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'Tells' in Body Language

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I've been watching the videos from a particular interpreter of body language called Bombard's Body Language. She has some biases and can lean towards sensationalism-for-views at times, but the idea is pretty fascinating nonetheless that people use certain subtle movements when accessing parts of the brain, indicating their general state of mind, asserting power, etc. She does videos on a number of interesting political or otherwise public figures including Obama, Trump, HRC, Soros, Putin, Al-Assad, La Pen, Alex Jones, Martin Shkreli, Kim Jung Un, etc. Check her out, tell me if you know of other interpreters, or if body language interpretation is something you've looked into to any degree.



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Well, a teacher of me once noticed that I often keep my arms crossed (it's sort of my "neutral stance") and explained to me that it was a symbol of being a closed person and being afraid of others. I still think about it to this day (since the arms thing is quite real for me, I tend to not do people) so I often find myself studying the habits of people close to me and find any interesting signs in their body language.

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