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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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That is Ephraim.

[spoiler ...]

There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start.




On another topic, think about the girls hair colors:

Caeda blue, Charlotte yellow, Cordelia red and Lyndis green. You think Lyn Bride will be broken?


Kinda fitting. I have a feeling these will be paralogue stages. 

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[spoiler ...]

There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start.




On another topic, think about the girls hair colors:

Caeda blue, Charlotte yellow, Cordelia red and Lyndis green. You think Lyn Bride will be broken?


Kinda fitting. I have a feeling these will be paralogue stages. 

what's wrong with Ephraim wanting to be a beautiful bishoujo





some more pretty brides on their wedding day~


Also for anyone curious besides the Brides and Lloyd Henry, F!Corrin, Donnel, Olivia and Sharena are next season's bonus heroes




Also more datamine including June/Bride Quests and Camus GHB

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Okay I've decided Charlotte is my favorite of these that art is wonderful.

Also honestly I haven't played Heroes in a long time I don't know why but just haven't really felt like it lately.

I can feel this usually this happens with a lot of mobage I play. There will be long periods of time where I just have no motivation to play them

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Speaking of Charlotte, why not introduce her normally? I guess Hoshido and Nohr will have to be balanced again:


Blonde Bombshell Charlotte:


At 5 stars:

  • Silver Axe+, Killer Axe+ Emerald Axe+

I'm not familiar as to which rank she earns Rally Strength. or HP +5


Heart of Gold Benny:


Fire Tribe Chief Rinkah


Queen's Retainer Orochi


Not bad all things considered.

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Managed to summon a bridal Caeda; her nature of -res, +def is probably one of the worst she could get, so that is a tad unfortunate. (Also the point of another 5 star blue mage.)


Might try for some of the others should I manage to get enough orbs again; they supposedly have quite good stat spreads/abilities. 

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They do look pretty good. Cordelia's got 35/35 Atk/Spd which is new the best offensive spread for an archer (for some comparisons, Setsuna is 28/37 and Takumi is 32/33). Give her the quad build with Brave Bow/LnD/Swordbreaker or Desperation and she's a monster, or she could use Firesweep really well too. Charlotte looks really solid as well, having the new highest Atk out of the infantry lancers at 36, with 38 Spd if her Wind Boost is active.


This might be my favorite Paralogue, it was pretty entertaining. An all out wedding brawl over of the bouqet, and the only reason we're there at all is because Anna wants to sell it for money. Never change, Anna.


EDIT: I'm actually kind of annoyed the Bride Cordelia is the best archer in the game. Really makes me want to pull for her. Plus I really do like Cordelia, maybe my 2nd favorite female in Awakening, after Lucina. I might give the banner at least a 20 orb full session.

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They do look pretty good. Cordelia's got 35/35 Atk/Spd which is new the best offensive spread for an archer (for some comparisons, Setsuna is 28/37 and Takumi is 32/33). Give her the quad build with Brave Bow/LnD/Swordbreaker or Desperation and she's a monster, or she could use Firesweep really well too. Charlotte looks really solid as well, having the new highest Atk out of the infantry lancers at 36, with 38 Spd if her Wind Boost is active.


This might be my favorite Paralogue, it was pretty entertaining. An all out wedding brawl over of the bouquet, and the only reason we're there at all is because Anna wants to sell it for money. Never change, Anna.


EDIT: I'm actually kind of annoyed the Bride Cordelia is the best archer in the game. Really makes me want to pull for her. Plus I really do like Cordelia, maybe my 2nd favorite female in Awakening, after Lucina. I might give the banner at least a 20 orb full session.

I tried it, All I got were 3 star Eliwood, two three star Bartre's a 4 star Beruka, and a 3 star Sully.


At least I finally got Beruka. She seems like a solid unit and I love the support between her and Oboro.


Maybe I'll have better luck on another pull.


And Camus is coming soon. Can't wait.


You know guys, aside from the Crimean Royal Knights + Elincia, I had other ideas for pulls. Anyone wanna hear?

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Nah, I don't really care about them. Leo just straight up sucks. Micaiah is meh and just takes up a required spot in the Endgame that could go to someone better. Edward's okay but he requires a lot of babying, like how in PoR the effort it takes to level up Rolf proper, when you could just get Shinon back later in the game and use him instead.



[spoiler=This is the funking best bride fanart I've seen hahahahaha.]



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Got back to 20 orbs today, so I tried summoning some more bridal units; got a bridal Lyn (-hp, +res) and bridal Cordelia (-hp, +def). Not the best natures, but certainly not the worst. Lyn's res supposedly gets a boost of 4 instead of the usual 3. Also, I wanted Cordelia mostly for her rally skill, so I'm happy.

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Camus' GHB is tomorrow.




He has the Shield skill that negates bonus damage against cavalry, and his weapon has Distant Counter. Overall the map doesn't look too bad. A Flier Emblem team could have a field day by attacking from the left, and this seems like a map Hector could do a lot against.

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Got back to 20 orbs today, so I tried summoning some more bridal units; got a bridal Lyn (-hp, +res) and bridal Cordelia (-hp, +def). Not the best natures, but certainly not the worst. Lyn's res supposedly gets a boost of 4 instead of the usual 3. Also, I wanted Cordelia mostly for her rally skill, so I'm happy.

All I got were worthless heroes. but the percentage went up to 3.5. Gonna try once more.


But seriously, Nintendo should transfer drop percentage boosts to other summons.

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I believe the term is "Groom"


Also, since Camus was the last guy from chapter nine, who will the Emblian Empire get?

Nah b, you see those dresses, those are some fine ass brides


As to your question I'm assuming Linus will get a GHB to round out the brothers and maybe Brendan to round out the Reed family. Reddit seems to think Ishtar, the Black Knight, and Berkut are also pretty likely to be up next. They also had Selena, Aversa, and Travant as being pretty likely as well, and Tbh if we got any of them I'd be pretty down cause I like most of those characters. 

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Beat both levels of Camus first try, he's a pretty cool unit. 42/32/33/31/17 statline at 5 stars (compared to Xander he has -2 HP, -6 Def, and +9 Spd), has a 16 MT weapon with Distant Counter, and some neat skills in Grani's Shield and Goad Cavalry.

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Beat both levels of Camus first try, he's a pretty cool unit. 42/32/33/31/17 statline at 5 stars (compared to Xander he has -2 HP, -6 Def, and +9 Spd), has a 16 MT weapon with Distant Counter, and some neat skills in Grani's Shield and Goad Cavalry.

Cool. He may not be Hector, but we got coverage now.


Also, why don't we get Light Blessing's anymore?

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Legit, though, this is probably my favorite bride art I've seen posted since the event started:



Admittedly the art itself was made for her birthday back in September, but it's just so joyful. And loli memes aside, I do really like Nowi.


And man, grinding the Kozaki maps for HM has been great. 5 stamina for easy 4.6 each run, I'm almost close to 20k feathers again.

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