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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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I mentioned earlier that Nephenee and Bike are my OTP so I want to build them to support each other, but I struggle with the Seals and weapon refine for Nephenee, as well as C skill and Seal for Bike.

For starters, Bike is neutral and Nephenee is +Atk/-Spd. For Nephenee I plan for Threaten Spd to patch up the Spd deficiency, Wrath, Fury even if I'm not that much of a fan of bonuses that cost HP like Pokemon's Life Orb but I guess in her case is helps to make Wrath live, but I'm open to other alternatives that don't compromise her bulk. I got no clue for the rest, though.

As for Bike, Urvan cannot be refined so no question there, will keep the Steady Breath and Beorc Blessing, but I'm wondering if a different C skill than its default could be better for pairing it with Nephenee. I'm clueless on his Seal as well.

Regarding the Assists, I guess I cannot go wrong with Reposition or Swap or whatever I get on my hands. Or is there something more beneficial for this pair out there?

If you still want to use that Nephenee keep Fury. 37 is a very crowded speed stat, and you don't want to get doubled by everyone in there. Threaten Defense works if you're going for the Slaying Lance + Wrath build, and it supports  B-Ike too since he really doesn't care much about speed. Threaten Speed works too, especially if you're going for Slaying Edge + Speed refinement. As for Refinement (+speed) is probably the best since it patches up her speed bane and it lets her double alot of stuff again, especially with Threaten Speed.  (+defense) and Fury turns her into quite the physical wall as well. (+attack) is ok but I honestly dont think its baetter than the other 2. For the seal if really depends on the situation, and what unit needs the seal more. There are quite alot of seals the you can just slap on her and works perfectly fine.


I would keep Threaten Defense on Ike, hes a frontlinner who can use it well, and she can benefit from it too. Close Defense seal is pretty good on him, letting him tank that first attack a little better. But again, seals are flexible. Reposition is arguably the best assist in the game, and Swap is pretty good too, especialy if you want to use Threaten Speed/Defense.

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If you still want to use that Nephenee keep Fury. 37 is a very crowded speed stat, and you don't want to get doubled by everyone in there. Threaten Defense works if you're going for the Slaying Lance + Wrath build, and it supports  B-Ike too since he really doesn't care much about speed. Threaten Speed works too, especially if you're going for Slaying Edge + Speed refinement. As for Refinement (+speed) is probably the best since it patches up her speed bane and it lets her double alot of stuff again, especially with Threaten Speed.  (+defense) and Fury turns her into quite the physical wall as well. (+attack) is ok but I honestly dont think its baetter than the other 2. For the seal if really depends on the situation, and what unit needs the seal more. There are quite alot of seals the you can just slap on her and works perfectly fine.


I would keep Threaten Defense on Ike, hes a frontlinner who can use it well, and she can benefit from it too. Close Defense seal is pretty good on him, letting him tank that first attack a little better. But again, seals are flexible. Reposition is arguably the best assist in the game, and Swap is pretty good too, especialy if you want to use Threaten Speed/Defense.


Thanks for the tips, they make sense. Will go for Threaten Spd for Nephenee, or at least test it. Now I'm torn between the +Spd and Def refines; wouldn't +Spd refine plus Threaten Spd be an overkill? IDK, I have yet to get familiar with the endgame magic numbers & speed tiers.

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Thanks for the tips, they make sense. Will go for Threaten Spd for Nephenee, or at least test it. Now I'm torn between the +Spd and Def refines; wouldn't +Spd refine plus Threaten Spd be an overkill? IDK, I have yet to get familiar with the endgame magic numbers & speed tiers.

Not really such thing as overkill speed in this game. Assuming +Speed Refine, Fury3, and Threaten Speed will put -Speed bane Nephenee at 43 effective Speed. Thats a great speed to be at since 37/38 is where a large portion of units in the game sit at without buffs(Like Neutral Speed 34 + Fury), so you can double attack them.


Without Threaten Speed you will sit at 38 which is still a pretty good speed to be at. Example being Neutral Brave Bow Lyn with a horse buff wont double you without a +Speed seal.

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Holy sheet these BSTs.




Also, Vengeful/Bold Fighter are only inheritable by armors just like Wary Fighter.


EDIT: Pulled a +Def -HP Lissa after only 15 orbs, hell yes! Time to save for the next banner!


Also Soleil did indeed get demoted to the 4* pool, so that's cool.

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As I'm sure happens to many when the special Heroes share a color, I want Christmas Lissa but so far I got Chrom instead. Although I have also been rolling for Reds since I have yet to get a Red Rank5, and I'm hoping for Elincia.

Normally I don't like Tharja because it is the mandatory fanservice goth girlfriend, but admittedly she looks cute in this outfit.

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Got a Santa Robin (+speed, -res). That seems like an awsome spread for him, so I'm happy. With him I can now make a team consisting entirely out of different Robin… though it will have some issues with green units.


In the same round as Robin, I also summoned a 5 star Hawkeye. I'm thinking of using him to give Camilla, Legion or Frederick "Deathblow 3" alongside his "Killer axe+" (other units can give the lower stages).

