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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


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  On 1/21/2017 at 6:02 AM, Jake the Sage said:

Considering that Awakening was going to be the last Fire Emblem game if it didn't sell well the team behind it really just went, "What can we do to assure it sells?"


The answer was throw as much nostalgia at it that could fit. So anything that has ANYTHING to do with another entry in the series is most likely pure nostalgia.


Yeah, that sounds right. Calling back to the older games just helped audiences make a connection to the older games.


  On 1/21/2017 at 2:24 PM, Astro Dude said:

Okay, everyone ship Alm and Celica. It's probably the only way to get their wedding.


Think the units will have kids? Wouldn't it be funny if Sonia and Python had a child?




List, and the artists will have a lot of work to do redesigning all of them.


That opening video with them as children was so cute that I'm absolutely going to be shipping them.


I'm not sure if they'll have kids. As much as I like how Awakening and Fates did that, that might require too much of a change to Gaiden, and considering how kids are the result of S supports, it depends entirely on how the support system works.


The artists definitely have a lot of work to do, but judging by what we've seen so far, they've done a decent job of making them recognizably close to the original character while heavily updating them.

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Gaiden definitely made sense to remake for 3DS considering it is basically a prequel to Awakening.


Not only that, but its kingdom setup is basically the same as Fates. Two kingdoms, one with plenty and peaceful, the other with little and warmongering.


So it ties into both games thematically and diegetically.


So I wouldn't be surprised to see more connections between the three games pop up.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 6:31 PM, Agro said:

Gaiden definitely made sense to remake for 3DS considering it is basically a prequel to Awakening.


Not only that, but its kingdom setup is basically the same as Fates. Two kingdoms, one with plenty and peaceful, the other with little and warmongering.


So it ties into both games thematically and diegetically.


So I wouldn't be surprised to see more connections between the three games pop up.

At least from what I know of Gaiden this game will have more of a duality its kingdoms beyond good kingdom/bad kingdom, and there seems to be antagonists from both sides of the conflict. That was one of my biggest problems with Fates was the heavy bias towards Hoshidan characters.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 8:21 PM, potentate potato said:

At least from what I know of Gaiden this game will have more of a duality its kingdoms beyond good kingdom/bad kingdom, and there seems to be antagonists from both sides of the conflict. That was one of my biggest problems with Fates was the heavy bias towards Hoshidan characters.

And they gave a good reason for it. Rigel was already evil, but Zofia is a bunch of spoiled brats. Alm and Celica have their own individual routes, kind of like Eirika and Ephraim in Sacred Stones. You're playing both sides of the conflict, rather than choosing one over the other like in Fates.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 8:24 PM, Golihoot said:

I'm still pissy about how Hoshido was hardly the "good kingdom" and the characters were hardly the better people (not poorly written, just if they were real), yet the game sucks off Ryoma/Hoshido every chance it gets.



Gotta give a like for that Edea


  On 1/21/2017 at 8:56 PM, Shradow said:

I really like Alm's hair, it was one thing I immediately noticed upon seeing his new design. His armor, too, in general I like the armor designs I've seen so far.

Never forget that Alm sacrificed his ridiculously long codpiece for fabulous hair


On a more serious note I wonder if this game will have sprites and models that change like the original did (like if Alm was wielding a bow in his advanced class the sprite would change to reflect this). 


Speaking of classes I wonder how promotions and reclassing will work in this game compare to the original.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 9:42 PM, potentate potato said:

Never forget that Alm sacrificed his ridiculously long codpiece for fabulous hair

rip in peace


  On 1/21/2017 at 9:42 PM, potentate potato said:

On a more serious note I wonder if this game will have sprites and models that change like the original did (like if Alm was wielding a bow in his advanced class the sprite would change to reflect this). 


Speaking of classes I wonder how promotions and reclassing will work in this game compare to the original.

[spoiler=To answer all your questions bb]







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So instead of complicated items, we have to go to a statue to promote our units. SOLD! Saves space in the convoy.


  On 1/21/2017 at 4:17 PM, Phantom Roxas said:

Yeah, that sounds right. Calling back to the older games just helped audiences make a connection to the older games.



