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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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That seems like a very solid team. A shame about your Robin's nature, though. Without knowing what other units you have I'm not sure if anything would be better.


My first team is:


5 Star Lucina (+Def, -Res)

  • Falchion
  • Ardent Sacrifice
  • Luna
  • Defiant Spd 3
  • Desperation 3
  • Spur Atk 3
  • Spur Def 1 Seal

5 Star Sharena (neutral)

  • Fensalir
  • Rally Attack
  • Moonbow
  • Speed +3
  • Wings of Mercy 1
  • Fortify Def 3
  • Fortify Res 1 Seal

5 Star Spring Lucina (+Spd, -HP)

  • Blarblade+
  • Rally Speed
  • Moonbow
  • Swift Sparrow 2
  • Wings of Mercy 1
  • HP +3 Seal

4 Star Cherche (+Atk, -Spd)

  • Brave Axe
  • Reposition
  • Bonfire
  • Attack +3
  • Drag Back
  • Attack +1 Seal

And despite being much worse on paper, the team I use pretty well against the final battle (once I surrender with teams 2 and 3 to weaken the enemy if I feel I need to) is:


5 Star Alm (+HP, -Atk)

  • Falchion
  • Reciprocal Aid
  • Draconic Aura
  • Fury 3
  • Hone Spd 3

4 Star Sophia (+Atk, -Spd)

  • Raudrraven+
  • Reposition
  • Dragon Gaze
  • Triangle Adept 3
  • Threaten Atk 2

3 Star Nino (+Def, -Spd)

  • Gronnblade
  • Draw Back
  • Res +2
  • Hone Atk 1

3 Star Olivia (+Spd, Def)

  • Silver Sword
  • Dance
  • Hone Atk 2

The last team is definitely a ragtag group, but it has the tools I need. I actually managed to beat the whole thing with my first team last time, so I can manage it depending on which enemy units there are. I'm currently at 4634 points, having used 1 Stamina Potion and having 18 left.


EDIT: Huh, so as it turns out Masked Lucina only has Iron Sword through Falchion, no other skills. Kinda sucks, but I guess that's fair for a free top tier sword lord, and it's not like most of Lucina's base skillset is her ideal setup anyways. If I didn't have to use my own Lucina for these trials she'd still have Defiant Spd and Spur Atk unlearned.


Also, if every players' combined score reaches 1,000,000,000 within the first 5 days, every player will be rewarded with 10 Orbs and 5,000 feathers. I assume we'll reach that, we usually completely crush any sort of milestone rewards like these.


EDIT: I've also been able to make secondary teams that can beat the final battle through combinations of Anna, Effie, Cecilia, Ursula, Ike, and Olivia.

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I went for a bonus team at first:


M Robin, Tharja (both 5 star), Nowi and Lissa (4 star), At hard my second team was the royals, and Celica, since Veronica is a green tome user.


It's also noted that the third, fifth or seventh trials take place in the setting of the prologue of Awakening.


I'm gonna stop when I get 6000 points, if I ever get there.

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Just making sure, you know only 1 bonus counts, right? And it only counts the higher one if you have one 1.4x and one 1.2x.


I just got to 8038, I ended up using another stam pot. I'm not afraid that I won't make 50k in time without stam pots or anything, the math checks out so I don't have to use them, but I'm just having a real fun time with this and want to keep doing it. And the further I go the more consistently I'm able to beat the final battle on Lunatic.

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Just making sure, you know only 1 bonus counts, right? And it only counts the higher one if you have one 1.4x and one 1.2x.


I just got to 8038, I ended up using another stam pot. I'm not afraid that I won't make 50k in time without stam pots or anything, the math checks out so I don't have to use them, but I'm just having a real fun time with this and want to keep doing it. And the further I go the more consistently I'm able to beat the final battle on Lunatic.

I kinda wish I knew that before I made my teams.


Also, notice when you lose a team the game takes pity on you?


For the sake of simplicity they'd probably just be like the Manaketes and have stones to transform, something like the Laguz Gem. Beasts could be like cavalry, Birds could be like fliers, and Dragons would just be like Manaketes.

That can work, but wouldn't Laguz have the advantage in the forest, unlike Cavaliers who can't. Laguz Gems can work as well. Now specials, Hawks and Ravens would have Green Wind attacks... Wait, if they could make an NPC like Ninian good, I bet they could make the likes of Reyson, Leanne and Raphael great. Cats, Lions, Wolves, they'd have insane movement, heck the cats and wolves can hit twice, while the tigers and lions are heavy hitters, Dragons, agreed stay the same, and there would be three, Kurthnaga, a probably OP Black Dragon, like his father, Nasir, a white dragon, and the only red dragons being Ena and that guy in Radiant Dawn's end game... Gareth.


