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Harpie Lady Profile

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Blackwing-Zephyros the Elite x1

Harpie Channeler x3

Harpie Dancer x3

Harpie Harpist x3

Harpie Lady x3

Harpie Queen x3

Harpie's Pet Dragon x1

Summoner Monk x2

Rescue Rabbit x1



Elegant Egotist x1

Divine Wind of Mist Valley x1

Harpie's Hunting Grounds x3

Hysteric Sign x3

Instant Fusion x2

Swallow's Nest x2



Harpie's Feather Storm x3

Hysteric Party x3

Icarus Attack x2


Extra Deck

Norden x1

Mavelus x1

Abyss Dweller x1

Daigusto Emeral x1

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon x1

Evilswarm Ouroboros x1

Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon x1

Ice Beast Zerofyne x1

Lightning Chidori x2

Number 11: Big Eye x1

Number 39: Utopia x1

Utopia the Lightning x1

Number 74: Master of Blades x1

Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon x1


Side Deck

Cyber Dragon Core x1

Droll & Lock Bird x1

Gamciel, the Snapping Turtle Kaiju x1

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1

Raigeki x1

Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x1

Imperial Iron Wall x1

Light-Imprisoning Mirror x1

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x1

Mistake x1

Non-Fusion Area x1

Skill Drain x1

Solemn Warning x1

Space-Time Trap Hole x1

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1

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Not an expert in Harpies but still, I think you got too many monsters there; 21 feels like a lot, and I'm questioning if Kuribandit is that necessary. I get that it can trigger excavated Harpists and grab a Spell/Trap, but it's still taking your Normal Summon and by activating at the End Phase it's a bit slow. I think Summoner Monks would be more helpful, by allowing you to put Level4s on board and discarding Signs for their 2nd effect. You could try only 1 Pet Dragon to cut on the monster count, too.


Also, no Divine Wind of Mist Valley? I thought it was a big player in Harpies.

Seeing Swallow's Nest in the main deck tempts me to suggest the WIND Barrier Statue, at the very least in the side Deck.

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I don't think so. AFAIK the most noteworthy Fusions are ABC-Dragon Buster and Eidolon Beasts/Invoked in OCG, but the former is a Contact Fusion rather than a proper Fusion Summon so I believe Non-Fusion Area can't stop it, and by the time TCG gets Eidolons, Zoodiacs will be around too, and those are a much bigger threat and the ones that should get your attention in side Decking; not to mention that both rely on banishing along Infernoids, so Imperial Iron Wall/Artifact Lancea should be better side Deck calls. Then again, a Red-Eyes did end in the top in a recent OCG tournament, and it is a bit Fusion-based, but seems it was more of a rogue deck that happened to reach that far.

In short, there are better things to side in than Non-Fusion Area, IMO.

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