and a person named Brock exists. Let it never be stated that these early games were heavy on exposition. Now, we're basically forced to go through this gym in order to progress through the game, as that guy will continually drag us back here if we try to leave this city. I don't know why this person cares so much that we fight Brock, but I guess if there was ever a time to go get some exercise done it would be now. Walking into the gym we find




That it has the strangest exercise equipment one has ever seen. Maybe they get all their muscle tone here from playing catch with boulders. Jokes aside, this is the first gym and it's quite clear that it's the first the series has ever had. Most gyms tend to have some kind of gimmick to them but this one is entirely just a straight shot with a few trainers before the leader. There's also the guy next to us.




Despite not knowing the pokemon league didn't exist until just a few routes ago, sure.




It seems very weird that some talent agents seems to be inside the building where the challenges happen as opposed to out of it and even weirder that they're totally fine with him giving you advice to beat their gyms with inside of it, but hey, I admire this man's determination. Of course Mr. Proto Champ to be doesn't actually really tell us anything useful, just that the order in which you send out your pokemon is important. Thanks.


Aside from this crazy dude there's also these odd Rhydon-esque statues here. Given that these are in every gym, I believe, and Rhydon was the first entry into the game, it makes one wonder if this was planned to be their mascott character. Anyway, checking out these statues reveals something interesting to us.




BROCK'S THE GYM LEADER! Oh and I guess Seth already beat it before us. Makes sense that we wouldn't know until we checked, after all this guy is very stealthy about updating people about his progress. Well, nothing to do about it but attempt to catch up with him. So let's get to clearing this gym.




Ok apparently I lied, there's only one other trainer in this gym. Well, let's see what they got in store for us.




I am like 10 pixels away from facing him actually, thank you very much. Regardless, we gotta beat this guy before we can cross those ten pixels.




I don't know how I feel about some random person who doesn't know what proper shorts are calling me a kid. Anyway let's send out Peepers and see what we're up against here.




One of these days I will send this thing out into something that doesn't resist Ice. Anyway, just doing some scouting here, I lead off with the peeping peeper with Thunder Wave and see what it's got in store for us.




Apparnetly Perish Song. Well if that doesn't spell death I don't know what does. Not wanting Peepers to die in quite easily the most telegraphed way possible I bring in Scraw to fight against the heart fish. Striking it with a fury swipes, the fish seems to switch gears against us.




Nevertheless, its' nothing we can't handle, and so with a swift Milk Drink I decide to just wait out the perish so-



Wait, trainers actually switch out in this game? Huh, I thought that was only in later gens. Regardless, Scraw is now put agaisnt an actual, surprsingly, rock type and while noramlly a single water gun would murder this thing, Scraw's a bit different from the rest of his people. Leading in with a fury swipes, which does absolutely nothing, the cargo lets loose a magical leaf chunking Scraw for a good bit of his health. A bit worried I bring in Barnes instead.


This thing was actually pretty nuts. After switching into Barnes, this thing then goes straight into a body slam, critting but not killing. Scared for the sandstorm birds life, Progi comes in to tank a megahorn, and then promptly switched out by this thing's whirlwind. With Peepers back in the fray, I simply resolve to Blizzard this thing down.




And Peepers is victorious. With that all said and done, Luvdisc is all this guy has left and without much difficulty it too goes down.




Glad our victory could give him the knowledge about units of measurement. Anyway, going to heal the team back up, we come back to face the gym leader himself.




The signs do not lie.




Brock I think you need to calm down there. Children play this game.




I highly doubt this. Anyway, without further ado, let's get to the leader battle.




It's a shame gen 3 does not have the cut-in transition things for me to screen cap for these leaders, but ah well. Let's see what this guy has in store for us.




Well, not rock, but close enough. Though I suppose he's one city too far for this to be his theme, but hey. Something weak to ice. While normally I'd be scared of a diglet, all this one seemed to did was Sweet Kiss, which missed anyway.




Peepers finally showcasing his strength. With only one pokemon left, let's see what this gym leader has in store for us.




Peepers my boy, let him have it.




Or not. Holy sheet. So, this thing knew sketch, and stole Blizzard from us. I figured that Peepers would be both faster than it, having three speed boosts, and did not realize that it would completely one shot him. I'm sorry Peepers, I have failed you. So, in order to avenge him I bring out Scraw.


