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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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W!Lissa is definitely up there, for sure, but it's hard to choose a favorite.


Soeda Ippei has a fantastic art style and while Arden and Dorcas probably don't have my favorite art, I honestly think he's the most talented artist the game has (and if you haven't, definitely check out his twitter and his pixiv for more of his work). I'd love if it we could get Athos and have him be the artist, like he did for his Cipher card.


Rhajat's art is pretty damn good, Tobi's got really good art with Klein's whose has always been one of my favorites as well as the Morgans being absolutely precious (particularly F!Morgan, her Dark Flier outfit design in this is great), I love Oliver's art for the meme injured art but it's honestly got a nice amount to detail overall, Amelia looks super cute and I love the armor design that's a mix of her Trainee/General look, Fir's art is really nice (kaya8 has a really nice art style in general), Daisuke Izuka's BK/Zelgius are fantastic and very dynamic.


Anyways, decided to do abunch of summoning, after ~90 orbs I got a +Spd -Atk W!Robin (will probably fodder for Brazen Atk/Spd, probably to Lucina) and a +Res -HP NY!Azura (which is great since I didn't have a flying dancer yet). Probably done with the banner.

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I struggle to pick a favorite as well, but my top 3 are Elincia, Lissa and... leaning towards H!Nowi, who is currently my leading character if only because she is the only one I have that has good IVs, I like the art and last time I checked was still in a high tier.

Others I like are W!Lissa, Lilina, WF!Hinoka, Laegjarn, Beruka, B!Ike, L!Ike, B!Sanaki, A!Tiki, while I like a few mostly for the sexy factor admittedly, such as Lene and S!Sharena.


Anyway, took the 5 orbs from the session with the free pull, and didn't get any Rank5. I will hold from rolling on that banner for now since I'm more interested in getting a better B!Sanaki from the new Bride banner.

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Managed to get a "Sigurd: Holy knight" (+hp, -res) from the legendary hero banner, Already had one with a better nature (+atk, -res), so he isn't as amazing. Now to decide whether to merge him or use him for "Close defense"/"Speed smoke" (in which case: who?).


As for the topic of favourite art(ist), I quite like Asatani Tomoyo (Ephraim×2, Eirika×2, Berkut, and Ayra). The armor on the units drawn by them looks very nice… Arya and Eirika might just look a tad too similar for my liking though.

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Oh yeah, Halloween Nowi is also adorable.


I was also really happy with Katarina's art and love Maria's which is the same artist as Fir's.


Finally finished building the most beautiful man in all of Fire Emblem:




Gotta love those 45/53 defenses when attacked at range.

I'm so proud of you right now

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Might try for Karla, as her sword may be fun to use alongside Flashing Blade and Phantom Speed. And even if one with bad IVs is pulled there is Wrath and Even Speed Wave to fodder. Acrobatics from Nino, and Legault's dagger are both interesting as well.


EDIT: Managed to pull a +RES/-HP Julia from my free summon. Not sure whether to use my current +ATK/-HP or merge it into my new one.

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The banner is called Scattered Fangs so I was expecting Linus, Nergal, Sonia, maybe Brendan. Only Linus made it, and as a GHB unit >.>


Anyway, I rolled for the Seliph banner, shows 4 greens orbs, 1 red and 1 colorless so I decided to roll for the first 2 colors, I get Deirdre and Rank5 Ares, with such trend I roll the last colorless one, but no more Rank5s for me. 2 is pretty good already, although Ares is +Def/-Spd and Deirdre is +Res/-Def, the latter appears to be good.

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The banner is called Scattered Fangs so I was expecting Linus, Nergal, Sonia, maybe Brendan. Only Linus made it, and as a GHB unit >.>

To be fair these Fangs are more "scattered".


Aaaanyway, won't be rolling any more legend banner unless I get Nino and, especially, Legault.


The Legend Banner wasn't very good to me anyway, just giving me a Fjorm.

