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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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There wasn't really a reason to expect a new banner. A banner with new units usually appears every 2 weeks, the latest of which (Hoshidan new year) appeared just 1 week ago. The tempest trials just ended, as did a voting gauntlet; so banners accompanying them wouldn't be around anymore. Lastly, the skill banner still runs for a while. 
Personally I don't really mind the lack of new banners; I'm trying to save my orbs, which is easier if there aren't a lot of banners to distract me. My wishlist includes: a strong red flying unit, a flying source of magic damage, and units from Sacred stones I don't already have (though merges are also cool).

In other news, I managed to get enough "Divine dew" to upgrade another legendary weapon. Which I used on Minerva. So she now deals extra damage when her special triggers. Combined with "Noontime" she will have a mini "Aether" that can basically trigger each battle. Though I think other skills might be more beneficial for her ("Moonbow" and "Glimmer" for example).


Time to decide on whose legendary weapon to upgrade next, though it will take some time before I have enough materials. 

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I also decided to save on Orbs. Gave up on Airzura and will just roll until I get a Rank5 to make use of the slight roll bonuses, but after that I will hold on the orbs for the next seasonal banner.

I hope we get new units instead of reskins.


Like Children of Awakening: Noire, Gerome, Nah and Kjelle.

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Just edited that post to show stats but here it is again:



Also I think Oliver is GHB:



Found the full datamine link: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/datamine/feh-datamine-110


Also lol Thani:



Of course this datamining came from the recent 2.1.0 update, these are the notes:

・ The limit on Hero Merit has been increased to 4,000.
・ Additional possibilities await in Sacred Seal Forge and Weapon Refinery.
・ A new feature to check the battle map before battle has been added.
・ New maps have been added to the Arena.
・ Bug fixes.
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I wish Oliver was an armor unit ngl


Speaking of, super disappointed in Zelgius. I liked the red armor....

Oliver is stuck as a sage Been that way since PoR.


As for Zelgius, It's to mean that Zelgius and the Black Knight are the same guy. Zelgius also has the same VA as the Black Knight, further cementing this, refer to Radiant Dawn Endgame part 2, where Ike and Zelgius go one on one.


On that note, we finally get some Radiant Dawn characters. I am REALLY hoping to get Micaiah since she's voiced by 4kids Ash Ketchum. And Oliver voiced by Jedah, nice.


Good thing I got my Orbs saved. Also new features are so cool. Increased hero merit is nice, along with new seals and weapons.


Also, I used my feathers to (Finally) Get my Gunter to 5*, and checking his stats, he's neutral. I also had some leftover feathers to evolve my Saizo from 3* to 4,and I gave him Tharja's Vengeance.


Gave Gunter Silver Axe+, question is, with the Weapon Refinery, what attribute should I give him?


Oh and give Micaiah and Oliver Glacies. Oh the damage that will cause.


Now we just need some Tharcia 776 units, like Leif, and new Beast units like Ranulf.

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Oliver of all things xD

Thani looks really sweet. That protection from ranged armor/cavalry is cool.

Seems both Micaiah and Oliver are blue? Will suck for those looking for either if they are in the same banner.


Got excited about Zelgius. I want it more than the Black Knight for some reason. I also was hoping for its red armor, but I can take this one.

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Oliver of all things xD

Thani looks really sweet. That protection from ranged armor/cavalry is cool.

Seems both Micaiah and Oliver are blue? Will suck for those looking for either if they are in the same banner.


Got excited about Zelgius. I want it more than the Black Knight for some reason. I also was hoping for its red armor, but I can take this one.

Please refer to FE RD Endgame part 2.

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Of course I know about Oliver and his antics. I just didn't see this coming. I would have expected the introduction of Laguz before Oliver.


This gives me hopes for Ludveck, though.



Actually I hope they edit the black armor out of Zelgius ASAP because I realized it's a massive spoiler from iS for those who have not played the Radiance series, and as a mobile game surely it has players that started with Awakening or Fates.

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While update did add the option to refine some weapons, Eirika still doesn't have the option; whereas her brother with a very similar weapon does. Maybe next time.


Interesting to see that they have added "light"-tomes. Given Linde is known as "Light mage", I find it weird that those tomes weren't available earlier… not that it matters much. The tome Oliver comes with by default is a minorsetback compared to the weapons of previous grand hero battles, but it is a new grand hero; so that is at least something. I wonder if he'd get along with Narcian, they both seem to be full of themselves.


