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that reminds me, there's this weird glitch or something where if you delete a PM conversation without leaving it, you'll keep getting notifications whenever someone replies and theres no way to leave it because its already gone from your inbox. and you can't read it either because again, you've deleted it. sure hope they'll fix that soon, if not already

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that reminds me, there's this weird glitch or something where if you delete a PM conversation without leaving it, you'll keep getting notifications whenever someone replies and theres no way to leave it because its already gone from your inbox. and you can't read it either because again, you've deleted it. sure hope they'll fix that soon, if not already

This didn't happen to me, thankfully

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They weren't, it was just a bunch of image spam

You know what? F*ck you.


I knew it would be a terrible idea to even invite you to the group, but this takes it off the rails.


We, in good faith, invited you to a private group. The least you could of done was just politely leave the conversation if you wanted no part of it. Of course not, you just have to put the whole group on the spotlight. Then you insult us, of course you are one of the most notorious A-Grade holes in this sites history. We're not an "Image Spam Group", and it shows you clearly didn't read past the last page. You'll never understand the group nor should you, because fortunately for you and us, you will never be invited back anyways.

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