The only flaw is these guys should have low Res, so Mages would be their worst nightmare.


Speaking of Manakete, we should have more of them.


Myrrh, Nah, Kana (M), Kana (F). They may look young, but they are powerful.


And for a GHB, we can have Idunn.

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Also, notice when you lose a team the game takes pity on you?


Yeah, the enemies start with 20% less health for your next team, which does stack. It's why until I got the hang of making teams, I'd just surrender with teams 2 and 3 to make the final fight a lot easier for team 4.


EDIT: Just past about 10800 points with my last run, so I'm already over 1/5 to 5 star Masked Lucina on the first day. Not too shabby. Had some fitting survivors from my last run, too.


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I just really wish I had a good green mage (Cherche's a monster but she can't do everything), I'm starting to see why everyone likes Julia. She would make mince meat out of Effie and Olwen/Reinhardt if they show up on the final battle.


Currently at about 13800 points. Thankfully I took care of the GHB quests in two goes so I didn't need to use more stamina on it.

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This event made me realize that I really need a new good Green. Holy hell relying solely on Nino and *4 anna is suffering.

Yeah, I literally only have Nino really. I have Sheena and Camilla, but don't really have the SI fodder to make them good... plus my Camilla's -Spd which is pretty killer...

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I didn't realize how much stuff we were getting from this until I tallied it up.


4 star and 5 star Masked Lucina

Breath of Life 1 and Quickened Pulse seals

33 orbs

2500 of each color crystal

19000 universal crystals

3500 feathers

500-10000 feathers depending on your rank


There's also the 10 orbs and 5000 feathers if the total score reaches 1 billion points within 5 days, and the 2 daily orbs coming back for this event. Plus, the trial itself is great for HM and SP grinding because you get multiple battles for 20 stamina. IS, you spoil us.

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[spoiler=Close call]



My score is currently is 11,010. Given the current pace I doubt I will make it to 50,000 points before the event ends… though I do have multiple stamina potions left.

Anyhow, while the cast of Fire Emblem is quite extensive, it is a bit lacking in terms of Sacred Stones; currently only Eirika and Ephrahim are present. Some units I'm curious about how they will be handled (if/when they are added) are:

  • Myrrh (could fly in sacred stones); I'd assume a red dragon with Flametongue, possibly with flying movement (imagine the weaknesses she would have: bows, Falchions and Excalibur).
  • Tethys (unarmed dancer with low strength growth); possibly using daggers to make her somewhat useful as debuffer or a "healer" with pain.
  • Lyon (was capable of summoning spirits); Red mage, most likely obtained through a grand hero battle.
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I just got to 20k and got the Breath of Life seal, so now with the feathers I've been getting from the trials I'm gonna bump a Felicia up to 4 stars so I can give Blucina Breath of Life along with the seal so she can heal adjacent allies for 10 after attacking. Since I very often have my allies right next to her to keep the buffs consistent, she should be able to heal most of the time.

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Yes. Primarily because Renewal and Falchion proc at the beginning of each battle, so you can stay healthy easier and heal more often. And unless you've got Wrathful Staff Elise on a Horse Emblem team, Falchion users kill stuff better than normal healers.

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Since Falchion and renewal heal 10 Hp at the start of a battle, those units can heal 20 Hp each time you clear a map. Combined with "Ardent sacrifice" or "Reciprocal" aid, they could keep your team healthy without the need for an otherwise lackluster healer. Though I don't think that build will be that useful outside of the tempest.


On another note I managed to summon an Ephrahim (was trying to summon better/missing bridal units for my collection). One of my favourite lords in the series.

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I'll stop once I reach 6k. Believe me. Also, shouldn't the Hard mode guys be lv 30 instead of 35?


I'm more interested as to when the next part of the story goes.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if Anna and Loki/Anna confronted each other?


Also, we need more Sacred Stones characters.

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Just got to 30k. I'm not sure if I'll stop at 50k or go all the way to the final reward. 15 orbs is hard to turn down.


I've learned that even if it makes me Survival score worse, surrendering with teams 2 and 3 at the final battle to make it super easy for team 4 means my Speed score is better which gets me more points overall.

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