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Strongest Big Boss 60

Just Crouton

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The most STRONGEST deck ever.




Monsters: 56

3 Sephylon the Ultimate Time Lord

3 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

3 B.E.S. Big Core MK-3: 2700 Cydra to that recycles copies of itself.

1 The Blazing Mars: If you can't make a big thing, drop this.

3 Palladium Oracle Mahad: Topdeck that swings over DARKs and can be stacked with Sabres.

3 Power Giant: Rank 3 enabler.

1 Edge Imp Sabres: Rank 3 enabler.

3 Speedroid Terrortop: 1-card Rank 3 enabler.

3 Marauding Captain: Puts another Level 3 on board, making Kaiser/Future easier.

3 Junk Forward: Rank 3 enabler.

1 Bacon Saver: Grave trap, stops an attack.

3 Necro Gardna Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice: Grave trap, stops an attack.

3 Speedroid Taketomborg: Rank 3 enabler.

3 Crane Crane: Rank 3 enabler.

3 Mimimic: Rank 3 enabler.

2 Clear Kuriboh: Grave trap, when attacked directly, topdeck a monster that takes the hit instead. Also an anti-burn hand trap.

3 Rainbow Kuriboh: Stuns a monster.

3 Raidraptor - Last Strix: Makes Seven Sins.

1 Electromagnetic Turtle: Grave trap, Battle Phase ender.

2 Metaion, the Timelord: Resets the frontrows.

3 Chaos Necromancer: Gets mega-huge with all the milling.

3 Swift Scarecrow: Hand trap, Battle Phase ender.


Spells: 4

1 Soul Charge

3 The Grass is Always Tastier on the Other Side


Extra Deck: 15
2 Number 77: The Seven Sins: 4000-thing made with Last Strix.
1 Number 93: Utopia Kaiser: Makes a murder board.
2 Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon: Summon with Last Strix, overlay for Seven Sins.
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max: Make with Sephylon + Metaion. Burn 2000.
1 Number 39: Utopia Beyond: Summon with Kaiser.
1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: Make with Prime.
1 Number S39: Utopia Prime: Summon with Kaiser to overlay for Prime next turn. Prime over OG Utopia because the extra 10 ATK and the deck can't Rank 4 anywhere near consistently.
2 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon: 2500 thing.
1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant: Add 300 to all your dudes.
2 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss: Mill 3 to make it 2500.
1 Number F0: Utopic Future: Make with used up Dantes. Annoying thing that steals monsters for the turn.


Side Deck: 15

3 Rocket Arrow Express: ???

1 Tasuke Knight: ???
2 Necroface: In case of opponent mass-banishing stuff.

3 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode: Removal.

3 Galaxy Cyclone: Banish from Graveyard, smash something.

3 Magical Spring: Draw stuff.





Mill with Dante, drop the big guys.


Or if you open Lawnmower, mill 20, then use the Rank 3 enablers to make Utopia Kaiser and drop Beyond and Prime to make Lightning next turn.


Last Strix makes a 4000-thingy in Seven Sins.


Blazing Mars is for when you can't drop a big thing.


Tried 1 Dark Magician because Mahad, but Mahad doesn't hit the field enough for me to run a vanilla brick.

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Some comparative choices to think about:


B.E.S. vs Lord Gaia:

-B.E.S.'s got a higher ATK + can survive multiple blows + can shuffle other copies of itself.

-Lord Gaia can attack on the turn it's summoned + is level 7 (for R7 plays) + can break into 3k ATK.


Junk Forward vs Gallis the Star Beast:

-both fill same roll (R3 enabler)

-Junk Forward conflicts with a ton of other monsters for a summon

-Gallis' summon isn't 100% certain.


Clear Kuriboh vs Kuribohrn

-CK stops burn + let's you draw off of a battle

-Reborn can bring back something + possible late-game protection


Other possible stuff:

-Fairy Tail - Snow

-Digital Bug Corbage

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