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As I'm sure happens to many when the special Heroes share a color, I want Christmas Lissa but so far I got Chrom instead. Although I have also been rolling for Reds since I have yet to get a Red Rank5, and I'm hoping for Elincia.

Normally I don't like Tharja because it is the mandatory fanservice goth girlfriend, but admittedly she looks cute in this outfit.

Cute? she wants to be...


Tharja: Be what?


Me: Nothing your most beautifulness!

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First roll, nothing good.


Anyway, what do you guys think of my latest idea for a banner? It was called "Mercenaries for Hire". In this banner you would get Gerik and Marisa from Sacred Stones, and Gatrie and Shinon from Path of Radiance. People worship Shinon for his amazing stats and ability to crit like no one's business, and everybody loved Gerik since, well, he can tank physical units and dish out some damage. With his high speed Shinon is what I call "Takumi, but better."

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Pulled a +Def -HP Lissa after only 15 orbs, hell yes! Time to save for the next banner!


Also Soleil did indeed get demoted to the 4* pool, so that's cool.

I saw an interesting build idea for armored units that have Lissa's skill, "Bold fighter". Give them a "brave" weapon and a special like "Glimmer" or "Moonbow" (or "Reprisal"). When attacking, the special is almost guaranteed to trigger each battle, possibly even twice. Only instance I can think of, is when a unit falls before the special triggers.


Or you could try "Galeforce", letting your armored unit move once again without the help of a dancer. A "killing"/"slaying" weapon might be more useful in this case. The effectiveness might be questionable, given the default movement range of armored units, but still.

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After wasting about 70+ orbs, I finally got Christmas Lissa which is the number one unit I was going for. Also while wasting orbs I did get a 5 star Dorcas and a 4 star Seth, so that's pretty good.


I'm currently trying to level up an armor team I made using Draug, Christmas Lissa, Halloween Jakob, and my main healer Sakura so I'll see how that turns out.

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I wish you guys wouldn't ignore me, but...


Today there are some missions involving Sharena.


ALso, last day for Lyn, Takumi and Ephraim. If a new banner is coming up, I'll save for that.

Reddit is far more active if you want to discuss stuff like custom banners and events and get feedback.

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A new banner with more heroes, whose legendary weapons can be refined, is here. Was hoping to maybe get a Jaffar, but no colorless stones. Summoned from a green stone instead, which gave me a 3 star Cecilia. Something like that was to be expected. Did you guys have any luck with your free summons?

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I don't have an Eldigan myself, nor do I really care; I haven't played the game he debuted in, I have equally viable mounted sword users (Xander and Sigurd), and I'm not really a fan of using cavalry units anyway (low BST, and forest tiles tend to get in the way). But congratulations on summoning him.


Other red mages might like Tharja's tome, so you could use extra copies to give it to them. Or you could merge her with any other copies you might have.


Edit New tempest trial has been announced, and the banner accompanying it is now live. My free summon gave me a Shanna, which isn't too bad, given I didn't have any "Desperation" fodder left. The reward seems to be a rerun of "Enigmatic blade: Marth".

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Done three summons to see if I could get a Christmas unit for the Tempest Trails and managed to get a C!Chrom which is fine, though the ATK bane does hurt so probably not going to use him after the TT is over.

Come on, don't do this, he's still very strong. 37 attack is still higher than most things in the game. It took me a while too for me to stop doing this, since If I got an attack bane from  pokemon, it would have been sent to my PC for eternity.

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Come on, don't do this, he's still very strong. 37 attack is still higher than most things in the game. It took me a while too for me to stop doing this, since If I got an attack bane from  pokemon, it would have been sent to my PC for eternity.

I wouldn't use him much outside of an armour team and my +1 Amelia (+Res/-HP) and Hector (+DEF/-RES) take up my greens, with Black Knight and Effie being the others. So investing in him isn't really high on my priorities, as I'm probably going to build him as a mixed tank as he has a RES boon.

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I don't have an Eldigan myself, nor do I really care; I haven't played the game he debuted in, I have equally viable mounted sword users (Xander and Sigurd), and I'm not really a fan of using cavalry units anyway (low BST, and forest tiles tend to get in the way). But congratulations on summoning him.


Other red mages might like Tharja's tome, so you could use extra copies to give it to them. Or you could merge her with any other copies you might have.


Edit New tempest trial has been announced, and the banner accompanying it is now live. My free summon gave me a Shanna, which isn't too bad, given I didn't have any "Desperation" fodder left. The reward seems to be a rerun of "Enigmatic blade: Marth".

You'd think they'd offer a new unit from Awakening like Vaike, Miriel, Aversa, Walhart, Libra, etc.

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Well the Navarre GHB rebout was even easier than last time because I can just stick Ike in the forest to instantly clear most of the enemies, leaving Navarre an easy pick off for Alfonse/Navarre for the quests. The blue manakete on Infernal only added another enemy to clear but the strategy was the same.

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