Now, like 5 other things in this god forsaken world, it also knows Dyanmic Punch and thus forces me through the RNG gauntlet again, (of which I had to potion through for safety.) And thus, the battle of Punching Bat and Scratching Croc begins. And at the end, only one stands victorious.




It is Scratching Croc. With that, the gym leader has fallen, we recieve a boulder badge and the ability to use Flash outside of battle. Though our badge case if one eights fuller, our hearts are one fourths emptier. Now then, why Golbat seemed to have Dynamic Punch suddenly makes an odd amount of sense.


Normally, I believe you'd get Rock Tomb or something as a TM here. However, TMs earned are also randomized and so instead we get




This thing hits way more often then 50% of the time. But yeah, I have Dynamic Punch to give pokemon now, and I think who can learn it is also random. As Progi, Peepers and Barnes can all learn it. I don't really think any of them are a good fit, but if you all do then be sure to tell me.


Anyway, with that fight over and done with, we're going to end the episode here. In the next episode, we're going to see if that guy, will finally let us pass now that we've challenged Brock.


The Team




Always In Our Hearts 




In post, had to get a screen shot of that golbat and it turns out that Diglet also knew Ice Punch and Vine Whip. That thing basically countered my whole team. 



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Nah breeding isn't a thing till you get to the Sevii Islands.


"Oh and I guess Seth already beat it before us. Makes sense that we wouldn't know until we checked, after all this guy is very stealthy about updating people about his progress."

Hey, I like to keep people on their toes, all right?


Also sad that Peepers is dead. A couple updates ago I said he'd be godly, but I guess my predictions suck. Rest in peepers, Peepers.

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Also sad that Peepers is dead. A couple updates ago I said he'd be godly, but I guess my predictions suck. Rest in peepers, Peepers.

Well, he did one shot something that would've very easily provided a whole lot hell to deal with, what with me having garbage luck with confusion hits so far. So in a way, he was. 

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[spoiler=Episode 6 - That One With Trainer Quotes]



Courage, Wisdom and Power. 


Hello everyone Skaia here. Where we last off in our bandwagoning adventure through the Kanto region was facing off against our first gym leader. There was hardships, blizzards and we even lost a commrade, but in the end we emerged victorious against the gym leader. In this episode we're going to be doing something. What I'm not sure but it's going to involve a lot of walking.




Walking past here, to be more specific, now that our eternal rival of artificial wall man is out of the way. So walking forward we continue to our next destinati-




Oh come on. Are you going to tell me that Brock's looking for a challenge too?




Oh, ok, nevermind that is much appreciated. Apparently the old man realized that it would be really difficult to travel around the world if all we did was walk. So now with these shoes we have been blessed with the amazing ability...to run! (But only outdoors.) With that, the aide just kind of peaces out in a flash, leaving us with our new found toy.


Not captured here because I'm a god at screenshots was that there was apparently a note attached to it. A note from our mother, wishing us luck. Well thanks Mom. I'm glad you realized that walking was a pain. Now with our ability to perform aerobic exercises in tow, let us begin our forward march.




A new route means a new team member to be. Let's see what this route has to offer us.




A whole bunch of trainers, that's what. So, I guess before we can get our pokemon we got to run a bit of a gauntlet. So let's see what we're dealing with here first.




Lady I will have you know my eyes are very much not facing you.




So first up we learn that I'm incredibly overleveled. Secondly we learn that Scraw lacking actual moves is pretty killer.




But not as killer as sky attack. The graveler knew poison powder and was trying to out predict me or something with detect. Next up on the list.




Ah, a repeat. I honestly don't remember what this thing can do but who really cares.




Progi doesn't. And with his Hyper Fang ready, another one bit the dust. Getting rid of the poison we continue onward and upward on this route.




I'm almost positive if you did we wouldn't be having this conversation now.




Hm, another bug catcher packing a kingdra. I wonder if this is the new trend among them. With a sky attack and fury swipes though




The enemy kingdra is down. The thing was kind of scary what with it's ability to use Focus Punch and my reliance on charge moves, but ultimately it wasn't anything the croc couldn't tough through.




The next bug type.




And the final one that kind of resembles a bug type, (it used Revenge.) Ultimately though, neither of these bug types are able to stand up to Barnes and Progi and we move on to the next trainer.




