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Fusion Recycling Plant

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Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. Once per turn, during the End Phase: You can target 1 monster in your Graveyard that was used as a Fusion Material for a Fusion Summon this turn; add it to your hand.


Recycling Poly is amazing, being able to pitch dead Terraforming for poly is amazing. TCG gets another amazing exclusive is all



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Yeah, and this card's effect doesn't seem to have any restrictions.


The restriction is that good fusion decks don't want to dedicate 4-6 spaces to a card that does nothing. Pretty much every good Fusion deck ever has relied on Fusion Spells other than generic Poly, and the ones that do run it use King of the Swamp anyway. Adding a card back is nice, but again, all good Fusion decks go plus while fusing anyway so it's win harder at best, utterly worthless at worst. It's good in bad fusion decks, bad in good fusion decks.

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The restriction is that good fusion decks don't want to dedicate 4-6 spaces to a card that does nothing. Pretty much every good Fusion deck ever has relied on Fusion Spells other than generic Poly, and the ones that do run it use King of the Swamp anyway. Adding a card back is nice, but again, all good Fusion decks go plus while fusing anyway so it's win harder at best, utterly worthless at worst. It's good in bad fusion decks, bad in good fusion decks.

wtf way that all about you can use this in preda and ll right m8?
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It is alright, it maintains advantage and makes lunalight playable ... that being said ... it is slow, very, very slow. Edit: This should not be understood as me not liking the card, however the "Yo w8ut m8 lik3 broken, ban pls, some m8ta deck could br8k it" kind of "argument" gets boring after a while.

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Sounds pretty good to me.


At the very least it'll encourage an Elemental HERO variant that runs non-Masked fusions.

I wanna try this with Necroshade recycling so I can Normal Summon Neos every turn. Or recycle Shadow Mist every turn as fodder or a random Twin Twister's discard, all while getting the searches.

Or Fluffals, because iirc those do run Poly, and arguably want it more than their own Miracle Fusion.


Can't say for sure how much competitive impact it is gonna get, but it sure has potential and it sure looks like a lot of fun.

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This card really, really makes me wish we had some more versatile or cheaper roid Fusions, as out of the current 2-mats only UFOroid Fighter can get at all decent ATK without Power Bond and Ambulance Rescueroid's effect is sadly almost useless with only 2300 to protect itself. Being able to return Expressroid after fusing with it would be very awesome.


Still going to try it out though! Another way of getting Polymerization is fine by me.


EDIT: It doesn't seem all that bad with UFOroid Fighter seeing as there are lots of good Warriors to return to hand (probably Honesty Neos)

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I kind of like this. Mostly because Fluffal can probably use it decently. Whether it's worth using...mmm...probably not, actually. They have the card advantage to spare to search a Poly or retrieve one, and retrieving a Material used in a Fusion during the End Phase is very nice...but I don't think this offers them anything that Fusion Recovery doesn't already do better.

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