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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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Lyn has the best thigh game. Camilla and Tharja both seemed like the really obvious winners for the women, but Lyn beat Lucina as well. It looks like Lyn has reaffirmed herself as the top tier waifu. (Still not as great as Cordelia or Felicia though)

Yeah, and she's one of few heroes I don't have.


Also, I got fodder. I released Azama, gave a duplicate 4* Effie's Wary Fighter to Hector, gave a duplicate 4* Beruka's Special to my 4* Oboro to increase her visciousness.




And I merged my last two to make their mains cheaper.

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A new banner (and thus free hero) is available: "Heroes with threaten defense". I summoned from green hoping I would maybe get Raven; got a four star Hawkeye. Thought this would be "threaten defense", not "threaten attack".


The event schedule for september is also available. It seems we will be getting two tempest trials and bound hero battles this month. We are also getting a reiteration for Robin and Clariss's grand hero battle.

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Okay, I'll upgrade my 4* Camilla next, after her, when I get 19.1k feathers, I'll upgrade my 4* Gunter, and my Gunter has 758 SP built up, so he'll have enough for his Silver Axe+ and Armored Blow 3. So what would be a good Special for him?


Also the Bound Hero battle heroes are Ephriam and Eirika for the first one and Ninian and Hawkeye on the second one. We got a Mini tempest trial called "To Die on the Battlefield", not sure what heroes will be needed, but since it's mini it will last one week so I'll just get the hero and be done with it. But Moment of Fate, That is when things get serious. I'm surprised there are no new Grand Hero Battles, considering we got spritework of Nephenee and the Mother farting Black Knight.

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Okay, I'll upgrade my 4* Camilla next, after her, when I get 19.1k feathers, I'll upgrade my 4* Gunter, and my Gunter has 758 SP built up, so he'll have enough for his Silver Axe+ and Armored Blow 3. So what would be a good Special for him?


Also the Bound Hero battle heroes are Ephriam and Eirika for the first one and Ninian and Hawkeye on the second one. We got a Mini tempest trial called "To Die on the Battlefield", not sure what heroes will be needed, but since it's mini it will last one week so I'll just get the hero and be done with it. But Moment of Fate, That is when things get serious. I'm surprised there are no new Grand Hero Battles, considering we got spritework of Nephenee and the Mother farting Black Knight.

Gunter's best special is inherit skill onto a better Cav Unit... But if you really wanna build him I'd say go with Bonfire.


"To Die on the Battlefield" is probably going to be an FE7 Trial b/c I'm 90% it's a reference to Hector's fate in FE6/Armand's prophecy. Initially, I thought the "Moment of Fate" TT would be a Fate one, but apparently, it's the name of the map Ike fights the Black Knight in PoR, and people are thinking Nephenee is going to be the reward since they've datamined her and the Black Knight from the quick hero battle. imo we'll probably get the Black Knight's GHB sometime this month, but the didn't reveal it to keep the suspense going. Or maybe we'll get it in October idk.

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I'm glad Ike caught up and beat Hector. I've been away from the internet the past couple of days so last I saw Ike was looking like he was actually gonna lose, but I guess Japan woke up and pushed him ahead, thanks Japan. I'm very surprised that Camilla beat Lyn, I'm guessing it was a last minute bonus multiplier.


Still don't have access to my emulator, though, so I still haven't gotten to summon my CYL yet. I sure hope I can get my computer fixed before the banner ends. >.>


Stuff like this is why I really want to be able to get my Ike already:

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When I have access to FEH again my plan will probably be to pull blues/greens on the CYL banner for Ike/Lucina and then pick the free one of whoever of the two I don't get. Though I'd actually love to get a -Spd Ike and he's probably less worried about IVs than Lucina, while pulling free neutral Lucina would guarantee she wouldn't get screwed by IVs or anything so I might snipe just greens instead. Thankfully I didn't spend any orbs trying for Hector since I don't want DC for him, but I have missed a lot of free orbs/feathers by not being able to play this past week or so.

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Gunter's best special is inherit skill onto a better Cav Unit... But if you really wanna build him I'd say go with Bonfire.


"To Die on the Battlefield" is probably going to be an FE7 Trial b/c I'm 90% it's a reference to Hector's fate in FE6/Armand's prophecy. Initially, I thought the "Moment of Fate" TT would be a Fate one, but apparently, it's the name of the map Ike fights the Black Knight in PoR, and people are thinking Nephenee is going to be the reward since they've datamined her and the Black Knight from the quick hero battle. imo we'll probably get the Black Knight's GHB sometime this month, but the didn't reveal it to keep the suspense going. Or maybe we'll get it in October idk.

So, Lyn, Hector, Eliwood and Hawkeye will be the 40% heroes while Roy, Cecelia, Lilina and Clarine are the 20% heroes.


And since I have Moment of Fate revolves around PoR, I'll use Ike and Titania. Wonder what skills this interpretation of the Black Knight will have. Probably high DEF and STR, with Alondite giving him high Res and the ability to distance counter like Ike and Hector, all at the cost of Speed, So basically BK is Hector 2.0.