Hey! Thanks for the advice! Sadly, his name is not Joey.




Nor his Nidoran in the top percentile. With only a crawdaunt to switch into, poor Ben stands no chance. With it, he is left with nothing but a punch of fainted pokemon and his comfy shorts to console him in his loss.




Holy sheet a lead into battle that makes sense.





You will find him more a fisherman than a bug catcher.




I'm sure that blank, dead look gets all the ladies hot under the collar.




First to deal with here is the Fonz. He's not much of a challenge, but he does use beat up, letting me know just who it is coming up next in the team.




Oh hey Cow, nice of you to stop by on this run. Cow's actually pretty scary knowing Covet and Body Slam (two STAB moves, what a legend.) Oh and Dragon Dance, yeah that makes it a bit scary too. Thankfully, we're able to tough it out due to, fittingly enough, Milk Drink. And with it, the cow is no more.




Is shorts like the new fad amongst youngsters these days?




He's about to get his world rocked.




Shouldn't they all be like, half health or nearly dead or something, then?




Apparently this boys got balls and goes for the full health capture on all of them.




Images beyond this point are too graphic to be displayed, but I'm sure you can guess what happens next. Fittingly enough after using one 4x move and a 2x hyper beam move Barnes gets to learn something new.




While the idea of Barnes getting his game face on is quite enjoyable to me, I quite like his current moveset and thus he does not learn it. After going through all of those trainers though, we finally see what lies beyond.




Ah, grass. I never thought I'd see you again. So, this might be a bit difficult because my pokemon are stronger by a good margian but let's see if I can't catch something here.




Hey, don't need to trade to get that now. So, doing a quick check I'm almost assured that Mach Punch should not instantly kill this thing and put it in good catch range.




You know I was expecting that. Well, can't catch 'em all I guess. Continuing forward, there's still a trainer here and they decide to challenge us.




Lady you walked from four blocks away to get to me and last I checked humans evolved from mankeys not kadabras, I am no psychic type.




So I heard you like one shots. One frenzy plant later and we're home free, walking towards the next route.




And here we are. I don't remember if there's any grass here, but here's hoping to try our hands at another team member.




Sadly, there is not. But there is an oddly placed Pokemon Center as well as this sign near a hole in the wall. Let's go check out what this sign says.




MT. Moon, hm? Well that just sounds like code for Dungeon Number 2. And a new pokemon. However, this episode has gone on for long enough and I can only imagine what going through the cave will be like. So, we'll end the episode here. As always, I am your host Skaia, as you would expect from my blog, and I will see you all next time.


The Team




Special Guest Stars







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Watch the randomizer replace Zubat with like Mewtwo or something. So you'll just be going through and there's Mewtwo everywhere and it's just like "AAAA LEMME OUT". But on the other hand if you caught one you wouldn't have any problems for a while once you got out of there.

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Hey guys, one week anniversary. Wooo....woo...yeah...So how about a part that's seven times longer than? 


[spoiler=Episode 7 - To The Moon]



No Moons were harmed in the making of this episode.


Where we last off, we had just ended outside of a mountain named Moon. In this episode, we shall be checking this mountain tunnel out. And a new tunnel means a new team member. So let's just jump right into it.




Sadly we're not exploring the cave mouth.




Instead we get rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. And an item on the left as you can see over there. Wondering what it is let's go walk up to it.




The message auto scrolled so you can't tell what TM01 actually is but.




Fixed damage moves in the early game are pretty good, and Dragon Rage is as good as it'll get, doing 40 damage. Which at this point, is pretty crazy. After all, the highest HP we have on the team is Progi at 56, so this thing is basically guaranteed to two shot any one member of my team. Sadly, only Barnes is able to learn it, but I enjoy his movepool already too much to want to swap anything out. So, continuing to go around, let's check what else this cave has to offer us.




A new pokemon that's what. So, I have no idea if I'll just murder this thing with any of my moves, so I switch into Barnes to wittle it down. Now, this thing is wondeful. It has Stomp, it has Uproar, it has Guillotine (which is thankfully worthless against me,) it has FALSE SWIPE and it is




Not ground type. Sadly, the sandstorm killed the thing and it has a pretty sheet catch rate already, so I was unable to snag it. Ah well, there's always next route...probably. A bit defeated we go back to heal up after our fight against the thing, and go to check out the rest of the cavern proper.