That opening video with them as children was so cute that I'm absolutely going to be shipping them.


I'm not sure if they'll have kids. As much as I like how Awakening and Fates did that, that might require too much of a change to Gaiden, and considering how kids are the result of S supports, it depends entirely on how the support system works.


The artists definitely have a lot of work to do, but judging by what we've seen so far, they've done a decent job of making them recognizably close to the original character while heavily updating them.

I know, it's sad that these two childhood friends have to be separated.


Yeah, we would have more than enough units when the two armies combine so the possibility of kid units would be overkill. 


I admit Celica's redesign is cool. I never played the original Gaiden, but this will be pretty cool. My guess is Sonya will be this game's Camilla or Tharja. Just my opinion. We can hope the warrior class does not suffer in terms of stats, however when they first started, they were pretty broken.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 1:54 PM, Astro Dude said:

So instead of complicated items, we have to go to a statue to promote our units. SOLD! Saves space in the convoy.


I know, it's sad that these two childhood friends have to be separated.


Yeah, we would have more than enough units when the two armies combine so the possibility of kid units would be overkill. 


I admit Celica's redesign is cool. I never played the original Gaiden, but this will be pretty cool. My guess is Sonya will be this game's Camilla or Tharja. Just my opinion. We can hope the warrior class does not suffer in terms of stats, however when they first started, they were pretty broken.

Going to a statue sounds like Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.


I'm thinking Sonya will be closer to Selena… um, the one from Sacred Stones, not Severa's Fates identity.


The Warrior class didn't exist until Genealogy of the Holy War, although they did add it into the Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem remakes, but that was because Fighters were in the original games, only they couldn't promote. In Gaiden, Alm was the only Fighter, like how Greil and Ike were the only Heroes of their respective games. So for me, the question would be whether or not the Warrior class even exists in the game.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 4:21 PM, Phantom Roxas said:

Going to a statue sounds like Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.


I'm thinking Sonya will be closer to Selena… um, the one from Sacred Stones, not Severa's Fates identity.


The Warrior class didn't exist until Genealogy of the Holy War, although they did add it into the Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem remakes, but that was because Fighters were in the original games, only they couldn't promote. In Gaiden, Alm was the only Fighter, like how Greil and Ike were the only Heroes of their respective games. So for me, the question would be whether or not the Warrior class even exists in the game.

It kinda does, but better than hauling around items in a cramped caravan. Kinda wonder, was the caravan unlimited in Awakening and Fates cause I think I saw a caravan with a 100-200 item limit in Radiant Dawn.


I was kinda thinking in terms of design, not stats. I mean, Tharja was basically a belly dancing dark mage and Camilla... well... I'm just saying there were 2(3) games with characters that pander to the male demographic. What if Sonya has Tharja's outfit?


Okay my bad on that.


On another note, if we choose Alm's story in Echoes does this mean we'll have to skip Celica's chapter?


All this, we'll have to wait and see.

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Awakening and Fates didn't any limit on the caravans, or if they did, it was so absurdly high that it didn't really matter.


Ah, then I could see Sonya being that in design. Though considering how this is a different artist from Awakening and Fates, maybe she won't be as… extreme?


I don't think it's split like in Sacred Stones. My impression is that you get to play both routes in a single walkthrough, where each chapter is divided between Alm's side and Celica's side.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 5:30 PM, Phantom Roxas said:

Awakening and Fates didn't any limit on the caravans, or if they did, it was so absurdly high that it didn't really matter.


Ah, then I could see Sonya being that in design. Though considering how this is a different artist from Awakening and Fates, maybe she won't be as… extreme?


I don't think it's split like in Sacred Stones. My impression is that you get to play both routes in a single walkthrough, where each chapter is divided between Alm's side and Celica's side.

I see, well that's good news.


You could be right. After all, we got two characters that pushed the rating, 3 if you count Charlotte. I doubt they need a fourth one.


Ah, That is great. It's almost like Radiant Dawn, you know the whole route thing. I can't wait to utilize some of the better characters. Think there are that are, broken?

