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Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend

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1 really strong effect, 1 good but not quite as good effect, and a pretty damn beefy body are definitely this thing's strong points.


...aaaaand then there's the summoning requirements, which make it quite a bit less generic/easy to Synch into.


Level 10 isn't a horrible level for a Synchro, but it's a lot less easy to make than, say, an 8 or a 6 (outside of its respective deck at least). Requiring 2 Tuners is kinda ech too, since in a way you're giving up another potential Synchro to make just 1 of them. Unless you have a way of getting one of those tuners out of the Grave, at least.


Overall, I like it, but you're probably not gonna see it very often outside of RDA.dek.


Oh and the artwork's pretty cool too <3

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On Dueling Nexus I once summoned this using 3 Morphtronic Celfon tuned with a Morphtronic Remoten and a Defense Position Morphtronic Scopen because someone in the chat was telling me to "Summon something impressive". (yes I play Morphtronics now)


I like how you can summon it in Aliens with Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow, Alien Ammonite and a Level 4. The same setup could be used to go into Ultimaya Tzolkin or a Rank 5 via Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar, but blowing up loads of stuff is sometimes useful.

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