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Who is your overwatch main?


I don't reaaaally have a main. I tend to fill whatever role the team needs, but I guess I do have certain characters I focus on.


Offense: Soldier. He's the only hitscan I'm good with, and I just dislike the other playstyles. I don't like flankers, and I play Sombra more as a tower defense character by controlling health packs than flanking. McCree I just don't like, while Pharah is too... I'm really bad with the speed of her rockets.


Defense: Mei. Her area denial is more appealing to me than Junkrat's is. Great for stalling, I like her on attack too honestly. Not my first choice though.


Tanks: Used to be D.Va, but this current patch just destroyed her. One Hog hook is enough to remove her mech now. No thanks. Instead I'm playing Zarya, cause Grav is stupidly strong in the Flanker Meta we're going into. Plus I'm getting way better at the timing of her shields, thanks to Fahzix's streams. I'll play Rein, but he's never my first choice. So boring to me.


Healers: Ana. I play all of them, but Ana is still absurdly good. So I focus on learning her, while still playing Lucio and Zen. Zen isn't as good in the Flanker Meta though.


favorite game?


Eeeeh... I don't really have a favorite, honestly.


Pokemon Moon is up there right now, but that'll wane off with time. Overwatch is still a ton of fun, Stardew Valley is great. Majora's Mask is probably my closest game to a favorite, cause it has a lot of personal meaning to me.


Do you support the freeing of ragnarok1945?


Never. He was a detriment to the site, a shitposter of the worst caliber. He wasn't funny, he wasn't smart, he wasn't anything except active and toxic. I have a lot of negative thoughts about him that I won't air out here.


How do you feel about squids, krakens, and other tentacley creatures?


Where's the discord thumbs up emote when you need it? Thumbs up. -v-

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Gonna bump this thread on up, cause I was waiting to see if anymore replies happened. They didn't. So trying again! -v-


What was the last dream you had?


No idea. I don't remember my dreams very often. The last one I remember that was really clear was from when I was still, like, 10-11 years old. And that was a kinda... Creepy one that I don't like to talk about. It was one of those dreams I would wake up from and my skin would feel like it was crawling, not fun.

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