I'll bewear indeed for all those zubats I'm certain are in this cave. So, walking just a bit to the left there's this girl.




Who decides that throwing down the gauntlet is the best way to kill time.




Friendly reminder that Progi has Plus.




Friendly reminder that Progi also has sharp teeth. (It had flame wheel which is where the burn came from.) So, killing the thing, we get another level up for Progi and he starts to learn a new move.




While flail is kind of cool, I never really want Progi to be in a situation where Flail is better than Hyper Fang. So, having beaten the lass let us continue forward. Walking to the right of her and going around a bend, we find yet another item.




A bluk berry is what we find. Don't really know what it does, but neato. Fun fact, we didn't actually have a berry pouch before now, but I guess getting this berry just kind of forced one into existence.




Alright well this time I was actually the one to initiate the battle here so you're fine for now.




What the- Well that's oddly fitting. I also thought Claydol got Sandstream as an actual ability but on further checking I was actually wrong.




Both of these Super Nerd's pokmeon are no match for Progi's chompers. Moving on, we find another item lying on the ground.




Hey another Energy Root. Just above this item is another trainer.




Thanks for the directions random bug catcher. I may have forgotten to acquire a town map, (which shows oddly more than a town,) so for all intents and purposes I imagine in game me has zero idea where exactly anything is. True to form really.




Here we prove that dragons have sharper teeth than sharks, we overthrow the newest member of the mod team and get through another hentai beast. Anyway, on the otherside of the wall is yet another item.




Barnes is about to get some ROCK HARD boosts here. So, walking about to the left we then get ourselves face to face with another trainer.




It's a mountain. Being big is in the job description.




Ironically being electric type makes me much less worried about it then normal. After that she sends out a Donphan which knows Mega Drain, but that does absolutely no damage so I keep hitting it. It also knew metronome which turned into the best move it could've.




I am my own worst enemy. After missing like 5 times in a row with Fury Swipes, during which the donphanaw surprisingly didn't use Milk Drink, I have felled myself. Leaving Mt. Moon to go get some PP back and heal up, let's go explore it from the other direction now.




I think what's more suspicious is people jumping at me every two seconds to battle.




Was thinking of leading with Barnes but it knew Rock Blast, so, glad I didn't. All that's left is a Poison Tail using Unown (which I didn't screencap cause I'm trash.) All that's left is just an item slightly above him.




Sadly the only psychic we have here is Progi and that's just with teleporting powers, so maybe some other day. So, getting that item, all that's left for us to do here on this floor is going down 1 of 2 staircases. Let's go with the closer one first.




The world's a lot more rectangular than I remember.




Well, not much to this floor at all I guess. So, let's just venture down one floor lower.




I think I see what that kid was saying about there being suspicious looking individual in this cave.




Yow, gangsters. Well, I for one am terrified by his title of Pokemon Gangster.




His choice of pokemon, not as much. Also, in addition to Lileep learning Blizzard, apparently Craydily here just learns overheat and sacred fire. What an evolution line.




Boy did you. So, not really paying much attention to the gangster we just continue forward and see an item laying about.




And we find out that it's actually mail. It's from some place called Alola 20 years in the future. The things you can find on the ground these days. With that, there's nothing else to really explore here on this floor, so let's just head back up and check the other staircase out.




So apparently when I said I was done with everything on this floor I was a dirty liar. Whoops.




No I came here to find a mewtwo. Anyway, let's just see what this guy has in store for us.




......................Destiny Bond is what. It used that as I was charging for Sky Attack so uh...yeah. Next pokemon.




Man funk you too game. Anyway, with one dead Scraw from the least avoidable death I've seen so far, let's keep pressing on through the cavern.




This happened in the wild.




Here we find another berry to put in our oddly existing berry pouch. Anyway, there's just one last hiker on this floor that doesn't actually agro on to you so I talked to him and he just decided to battle.




Barnes is on a rampage right now. Anyway, with that, we've actually cleared out the entire first floor. And with this part having gone on for as long as it has and being kind of bummed out that Scraw is now dead and I am down to two pokemon, I'm gonna end it here. So, see you all next time on adventures through Mt. Doom.


The Team




Always In Our Memory 




Special Guest Stars







Happy Anniversary everyone. 

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