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Finally able to play, and about 100 orbs later and no CYL Lucina or Ike, but my pity rate was broken by a +Spd -Atk Azura so at least there's that. I've been wanting one of her forever, and +Spd is fantastic while -Atk doesn't matter much because of her Sapphire Lance (she'll still have an effective 56 Atk versus red units), and all of this is only assuming she ever sees direct combat anyways. And now I have the perfect use for that 5* Cain I pulled awhile back by giving her WoM. Plus, I got not one, but two 4* Shannas for Desperation fodder, something I've been desperately missing.


Thankfully we've still got plenty of free orbs coming before the banner ends, what with the QHB rewards, twitter rewards, daily orbs, and daily special maps.

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New update is out. It adds supports, starting at C and going up to S, where you can have 2 units support each other (each unit can only have 1 support at a time) and they'll give each other bonuses in battle, and as the summoner you can also pick 1 ally to support yourself which gives the same benefits and a couple aesthetic UI changes. Also, you can search units by what skills they have now in a new menu, so that's pretty cool.


Kiran now has a sprite, too.



And with the last hour of the CYL gauntlet upon us, Ike has cemented his victory with Camilla way too far away from getting a last second multiplier. T&A has been defeated.


EDIT: Hector's gonna be a bonus unit in the upcoming mini TT. So with the +10 HP and +4 to his other stats, and S supports from both an ally (+2 to non-HP stats when adjacent) and summoner (+5 HP and +2 to the other stats), that puts him at a 67/60/32/45/27 statline.

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What's her nature?

I used the Nature calculator. +Atk -Spd, but since she's a Pegasus Knight, would that be such a detriment?


New update is out. It adds supports, starting at C and going up to S, where you can have 2 units support each other (each unit can only have 1 support at a time) and they'll give each other bonuses in battle, and as the summoner you can also pick 1 ally to support yourself which gives the same benefits and a couple aesthetic UI changes. Also, you can search units by what skills they have now in a new menu, so that's pretty cool.


Kiran now has a sprite, too.



And with the last hour of the CYL gauntlet upon us, Ike has cemented his victory with Camilla way too far away from getting a last second multiplier. T&A has been defeated.

Well, I upgraded her anyway. I got some extra feathers from Chain Challenge and my Alfonse got a Hero Merit of 1,500 giving me the extra 500 feathers needed. Now that my Camilla is 5*, Reinhart beware. Also, She'll be a champ in my book, win or lose.


Also, Cool. When Mini TT comes out, time to get to work on Gunter. He's long overdue for an upgrade, plus he has enogh SP for his 5* stuff. Following him will be Zephiel. About time I got another legendary weapon user., after him is Lloyd, then Eliwood, then Female Corrin, then my 4* Catria, then I think... Narcian, then Fir, then a few 3* long overdue like Michalis, Legion and Navarre.


It's a good thing I got Hector. I shall dominate. Who knows what we can accomplish?

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Cool that we can now have our units support eachother. I wonder the effect of support during the tempest trials (and arena defense teams). Given Ephraim and Tharja work tohether really well, I have them support eachother. The summoner also supports Ephraim to make him even stronger; he is the physical tank of my team, so he kind of needs it. (Still need to give him a better A-skill than "Fury 1" though.)


Currently I have about 28000 feathers; more than enough to upgrade one unit to five stars. Camus, Valter, female Robin, Michalis, Legion, Narcian and many more units are all waiting for a promotion. Female Robin might benefit me the most as I need more answers to Reinhardt for arena assault (1 Fae is hardly enough), but seems lackluster otherwise. By the time we get Black knight, I might already be close to enough feathers again so I don't worry much about him.

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btw for anyone who hasn't seen them, here's some of Nephenee's and the Black Knight's art: https://imgur.com/a/YX4KD


Nephenee appears to be done by HACCAN (Hawkeye, Effie, Hinoka), and the Black Knight be Daisuke Izuka (Luke, Michalis, Minerva).

The Black Knight looks intimidating and Nephenee looks great.


Now we must strategize for the GHB with BK. It's obvious Alondite will give him Distance Counter, And since he's an armored unit He'll have high Defense. I'm more worried if he'll have Wary Fighter as a B skill. We all know from Effie and Zephiel how much of a pain that skill is.


Also, tried my luck in the new banner, and I got a 5* Priscilla. I already have a 4* Priscilla, so this means nothing to me.

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Tried summoning some more "brave" heroes since I got back to 20 orbs thanks to the bound hero battle. Got another "Brave lady: Lyn", now I have [+atk, -def] and [+res, -atk]. I will hold on to the one with +atk, but still have to de ide what to do with the other (merge, inherit or keep). Was hoping for any of the other three, but I can still choose a neutral one (Ike most likely).


Black knight looks quite cool. The red (sword) spot on my armored team is however already filled by Zephiel. Though I suppose he could replace the underleveled Effie I run to fill out the team, especially if he comes with distant counter built-in.

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