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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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Yeah, I'm super happy I pulled him. I was determined to only do up to two full 20 orb summons and save the rest for a future banner with Ike, and he was really the only one I was interested in (Sanaki maybe a little bit) so I'm glad I got him out of the way quickly. So I've still got 31 orbs (will have a few more once I have the stamina to finish out the difficulties on the new paralogue) going forward. Still F2P, too.


EDIT: Someone got him to 40. These are his stats, though I don't know what nature he is.



I figured he'd be like a Gordin 2.0 in terms of stats, and while his speed is better he's actually swapped Def/Res in relation to Gordin.


Oh yeah, and I did also pull a 4* Seliph among a few other things on my way to Klein, which was pretty nice.

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Jumping in here just to say I'm very happy that of all the Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn characters to be first I am very glad they went with a less expected/typical choice.

Helps that Sanaki was always really interesting to me.

Here's hoping I, in my casual playing, manage to roll her

Still hoping for Ephraim and Peri though

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So we have new stuff now. Another Paralogue about incest siblings, this time with Lachesis/Eldigan from Genealogy of the Holy War, Olwen/Reinhardt from Thracia 776, and for some reason they have Sanaki from Radiant Dawn with Klein from Binding Blade. Klein's sister Clarine is already in the game so she's not with him, but I question why not just put Sanaki with Micaiah, her actual sister. Sanaki also seems like a very odd choice for the first Tellius character to get in.



And while it's only in the game's files and not actually accessible yet, we have one with Nino, Effie, Setsuna, and Felicia.



This will most likely be a short banner for the sake of the next Grand Hero Battle (like there was the one for Female Robin), who is Ursula as previously thought.



I might try and roll for Klein, he looks awesome as heck. Brave Bow plus Death Blow? Heck yeah.


EDIT: Got Klein on my 7th summon, I'm done. Saving my orbs for the next banner.

At least we get a character from the Tellius games. Just hope Sanaki's more useful in this game than in Radiant Dawn, also hoping for 4 star Eirika, cause I'm a Kira Buckland fan.




  • Klein from Binding Blade is Clarine's bro and is voiced by Edward Bosco
  • Sanaki is voiced by Noire (Erin Fitzgerald)
  • Reinheart is voiced by Chris Smith
  • Olwen is also voiced by Erin Fitzgerald.
  • Eldigan is voiced by Greg Chun
  • Lachesis is voiced by Christina Vee.

All we need is Tara Platt and we'll have a Neptunia English va reunion.

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Cymbeline gives an Atk boost to adjacent allies after attacking, though it doesn't stack with Hone Atk.


EDIT: So, anyone else think of this when the new banner showed up?


Okay, If I get her I'll use her. Glad there are now 4 **** Eirika's. But why people from two different games, why not Ike and Mist?

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I like Klein's kit a lot but I'm kinda sad his BST is so low (151, tied for 2nd worst in the game with Azama, barely ahead of Reinhardt's 149). Thankfully I don't care all that much about getting super high end arena scores, but if I I ever got the point that I did, I'd probably have to bench him just because how badly he'd hurt my scores with such low stats.


So what's everyone's box looking like so far? I'm still completely F2P and this is what I've got so far:



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I like Klein's kit a lot but I'm kinda sad his BST is so low (151, tied for 2nd worst in the game with Azama, barely ahead of Reinhardt's 149). Thankfully I don't care all that much about getting super high end arena scores, but if I I ever got the point that I did, I'd probably have to bench him just because how badly he'd hurt my scores with such low stats.


So what's everyone's box looking like so far? I'm still completely F2P and this is what I've got so far:



You are SO lucky. Then again, I have a 4-star Anna. I wish I could send screenshots from my phone.


And again I ask, why Sanaki and Klein? If it's about siblings, why not Ike and Mist? Or Elice with Marth? Or any other pair. Not that it's a bad thing, I mean we do get a rep from the Tellius games, Sanaki, but why Klein and not Micaiah? Then again, they never... Wait... Blue trupms red magic and we get either fire or dark spells with red so Light magic can be blue magic.


Oh, and I have Rank 3's of your rank 2's.

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Well I did reroll for, like, 7 hours until I got Lucina, and Sharena of course had to be promoted using feathers, so I've only gotten 3 true 5* pulls. We'll see how lucky I am when Ike finally gets here, because I will spend every single orb I have trying to summon him. Currently got 38 orbs saved up.