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To be fair these Fangs are more "scattered".


Indeed, but I hoped it was on the sense of "here are the Fangs the game has been missing". Oh well.


I thought Legault's weapon was the new best Dagger because of Bladetome effect but then reading comments I noticed it's actually a reverse Bladetome, in that it factor's the foe's bonuses, not the users. That makes it more situational to be effective.


Not a big fan of the Fang banner. If anything, I would go for Karla if she is the next powercreep swordmaster, plus I like her art, but would rather focus on rolling for a better B!Sanaki while the banner stands.


When will Leila come for Matthew?! Funnily enough, she would have fit the banner somewhat since she was an infiltrated member of the Black Fang.

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With Nino we get 2 flying mages in the regular summoning poil Given the effect of her tome, I expect her to be quite fast; maybe the best flying mage yet. Somewhat unfair that she just gets a stat increase compared to Karla's cooldown reduction; but it might prove to be more useful. I'm wondering whether Merric will also get access to the tome eventually, similar to how he got "Dark Excalibur"… despite how litle he will gain from it.

On another note, I managed to summon Hardin (+hp, -def) on the legendary heroes banner. Already had a better one (+res, -hp) with some investment. Used the new one to give Grima "Bold fighter 3". Combined with "Warding breath", "Aether" (which I already gave him some time ago) and the "Quick riposte" sacred seal, I would consider him finished… aside from 9 more merges.

My Kana (M) merge project has pretty much come to a halt; merged all copies of him and already gave him "Lightning breath+", "Aether" and "Quick Riposte 3" (among a decent number of other budget skills). So time to decide who to build in the meantime… or hold of to see what effect the refined weapons will get.
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To be fair these Fangs are more "scattered".


Aaaanyway, won't be rolling any more legend banner unless I get Nino and, especially, Legault.


The Legend Banner wasn't very good to me anyway, just giving me a Fjorm.

I haven't gotten ANYTHING GOOD from the Legendary Banner. Will got for Scattered Fangs. They should up the 5* drop rate to 16% or 32%

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New update is out, here's an overview from the subreddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/8pggqk/version_260_update_megathread_6718/


Here's the datamined stats of the new units:



Linus' kit is Basilikos, Luna, Brazen Atk/Spd 3, and Drive Def 2. Combined with his stats that's a pretty damn crazy GHB unit. Also, next GHB rerun will be Oliver.


Link to the full datamine: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/datamine/feh-datamine-060718-version-260-scattered-fangs


Also there's currently a bug with Tap Battle so we'll get compensation orbs later: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_JP/status/1004948883783348225

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Put ~30 orbs into it just to see what I'd get and didn't get anything noteworthy, I'm not too interested in this banner anyways so I'll go back to saving. I haven't had over 100 orbs for awhile so I'd like to hold on to what I've got.

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It appears that Kaze is now summinable at 3 or 4 star. The same cannot be said for the other free units though. This should make it easier to get more special cooldown reducing daggers (Barb Shuriken), and a cheaper alternative to Lyn when it comes to "Atk smoke".


Haven't managed to summon any of the focus units so far. They seem quite strong. Karla with a boon in speed supposedly puts her at 44 speed; the fastest yet, and she has a formiddable 35 base atk as well. Nino getting a better movement type and more speed, while remaining pretty much unchanged otherwise should make her a great unit.


The new refines don't impress me as much as some of the older ones, but they aren't bad I suppose. The tomes are basically a somewhat more conditional "Nifl frostflowers"/"Muspell fireposy", but easier to max and with an additional effect as well. Tiki's new breath is basically Falchion. I will probably stick to using "Lightning breath+", since I tend to use Tiki in arena assault for baiting archers.

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Wow, was not expecting the Kaze addition. Hopefully they'll do the same for TT units, not sure about GHB though since those are more easily rerun.


A free 3* Kaze will also be available on the 4th of the four heroes maps, following Roy, Tailtiu, and Barst.

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