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My evil hero deck plz rate

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e-hero malicious edge x2

slate warrior


e-hero inferno gainer x3

e-hero sparkman x1

e-hero avian

e-hero burstinatrix

e-hero clayman x2

e-hero wildheart x3

e-hero prisma x2

evil hero infernal prodigy


grand mole

king of the swamp



lightning vortex x2


premature burial

heavy storm

reinforcement of the army

E- emergency x3

dark fusion x3

dark calling x3



royal decree

sakuretsu armor x2

return from the different dimension



e-hero infernal sniper x2

e-hero dark gaia x3



this deck needs many more fusions but im about done besides that

i will not use any light sealed hexes

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, you NEED Fusion Substitutes. And you got the name of one of them wrong, Malicious EDGE is the normal critter that's got the ability ot come out for a single tribute if the opponent has a monster. Malicious FIEND is that Fusion that's Edge + another Lv6 or higher Fiend.


You also need to run at least TWO Infernal Prodigy. And Stratos could benefit you as well...especially the Common reprint one (PT03) that now includes Evil Heroes in its text...

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... YUCK. This thing is BAD. Remember, YOU ARE NOT JADEN.




Monsters Level 5 and more(5)

Evil Hero-Malicious Edge

Evil Hero-Malicious Edge

Evil Hero-Malicious Edge

Messenger of Hades-Gorz/Caius the Dark Monarch

Caius the Dark Monarch


Monsters Level 1 to 4(19)

Elemental Hero-Prisma

Elemental Hero-Prisma

Elemental Hero-Prisma

Elemental Hero-Wildheart

Elemental Hero-Wildheart

Elemental Hero-Wildheart

Elemental Hero-Clayman

Elemental Hero-Sparkman

Elemental Hero-Stratos

Mystic Tomato

Mystic Tomato

Armageddon Knight

Armageddon Knight

The Dark-Hex-Sealed Fusion

The Dark-Hex-Sealed Fusion

The Dark-Hex-Sealed Fusion

Snipe Hunter

Spirit Reaper



Spell cards(12)

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Brain Control

Dimension Fusion

Reinforcement of the Army

Reinforcement of the Army

Dark Calling

Dark Calling

Dark Calling


Trap cards(4)

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Return from the Different Dimension

Return from the Different Dimension


Fusion monsters(15)

Evil Hero-Lightning Golem

Evil Hero-Lightning Golem

Evil Hero-Lightning Golem

Evil Hero-Malicious Devil

Evil Hero-Malicious Devil

Evil Hero-Malicious Devil

Evil Hero-Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero-Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero-Wild Cyclone

Evil Hero-Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero-Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero-Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero-Dark Gaia

Evil Hero-Dark Gaia

Evil Hero-Dark Gaia


Total:40 + 15 fusions


And Infernal Prodigy sucks.

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