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Your First Deck Thread


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My deck that I used in my first Tournament. My memories kinda hazy but I'll do the best I can.


27 Monsters:


1| Lava Golem

2| Lizard Soldier

1| Witch of the Black forest

1| Sangan

2| Cat's Ear Tribe

2| Giant Orc

1| Goblin King

1| Red-Eyes B. Dragon

2| Legendary Jujitsu Master

1| Dark Zebra

1| Penguin Soldier

2| Man-Eater Bug

1| Mucus Yolk

1| Dark Dust Spirit

1| Shapesnatch (seriously)

1| Marie the Falen One

1| Cocoon of Evolution

1| Sinister Serpent

1| Chaos Necromancer

2| Archfiend Soldier

1| Shadowknight Archfiend


14 Magics:


1| Monster Reborn

1| Change of Heart

1| Premature Burial

1| Harpie's Feather Duster

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Nobleman of Extermination

1| Nobleman of Crossout

2| Call of the Mummy

1| Graceful Charity

1| Pot of Greed

2| The Shallow Grave


12 Traps:


1| Imperial Order

1| Mirror Force

2| Trap Hole

2| Solemn Wishes

1| Robbin' Goblin

1| Robbin' Zombie

2| Enchanted Javelin

2| Wall of Revealing Light


No Joke.

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