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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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I'd probably stop playing FEH while half asleep or turn off auto battle.


EDIT: To give a more serious answer, unless I go braindead for a second that won't happen, I haven't played Fire Emblem without danger areas on for years. Guidance after Hit and Run easily allows someone tankier (like Bike for example) to come in front, or bring in a dancer to get them both out of there since Shanna has Reposition as well. She's a player phase unit, I have no reason to assume I'll be using her like she's an enemy phase unit.


Sure, there's a possibility of a scenario like that happening, but assuming the worst case scenario doesn't really mean anything if you avoid them like any sane person would. It'd be like me posting a build of Reinhardt, who is objectively a very strong unit, and you replying with, "Yeah but what if you leave him in range of Julia for no reason?" It doesn't mean anything.

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Off of 8.5%.


On top of getting S!Camilla, Hector, and Fjorm, who gave an additional Water Blessing. Haven’t spent more than 75~ orbs.


I now own every unit on the banner bar Deirdre and Bridelia.

I'm nearing 20 more orbs, wish me luck.


I'm back, four 3* heroes and a 4* Camilla. I'm just so glad December quests come out tomorrow.

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Ice Mirror is cool and all but it's sort of counter intuitive since Fjorms defenses are so good, she doesn't take much damage to begin with so she doesn't gain much from it. I think I'll give her Quick Riposte + Iceberg.


EDIT: Well I've burned through most of the December quest orbs already and it looks like I won't be doing any more pulls on the 8% banner. No more 5 stars but I did get a +Spd -Def Nino so that's awesome. I'm not interested in any of the Fates kids that much so I'll be skipping on their banners anyways.

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Ice Mirror is cool and all but it's sort of counter intuitive since Fjorms defenses are so good, she doesn't take much damage to begin with so she doesn't gain much from it. I think I'll give her Quick Riposte + Iceberg.


EDIT: Well I've burned through most of the December quest orbs already and it looks like I won't be doing any more pulls on the 8% banner. No more 5 stars but I did get a +Spd -Def Nino so that's awesome. I'm not interested in any of the Fates kids that much so I'll be skipping on their banners anyways.

I feel your pain buddy. All I got was 4 star versions of Kagero, Felicia, Bartre, Hawkeye and Tharja.


Next time they do another banner like this, for the 1 year anniversary, if they really want us to spend our hard earned cash, they should have a banner like this: 3 star 0%, 4 star 0%, 5 star 100%. Also,



My thoughts on the new banner. It's bad enough that only Shiro, Soliel and Siegbert are on just this banner, but Rhajat being in the Voting Gauntlet banner?! DO THEY LIKE POURING SALT ON OUR WOUNDS?! This is the Ayra situation all over again.

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Unlike Ayra, Rhajat's appearance on a banner has been announced prior to the release of said banner, and she doesn't share a color with any of the other focus heroes. So ut isn't entirely the same as Ayra's banner.


It appears as though there was some sort of issue with evolving weapons and then inheriting them. As such it has been announced we will get 5 orbs, alongside badges feathers 50 refining stones and 500 medals.


Edut: it weren't feathers and badges, but the new thing to farm.

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Unlike Ayra, Rhajat's appearance on a banner has been announced prior to the release of said banner, and she doesn't share a color with any of the other focus heroes. So ut isn't entirely the same as Ayra's banner.


It appears as though there was some sort of issue with evolving weapons and then inheriting them. As such it has been announced we will get 5 orbs, alongside a number of badges feathers and medals.

It would be better if they offered stones and dew as well.


Speaking of Feathers, I used mine to upgrade my Sakura, now she's a five star just like her older siblings. Plus, who needs Genny, Sakura's got the staff = weapon skill installed, if you up her Fear Plus for it.


Plus, I'll skip those banners. There's no paralogue chapter and the chances of getting Rhajat are slim to none. Plus, why include a child unit without their parent? Does Hayato hate books?

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I really hope Rhajat drops down to 4*. It's not that I need her or anything since she's not even better than Nino (her Atk/Spd is 35/34 vs Nino's 33/36 which Nino definitely wins out because 2 Atk doesn't matter when it comes to Bladetomes), but her art is incredible, and while I haven't played Fates to get to know her, I assume she's somewhat similar to Tharja, who I really like in Awakening.

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I really hope Rhajat drops down to 4*. It's not that I need her or anything since she's not even better than Nino (her Atk/Spd is 35/34 vs Nino's 33/36 which Nino definitely wins out because 2 Atk doesn't matter when it comes to Bladetomes), but her art is incredible, and while I haven't played Fates to get to know her, I assume she's somewhat similar to Tharja, who I really like in Awakening.

Everybody loves Tharja. You ask me she should be in this video:




But you know what, Rhajat''s artwork makes her look less like Tharja and more like Orochi.

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Got a 4 star Camilla from Rhajat's banner; she ended up as "Savage blow" fodder for my Genny. Now I just need to collect enough refinement materials to give her weapon "Dazzling staff", and great badges to upgrade the "Savage blow" seal. Once that is done, she can chip away at the enemy rather safely, if she is teamed up with someone who can move her around.

The other banner gave a Hinata, so "Fury" fodder.

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Enduring Love bracket:



Team Dorcas, let's go! Trust nobody.


Got a +Def -Spd 4* Fae on my Block A free summon, hell yeah. Block B was just a 4* Palla, can't complain about Moonbow fodder.

I have Tharja, Priscilla and Catria. I hope Tharja can face off against her clone. I also have an S Support with her. She'll kill for me. She's my w-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shradow: Are you okay?


Me: Tharja... just zapped me... with Nosferatu.

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Didn't get anything meaningful from my free pull on the new banner. It is nice to see that Ephraim is a bonus unit; I was already planning on using him anyway; this should leave some room for another unit that is there for raising the score, rather than a weak bonus unit.


On another note, I have also upgraded Genny's "Gravity+" staff, so she can attack enemies without fear of them counter-attacking. Due to the effect of "Gravity+", the target and enemies close to them will have a hard time catching up to Genny if she has moved after attacking (due to "Draw back", "Reposition", or "Sing/Dance"). With the "Savage blow" C-Skill and Sacred Seal, she currently deals 10 damage to enemies close to the target (7+3).


Time to decide on whose weapon to upgrade next, I am still somewhat lacking in "Divine dew"; so Ephraim and Minerva will have to wait. I'm thinking of "Naga's Voice: Tiki" (+def, -speed) and "Sharp Soldier: Lukas" (+atk, -speed). Both of them will want "Steady breath" and "Quick Riposte" (it seems almost all my units want this skill; it would be nice if they added a unit that gets it a 4 stars), so it will take a time before I have fully built them.

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My next project is to bump up my Draug, I haven't really touched him since BK came out, but with Summoner Support and the weapon refinery, I can make him great again. Gonna get a Lon'qu to 5* so I can give his Killing Edge+ to Draug which I'll then evolve into a Slaying Edge+ with the +Spd refinery. Since Draug's Def is so high, Slaying Edge+ and Bonfire beats out his current Wo Dao+ and Moonbow, I've just never pulled a Saber to give it to him before the refinery came out.


After that I think the Fury/Desperation combo could work well (right now he has Darting Blow/Swordbreaker which I think will be unnecessary with the planned stats), bumping his offensive spread to 49/43 and making him even bulkier for more Bonfire damage. He'll have 57 health with the refined weapon and Summoner Support, so the Panic Ploy seal will be nice, though that might be too much HP to considering Desperation.

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