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[ANIME] Supreme King Servant Dragon Dark Rebellion

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Supreme King Servant Dragon Dark Rebellion
Rank 4
ATK/DEF 2500/2000
Lore: 2 Level 4 DARK Monsters
If an Xyz Monster is Xyz Summoned to your opponent's field while you control "Supreme King Dragon Zarc", you can Xyz Summon this card. Monsters your opponent controls cannot target Xyz Monsters for attacks, except this one. When this card battles an opponent's monster, during damage calculation (in either player's turn): You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target the opponent's battling monster; its ATK becomes 0, and if it does, this card gains that lost ATK. These changes last until the End Phase. During either player's turn: You can return this card to the Extra Deck; Special Summon 2 "Supreme King Servant Dragon" monsters from your Graveyard, and if you do, the ATK of all Xyz Monsters your opponent currently controls become 0.

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Its quite freighting as a Xyz Monster since outside of Zarc decks it can still detach a Xyz Materials to do massive damage when it attacks. Still with Darkvrm it allows for it to retreat when it runs out of Xyz Materials, just hope we get more Main Deck Servant Monsters that can work with this and the other soon to be revealed Zarc version of Clear Wing, Odd-Eyes and Starve Venom.

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Its quite freighting as a Xyz Monster since outside of Zarc decks it can still detach a Xyz Materials to do massive damage when it attacks. 

Especially since PK have a certain semi-generic RUM.

just hope we get more Main Deck Servant Monsters that can work with this and the other soon to be revealed Zarc version of Clear Wing, Odd-Eyes and Starve Venom.

Clear Wing is already confirmed, Odd-Eyes is listed in previews, so Starve Venom is all but assured.

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Why on earth does that attack draining effect target though.


Because it's broken af in the anime combined with Zarc and would be even more broken if it didn't?



I find it funny that this card is essentially Requiem but better (well in the sense of the anime, IRL that's a whole different story). Can't wait to see how they break clear wing's next week.

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So basicly this card is Zarc's answer to the assumption that he has nothing going for him after already summoning his ace. The idea of adding glorified "heavenly" dragons to the supreme king arsenal ... sadly the preview hints them not getting a tuner due to clear wing apparently having a similar clause to nirvana.

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