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Juke Box

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This is a deck based around toolboxing Synchro monsters. However, I'm not so sure for some of the cards that would go into this deck and sort of threw in some of the support.


Monsters: 20

[2]Cyber Dragon

[3]Masked Dragon

[3]Marauding Captain

[2]Magna Drago

[2]Junk Synchron

[2]Bolt Hedgehog

[2]Spell Striker

[1]Tune Warrior



[1]D.D. Warrior Lady (thrown in)


Spells: 15

[2]Foolish Burial

[2]Reinforcement of the Army

[2]Creature Swap (?)

[2]Enemy Controller


[1]Premature Burial

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Smashing Ground

[1]Heavy Storm

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Swords of Revealing Light (?)


Traps: 5

[2]Angel Lift

[1]Miniaturization (thrown in)

[1]Torrential Tribute

[1]Mirror Force



Synchros: 15

[2]Junk Warrior

[2]Stardust Dragon

[2]Goyou Guardian

[2]Mental-Sphere Daemon

[2]Ally of Justice, Catastor

[1]Red Daemon's Dragon

[1]Gigantech Fighter

[1]Mist Wurm

[1]X-Saber Urbellum

[1]Brionoc, Dragon of Ice Boundry

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