The addition to the skills page is a welcome change. You can now see what types of units cannot inherit a certain skill; there already were ways to do so, but it easier now. The "Valor" skills (and alike) go a little overboard if you ask me.

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Oliver is stuck as a sage Been that way since PoR.


As for Zelgius, It's to mean that Zelgius and the Black Knight are the same guy. Zelgius also has the same VA as the Black Knight, further cementing this, refer to Radiant Dawn Endgame part 2, where Ike and Zelgius go one on one.

I know he is...though he wasn't a Sage in either game. Anyway, my point is he's already a meme it'd be amusing to see them work with that. Especially cause iirc he had pretty good defense for a magic user.


And I know that as well...I'm saying that it's boring and I don't see a point having Zelgius if he's just gonna be "Black Knight without helmet" and different stats.

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That's really cool. Wish I had such luck, although to be fair I have had my lucky rolls, too, like the Shiro I got from the free Summon on the Childen of Fates banner, albeit with an undesirable boon/bane >.>


Meanwhile, rolled for 2 reds from the Radiant banner, and got only 2 Rank4s, nothing noteworthy. And I'm still rolling gradually for a Rank5 from the New Year banner.

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That's really cool. Wish I had such luck, although to be fair I have had my lucky rolls, too, like the Shiro I got from the free Summon on the Childen of Fates banner, albeit with an undesirable boon/bane >.>


Meanwhile, rolled for 2 reds from the Radiant banner, and got only 2 Rank4s, nothing noteworthy. And I'm still rolling gradually for a Rank5 from the New Year banner.

Me too. Maybe the RNG Hates me.


Also, possible Voting Gauntlet: Greil Mercenaries vs. Dawn Brigade




Greil Mercenaries:

  • Ike
  • Mist
  • Titania
  • Oscar

Dawn Brigade:

  • Micaiah
  • Sothe
  • Zelgius
  • Oliver (To round it out.)

This kind of this is why we need to have 5* banners. Banners with 5* units only. Either that or hopefully one of the three new units will be demoted.


Speaking of, Who will be part of Valentine's Day?

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I'm hoping that this new RD banner means we'll get a full Dawn Brigade banner after this. I really want Nolan, he's so kickass in RD, being one of the actual good units of the DB and my personal favorite Reaver over Boyd.


And I sure love having Gunnthra for training on the Warriors maps. Her Chilling Seal affects all enemies with the lowest Def if there's a tie, so she's debuffing units across the entire map with it.


EDIT: So if you checked the notifications today, we've got an upcoming mini-TT with a Ryoma/Hinoka/Sakura banner, and NY!Corrin is a free reward. Alfonse is a 20% bonus unit and NY!Corrin is a 40% bonus unit, so you can get bonus units even if you don't have any of the other characters.

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I'm hoping that this new RD banner means we'll get a full Dawn Brigade banner after this. I really want Nolan, he's so kickass in RD, being one of the actual good units of the DB and my personal favorite Reaver over Boyd.


And I sure love having Gunnthra for training on the Warriors maps. Her Chilling Seal affects all enemies with the lowest Def if there's a tie, so she's debuffing units across the entire map with it.


EDIT: So if you checked the notifications today, we've got an upcoming mini-TT with a Ryoma/Hinoka/Sakura banner, and NY!Corrin is a free reward. Alfonse is a 20% bonus unit and NY!Corrin is a 40% bonus unit, so you can get bonus units even if you don't have any of the other characters.

Sweet. All the more sweeter is that it's a mini-tempest trial map, so you get all the rewards twice as fast. I got Sakura and Hinoka so that will do until I get NYCorrin.


My team at first will be Sakura, Hinoka, Hector and my waifu, Tharja. Hector will get the boot after I get NY Corrin.

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Short rant:

Typical, I was rolling for a last Rank5 form the New Years banner, still picking Greens for the chance of Airzura, but one of the sets has no greens, I go for Red for the slim chances of Elincia, but guess who I get instead? New Years Camilla >.> and it's the second one I got in the same way, from a set with no Greens. How can I show my non-support for overly fanservice characters if I keep getting them in this way? Granted, I could have picked other colors instead, but there is always that chance for Elincia and also I'm looking for Hinata for the Fury skill.

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