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Haven't been saving orbs as much as I should have, but I'm probably going to from now on. Since I'm too lazy to screenshot my stuff I'll just list everything











Chrom's boyfriend M!Robin




Foxy Granpa Marth










Chrom's Girlfriend F!Robin






Marth's waifu, but she's legal now Awakening Tiki





The OG Jagen













The Amazing Atheist Azama












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I wish feathers weren't so hard to come by. My Sharena is 5 stars but now I want to get Anna to 5 stars, so I'll need a lot more. At least Alfonse sucks so I don't feel the need to get him to 5 stars.


EDIT: Holy sheet I did it.


Even then it only got me Rank 92280, but whatever. Klein was definitely the MVP, and with the help of Lucina's Spur Attack and Sharena's Rally Attack he could safely kill just about anything not named Hector, not even +Def Takumis stood a chance. Excluding Klein's kills, of course Lucina killed any dragons or Hectors, Sharena took care of red Lords, and while Catria was pretty much just on cleanup duty she got me the bonus points which matters the most. This is the first time I've gone a full Arena run of Advanced battles without losing a single unit, so I'm pretty happy about it.
Also, a new patch came out and there's an event starting soon: http://imgur.com/a/7VXWI
The most contested battle looks to be in the first round, between Lucina and Sharena. I'm determined to go with Lucina, and if worse comes to worse and she loses to Sharena, I'll just switch to Sharena since she's my 2nd favorite out of all the participants, and is likely to do well going forward assuming she wins round 1.
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I wish feathers weren't so hard to come by. My Sharena is 5 stars but now I want to get Anna to 5 stars, so I'll need a lot more. At least Alfonse sucks so I don't feel the need to get him to 5 stars.


EDIT: Holy sheet I did it.


Even then it only got me Rank 92280, but whatever. Klein was definitely the MVP, and with the help of Lucina's Spur Attack and Sharena's Rally Attack he could safely kill just about anything not named Hector, not even +Def Takumis stood a chance. Excluding Klein's kills, of course Lucina killed any dragons or Hectors, Sharena took care of red Lords, and while Catria was pretty much just on cleanup duty she got me the bonus points which matters the most. This is the first time I've gone a full Arena run of Advanced battles without losing a single unit, so I'm pretty happy about it.
Also, a new patch came out and there's an event starting soon: http://imgur.com/a/7VXWI
The most contested battle looks to be in the first round, between Lucina and Sharena. I'm determined to go with Lucina, and if worse comes to worse and she loses to Sharena, I'll just switch to Sharena since she's my 2nd favorite out of all the participants, and is likely to do well going forward assuming she wins round 1.


Speaking of Takumi, I got him out of sheer luck today. Also, I'll 5 star Anna.I don't have enough Blue Great badges 

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Those Effies are making me jealous. I almost want to roll for her in the upcoming Battling Ursula focus but I really should save my stuff for Ike, I've only got 56 orbs right now.


So who are you guys going for in the big prince/princess voting gauntlet?

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Well I was trying to get Ephraim during his focus, but got a lot of other characters with a blue affinity instead; mostly "High Deliverer Robin" (I currently have 4). As for having only 56 orbs, that is about a factor 11 of what I currently have.


On the topic of voting, how would you do that? Is it related to the bottom right option in battle; it is disabled for me and only shows question marks.

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Those Effies are making me jealous. I almost want to roll for her in the upcoming Battling Ursula focus but I really should save my stuff for Ike, I've only got 56 orbs right now.


So who are you guys going for in the big prince/princess voting gauntlet?

How are you so sure it is Ursula?

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How are you so sure it is Ursula?




On the topic of voting, how would you do that? Is it related to the bottom right option in battle; it is disabled for me and only shows question marks.

The voting hasn't started yet.

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I'm loving the FEH memes that are coming out of the subreddit, I don't know if they're popping up anywhere else though. Two of the main ones deal with Nino and some iteration of the phrase "Do my best." There's actually a "Doing Their Best" flair for posts.


The other just deals with Ephraim's... relations with his sister. Often followed by a reply of but one word.


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Got Ephraim though tbh I wanted Eirika instead.

It is kind of amusing that he sometimes refers to his relationship with Eirika when you tap on him though.

I wish they would offer more like when you go on a team you get a 4 star version of the teams captain in your roster. Example: You're on Team Ephraim so you get a 4 star Ephraim after the event.

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As long as one of the three players has an Ephraim that gets put on your team it should be fine, I don't think you need multiple units to get the bonus. That's why I befriended abunch of people with green units, so I can have Lucina in the lead but have someone like Hector come in to defeat the inevitable Sharenas.

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As long as one of the three players has an Ephraim that gets put on your team it should be fine, I don't think you need multiple units to get the bonus. That's why I befriended abunch of people with green units, so I can have Lucina in the lead but have someone like Hector come in to defeat the inevitable Sharenas.

I still have Alphonse and Sharena. WHich team should I join? I got no other royals.

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