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Adventures in the Old Testament [Zefra]


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Monsters (22)

1 Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer

3 Zefratorah Grammaton
3 Satellarknight Zefrathuban

3 Stellarknight Zefraxciton

3 Zefraxi, Treasure of the Yang Zing

3 Zefraniu, Secret of the Yang Zing
3 Ritual Beast Tamer Zeframpilica

1 Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi

1 Zefraexa, Flame Beast of the Nekroz

1 Kuraz the Light Monarch

Spells (11)

3 Zefra Providence
3 Oracle of Zefra
1 Raigeki

1 Book of Moon
3 Supply Squad


Traps (7)
1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Vanity's Emptiness
1 Echo Oscillation

1 Celestial Crusade of the Zefra
2 Nine Pillars of Yang Zing

Extra (15)

1 Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer
2 Metaphys Horus

1 Stardust Charge Warrior

1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
1 PSY-Framelord Omega
2 Constellar Ptolemy M7

1 Number 39: Utopia Beyond
1 Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer
1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
1 Mechquipper Angineer

1 Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer


Goal of the deck is simple: Blow up stuff and profit. I'm kind of disappointed I couldn't fit any Ritual Monsters in (i.e. Brionac/Clausolas), but this deck has a lot of crazy stuff.



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I'm wondering what's the role of the lone Zefracore.

Do you really need the Beast Tamer Zefras? because AFAIK they aren't that good.

Why not a 3rd Zefraniu? It should be one of the best Zefras to play given its searching effect.

Really feeling that a couple of Terraformings may be more valuable than Echo Oscilations/Supply Squad, since the latter rely on your destruction effects and, well, if you don't have them, they are practically dead cards. Granted, you seem to have plenty of them with the Zefratellarknights, but still, they can bit you back anytime.

I was expecting some kind of Metalfoe or Sky Iris engine, or Zarc Magicians as techs, in a Zefratorah deck to destroy it with more ease. Perhaps you could try something like that? Sky Iris would go well with Terraforming, by the way.


Oh, and you can run ROTA to grab Zefrathuban, if you consider it worth it.

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I recommend playing up to 3 Nine Pillars of the Yang Zing, as well as crusade of the zefra, considering it can be used during the turn it gets searched via zefraniu (even the opponent's turn) after resolving Nine Pillars. Right now Zefras still require to slow down the game a bit, considering a scale 1 + grammaton already leads into a zefraniu + set up scales into "infernity barrier" into "raigeki break/drancia".

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I probably don't need as many of the RBs. The numbers are a holdover from before Providence was even out, where losing scales happened all the time - hence Wendi. I also maxed out Pilica for use with Luster Pendulum, who at the time was like, the only real power card.


Pilica also helped a touch with Xyz and getting hit by Warning, but there's no way I can make that painless.

With the amount of destruction here, Exa is going to be better than Core.


I also wound up getting too many Quinu and nothing to do with him a lot, but Torah helps cut down on that problem.


Do you think it's worth it to replace the Strikes with Pillars instead? If I now max both, it should be usable a lot.

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