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I doubt that we have another fanservice character in this game. First of all as someone who's pretty familiar with Hidari's work she doesn't tend to draw fanservice characters. Even then though the character designs from this game seem to be much more conservative that Kozaki's designs. Speaking of Sonya anybody else hoping that she'll stay a witch after we recruit her in this game? Considering Fates made the class playable recently I hope she'll get to keep it.


I'm also wondering how many new characters we'll get, and how much the plot will differ from the original Gaiden. I say this one because the other two remakes we've gotten have added new things as well as characters, and also well we've already seen a new character. They've added a 4th villager (were originally there were only 3) named Effie. I'm really curious to see how much they change from the original game.

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  On 1/23/2017 at 4:15 AM, potentate potato said:

I'm also wondering how many new characters we'll get, and how much the plot will differ from the original Gaiden. I say this one because the other two remakes we've gotten have added new things as well as characters, and also well we've already seen a new character. They've added a 4th villager (were originally there were only 3) named Effie. I'm really curious to see how much they change from the original game.

Well Fates and Awakening had around 40 per game. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where we end up with Echoes. When they remade Shadow Dragon, they added 7. If they add that amount to the 32 playable characters from Gaiden, that would put them at 39, which is the exact number each version of Fates had (excluding Revelations ofc). Though they'll probably only add an even number to make sure Celica and Alm have armies of equal size.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/3/2017 at 3:41 AM, Shradow said:

Oh sheet amiibo pre-orders: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/nintendo-amiibo-figure-alm-celica-2-pack/5746603.p?skuId=5746603#carousel-modal


EDIT: I wonder if this game will add Anna in any capacity, the original Gaiden is the only game she didn't make an appearance in.

Probably have her around if they add something like the Dragon's Gate in Fates for DLC

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Yup, and the lip brother bandits will harass her again if she's a dlc character. And the map will probably be the same.


I hope they add Phoenix mode for this too. I'm breezing through Fates because of it.


As for English voice cast, I think Johnny Yong Bosch should be Alm and Kira Buckland should be Celica.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Astro I wouldn't call this exactly "new information" but more along the lines of "new speculation".


In all honesty I think that the idea of not having the weapons triangle is going to be false despite the original game not having it. The weapons triangle along with perma-death is one of the things that is incredibly well known about the series. So to not have that is going to upset quiet a few fans. While he did mention that Mystery of the New Emblem never got an English release and also never had it- I distinctly remember there being a remake called "Shadow Dragons" which- let me look this up . . . .



*ten minutes later*

Okay I was wrong. "Shadow Dragon" is a remake of the original Fire Emblem, the first one of the series in Japan. That said "Shadow Dragon" did include the familiar weapons triangle. Considering that Shadow Dragons is a remake of an even older entry in the series, seriously it is a remake of the first entry, then I don't see why Echoes wouldn't have the weapons triangle either.


Again this is ALL speculation- from the video and my end.

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  On 3/3/2017 at 3:20 AM, Jake the Sage said:

Astro I wouldn't call this exactly "new information" but more along the lines of "new speculation".


In all honesty I think that the idea of not having the weapons triangle is going to be false despite the original game not having it. The weapons triangle along with perma-death is one of the things that is incredibly well known about the series. So to not have that is going to upset quiet a few fans. While he did mention that Mystery of the New Emblem never got an English release and also never had it- I distinctly remember there being a remake called "Shadow Dragons" which- let me look this up . . . .



*ten minutes later*


Okay I was wrong. "Shadow Dragon" is a remake of the original Fire Emblem, the first one of the series in Japan. That said "Shadow Dragon" did include the familiar weapons triangle. Considering that Shadow Dragons is a remake of an even older entry in the series, seriously it is a remake of the first entry, then I don't see why Echoes wouldn't have the weapons triangle either.


Again this is ALL speculation- from the video and my end.

I see. Also, it would be considered stupid for mages to lose HP every time they use a magic tome. Imagine how stupid it is for healers to ironically lose HP every time they heal their allies.


But I kinda wonder if they'll have tier 2 unit-- Oh wait...


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