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Okay but why were you a Ganondorf main before Ryu's release?

Because then when I lose I can blame it on game balance


Hmmm yeah, Devos was upsetting personally


I'm just holding out a hope we get single payer or similar


Anyway what's up with ( stuff )

Hey you used my bracket joke exactly correctly. Stuff is good. Put in application for a cosplay contest for a convention coming up, so I am really hyped at the moment. Plus I'm having a good time shitposting in multiple threads at once.

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YCMaker, why have you done this?

Rewas, will Jerome ever come back?

EndUser, do you have any plans to reduce your :enduser: level?

Winter, are you secretly a Muslim?

Deadpool, if I give you papers will you stop posting?

XOXO, who killed you?

Spike, are you alive?

Rag, if you were unbanned would you return?

Jesus, did you exist?

Red-Eyes B. Dragon, why is there a "B." in your name rather than the word "Black"?

Red-Eyes B. Chick, same question as above.

Giga, who is ()?

(), who is Giga?

Enguin, what are you achieving by making this post?

Michael Jackson, are you really dead?

Elvis Presley, are you really dead?

Adolf Hitler, are you really dead?

Albert Einstein, are you really dead?

Yui, are you really alive?

Koko, where have you gone?

Abdel, why do you repress your sexual hunger for other males?

Wayne Rooney, your thoughts on Ratchet and Clank 3?

Sir Alex Ferguson, what is your favourite denomination?

Hillary Clinton, can you count backwards from 5000 in Spanish?

CowCow, do you favour bulls or bears in gladiatorial combat?

Patrick Vieira, are you secretly Asian?

Zinedine Zidane, when did you start to bald?

Polaris, would you be willing to cut off your left arm to have two right arms?

Allah, who Akbar?

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